249948 � 2�9��8 ORIGINAL TO CI7Y CLERK ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL N0, 249350 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SSDONE Leonard W. Levine DATF AuQust 4, 1970 In the matter of constructing an ornamental lighting systein on SEVENTH STREET WEST from Davern Street to Snelling Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. 248427, approved April 15, 1970. RESOLVED, t�1at the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as subniitted by t'_�e Co�nmissioner of Yublie Utilities, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, that t>>e Commissioner of Public Utilities be and is liereby directed to do tne work by City Foreea at an estin�ated construction cost of $7,280.00 plus Engineering Cost and Inspection Cost of $730.00, plus Finance Charges of $172.00, or a total of $8,18Z.O�, a11 of which is to be financed by Assess❑ient, �G 4 1970 CO ILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas ������ Nays �i+�� � ��� Carlson • � � rove� 19— Meredi _�n Favor �eir-- Sprafk2 ✓ Mayor C..�� A gainst F��lrara�^ Mr. President, L°UB�ISHED AU G 8 1970 �� ����-�� -�� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER �- �- CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. 2r�Q�ti� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �onard We L$'{1�T1@ DATE �� tr�t � 1�7� COMMISSIONER � —a In� the rrsatter of canat�ucting an ornan�ent�l lighting rryoCem on SEV�I�TI�i STR�1�T i�3T from Davsrn Street to 5nelling Av�nuey under Frnliminary Order C.F, Z48427, appraved �ipril 15, 1970. RESOLV$D, that the plans and �pecifications for the above named in�pravemmnt, es submttted by t��e Commiosionsr af Public Utilitie�, be and the same are hereby approveed and be it further �ffitiLVED, that td�e Cocna�ia�ion�r of Peiblic Uti�.ities be and ia izereby dirscted to do ti�e �aork by City F�rcea at an estirUatecl construation �a��t of $7,�80.00 plus Engineering Cast a�d Ir►ap�cti�n Cost of �730.00, plus Fin�na� �hsrgeo of $I72.mt?, or a Cotal of $8,1�2.00, a11 0� arhich ia to be financed by A�sesament� ��g ^ xbF�. M COUN LMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � ,/�� Nays . � ar7s��"� L � � Approved 19— Meredit 'L�"�� Tn Favor � Mayor Sprafku Against � �/1 '�G- Mr. Preaident �'� �