249943 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK � ��`y y��� CITY OF ST. PAUL co�NC�� � ��J�Jr ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F• S rafka COMMISSIONE • p,rE APPROVAL OF PLANS RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted for grading and surfacing with bituminous material the a11ey in EVA'S REARRANGEMENT from Farrington Street to Elfelt Street (G-1943) under Preliminary Order 248113, approved March 13, 1970 and Final Order 24g150, approved June 4. 197�. Also, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the east-west alley in T. B. S(�hIMER'S ADDITION from the north-south alley to Farrington Street and the north-south ailey in T. B. Sommer's Addition from the east-west alley to Orange Avenue (G-1938) under Preliminary Order 246912, approved January 8, 1970 and Final Order 248480, approved April 21 , 1970. -------� Also, grading and surfacing with bituminous material the ailey in BLK. 3, RICE ST. VILLAS from Idaho Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue and idaho Avenue to a width of 16 feet from Marion Street to the alley in said BLK. 3 (G-1911) under Preliminary Order 247226, approved January 29, 1970, and Final Order 248370, approved April 14, 1970, be and the same are hereby approved and the Corrunissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to order said work done under Pubiic Works Contract No. 70-G-ig4g; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of the above improvement including engineering and inspection expenses to be included with the assessment against benefited property. AUG 4 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays sutler �G 41970 Caxlson � Approve�l 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor A gainst Mr. President, McCarty �O ��0 � �n$HED AU G 81970 � �$t�. �+►��� � �� � �49r4 DV►LIG'R TO lRIN7�R � CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�OMM�ISSIONEt RiOb�i'L R. Sprafka nAre �.i �.'i.'���� RE�OLYED, That th� pl ans and sp�c i f i cat tons as subn�i ttsel for g�adi n9 and surfaeinq vltb bit�winous �t�fi�l tM sll in EYA'S R�ARRAM�El�MT fraw Rarrin9ton Strs�t to Elf�lt St�at (6-1943� und�� ProitmiAary Ord�r 248113, approvid Msrch 13. 1970 and Final Ord�r 249150. �rawd .iw�s 4, 1970. Aiso, 9radin9 snd surfactng with bitua�ino� wt�rial tM Nst•v�t all�y In T. Q. S�WER'S ADDITION fro� th� farth-south slln/ to Rirrin�t� BtrMt and t!N north-south ail tn T. d. Scaa�r's Addltion fr� t!N Mst-w�st ali�y to Ar�gs Awnw (6-193i� undsr Pr�t tmi nsry 0rd�r 2h691 Z, approv�d Jsnw ry $, 1970 and Final O�d�� Y48480. spprowd Ap�tt 21. 1970. Also. grsding and surf°acing with bttuninous �t�riai ti� •t l�y t� BtJ�. 3, RI CE ST. YI LLAS f raa 1 daho Awnus to Larpa�ta�� Av�nw and ldaho Awnw to a Ni dth of 16 f�t f e�am M�r I on St��at to ths a i l�r i n sa i d Bt,K. � (6-1911) unds� �r�liwinary Ordsr 247�6� approwd Jsnuary 29, 1970. and Rinai Crd�r Ta8370. approv�d Apri 1 14, 1970, b� and th� sa�rs a�e t►�rrby app�o�r�d a�d th� Caiwissivn�� of Pubiic Wo�ks Is hsreby dir�ctsd t0 ord�r sald vrork do��s u�dar P�blia Morks Cont�act No. 70-fi-1949; !� it FtIRTttER RBSOLYED, That tta cost of ths abov� I�prov�nt inel�tng �gi n�s�i ep and i e�psct i o� �ocpsns�s to b� f ncl ud� M i th th� ass+rsarnt a�l nst b�f 1 t�d property. �, ty ��t0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»ri�1 19_. Yeas Naya � � 1�1� Butler Caxlson Apprnv�l 19— Levine Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka �.Aga3nat m"a�+�— °---"=_ Mr. President, MeCarty �9