249946 ORIGINAI{TO CITY CL6RK ���9��� j� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO: , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, Mrs. Leonare Ericson has requested permission to connect her homestead at 1539 West Hoyt Avenue, Falcon Heights, the same being Except the East 32; Lot 4 and Except the West 12; Lot 3, Block 8 Northome 2nd Addition, Ramsey Cour�ty, Minnesota, to the sewer syst�n of the City of Saint paul, in Hoyt Avenue, for the disposal of sanitary sewage, and regulating the conditions thereo�'; and \ WHEREAS, The connection of her homestead to the sewer system of �, the City of Saint Paul as soan as possible is a matter of extreme �rgency and necessity to said Mrs. Leonore Ericson; and WHEREAS, An ordinance, C. F. No. �`�J��5 granfiing per- mission to said Mrs. Leonore �ricson to procee rr t the connection of her homestead to the sewer system of the City of Saint Paul has been p►�paredl� introduced to the Council of the City of Saint Paul on A�IU 4 , 1970, and has been read b fore the City Coancil, wi t eventua a opt on set to occur on AUG 1 9 1�70 , 1970; now, therefore, be it �ESOLYED, That tn view of the extreme urgency of the request, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to Mrs. Leonore Ericson fnr the connect�on of her home- stead to the sewer system of the City of Saint Paul,� in Hoyt Avenue, for the dispasal of sanitary s�rag�,_ and regulating the conditions thereof, subject to the same �� r�d requirements as set out in the ordinance, C. F. No. , pendi�g before the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in orma approval of said connection being hereby given in anticipation of the final adoption of said ordinance. FO A�'P V . . Cor ati unsel Al1G 4 ]��.0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AUG 4 �'7Q Butler Gaxlson � Approved 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka (J Mayor A gainst -T.eE�esee----- Mr. President, McCarty g 1970 PUBLISHED AU G �O � � �, o���,�,,�,��,� 249G�6 CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa N�. � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PReS TED 6Y COM�SSIONER , DA WHEREAS, Mrs. Leonore Ericson has requeste� perr�lssion to connect her homestead at 1539 We�t Noyt Avern�e, Falcon Heights. the same being Except the East 32; Lot 4 and Except the 4�est 12; Lot 3, 81ock 8 I�orthome 2nd Addition. Ramsey County, Minnesota, to the sewer syatem of the City of Saint Paul, in Hoyt Avenue, for the disposal of sanitary serrdge, and reguta�ting the c.�u�dltions thereof= and WHEREAS, The connection of h�► homestee� to the s�wwer systen of the City of Saint Paul as soon as possible is a matter of extreme urgency and necessity to sald Mrs. Leonore Ericson; and WHEREAS, An ordinance, C. F. No. � granLtng per- . 49� mission to said Mrs. Leonore Ericson tow—cee�C w��i the connectlon of hen c��nestead to the sewer system of th�e City of Saint Paul has been pre red r�c� introduced to the Councll of the City of Saint Paul on A 4 �970 19T0, and has been read befQ g the City Council, wi eren ua a oa`p��'on set to occur on AUG 1 9 jy�U , 197�; now, therefore, be it ""-""' ""'-""� RESOLVED, That in vlew of the extre�ne urgency of the request, the Caamisstoner of Public Works is hereby authorized a�nd directed to issue a permit to t�1rs. Leonore Ericson for the connection of her home- stend to the sewer system of the City of Sa�int Paul, in Hoyt Avenas, ; for the disposal of sanitary sewage, and regulating the condltions thereof, sub�ect to the same �i and requirements ns set out 1n the ordinance, C. F. No. J pending before the Council ot the City of Saint Paul, in orn� approval of said cor�nection baing hereby given in anticipation of the finat edoption of sald ordinance. � � �� COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Cotmc3� 19—. Yeas Nays Bu�� AA�t�;lG � 4 1970 Carlson Approvejid. 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Spraflia ��r �Against a.Te�esee--� Mr. President, McCarty ��