248603 � . �`�Vl��t�,� _ . INTfRMEDIARY ORDER �O�JNCIL FILE NO: ' By : j File No. ° S 9088 In �he MattQr o€ reconstructing the sideMalk on both sides of E. Minnahaha pve. ` fr� Frant St: to Earl St. and bq doing all other �rk which is aeceseary and incidental to cvsplete said i�prov�ment.' . under Preliminary Order ` 24�825�_ , approvecl' April 7; 1970 _ ,. .; _ • The Council of the City of St. Paul haying received the report of the Commisa�arier of Fit�ance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That the said report and the same.is hereby approved and adopted, and the said 'unprovement . is here}sy ordered to be proceeded with. ` . 2. That the na,ture of the improvement which the Couneil reeommends is to r�cons trnct the si,�lawalk on both a ides of E. Mit�nehaha Ave. fr� �'raak S t. to .8ar1 St. and b�► doin� all other work�ich is aecesaary and incidestal ta ce�plcte aaid �aproveaeat, eacept where good aad sufficieat-po�rei:_�.3de�alk�--aar=-exis.t.� . - - with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is 3.80 per 1 ii►. f t. f mr 5' wa lk � 4.6� pnr l .n. ft. f�r 6' walk Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 27 th day of Ma,X,. 197� ' , at the hour of 10 o'cloek l4.M., in the Coun.c� Cham�er of the Court House and City Hall Build�ng in the City of St. Paul. Th�t the Commisaioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter; stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as �stimated. COUNCILMEN AP>R 2 � ��O Yeas N�ys ' Adopted by the Cou�ci� Carison : �R 2 9 197� Da igl ish Approvecl : Meredith � Peterson Tn Favor Sprafka Mayor 7edesco � . Byr.ne against Pl1BlISHED MAY 21970 6-66_YM ��.:�1,