248612 � - 1 , f 248�,�2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. Resolution App�oving Assessment By— and Fizing Time of Hearing Thereon File No. 17250 � In the matter of the assessment of benefits, co�ts and expenses for gradiag and surfacing with bit�minous material aud construct ccncrete curb s�d gutter on MARIOM STREET from Nebraska Aven�e to Larpenteur Avenne, HOYT AVENt1E fram Marivn Street to Rice Street, and� �TOODBRID6E STREET from Hoyt Avenne to �lheelock Parlcway. Also construct water service connections and scywer service connections on MARIOI� STREET frcm Nebras&a Avenue te Larpenteur Avenue aAd WOODBRIDGE STREBT frc�a Hoyt Avdnue to Wheelock Park- ��y. 237326 February 28, 1968 237327 February 28, 19i8 237325 February 2$, 1968 under Preliminary Order 23732$ ,approved Febrnary 28, 1968 � Intermediary Order 239014 ,approve� June 11, 1968 -� Fina1 Order 239385 ,approved July 10, 1968 The asaessment o� beaefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted ta the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satiafactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said asseasment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLYE�D FURTHER�, That a public hearing be h�d an sa.id assessment on the 28th day of MaX., 1970 . , at th� hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the �ouncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natice of said meetings, as required by the Chaxter, atating in said notice the time a.nd place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assesaed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNGILMEN p�R 2!! 1910 Y� Ca r I s:� : Nays Adogted by the Gouncil . Dalg'; : APR 2 '1 1970 Mere�:: ' � Peter�>� ' Spra;�� � Ap ve� Tedes�c � BY�ne In Favor ' � Mayor Against �B��SHED MAY 21970 Form R-2 2M 19-88 8�