249939 ' - . ;���� �9
RESOLVED� the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
that pursuant to the provis ions of Chap ter 459, Laws of
Minnesota for 1967� Regular Session� as amended by Chapter
1070 and Chapter 1138, Laws of Minn.esota for 1g69, there
shall be issued and sold general obligation bonds of the
City in the aggregate par value amount of Thirteen Million
Dollars (�13,000,000) for the purpose of procurement by
the City of funds in said amount to be used by the City to
construct, reconstruct, remodel and equip the Civic Center
and to acquire land therefor; be it
FURTFlER RESOLVED' That of said bonds the aggregate
par value amount of Three Million Dollars (�3� 000�000) shall
be issued and sold pursuant to theprovisions of Section 1
of Chapter 459, Laws of Minnesota for 1967, Regular Session,
as amended by Section 1 of Chapter 1070, Laws of Minnesota
for 1g69, and in accordance with Chapter 475, Minnesota
Statutes ig69, and said bonds in the aggregate par value
amount of Three Million Dollars (�3� 000�000) hereby author-
ized to be issued and sald shall be designated, "Civic
Center Bonds, Series 1970A" ; and be it
v FURTHER RESOLVED, That of said bonds , the aggregate
o par value amount of Ten Million Dollars (�10,000,000) shall
p c� be issued and sold pursuant to the provisions of Section 2
� � of Chapter 459, Laws of Minnesota for, i96'�, Regular 5ession�
'� as amended by Section 2 of Chapter 10'70, Laws of Minnesota
�`o` for 1969, and in accordance with Chapter 475, Minnesota
a o Statutes 1969, and said bonds in the aggre ate par value
� amount of Ten Million Dollars (��.0,000,000� hereby aut`hor-
� H ized to be issued and sold shall be designated, "Civi�c
� Center Bonds � Series 1970B" ; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That that portion of the gross
revenues derived by the City or the Civic Center Authority
by or through the ownership, possession, operat�.on, manage-
ment or control of the civic center remaining after deducting
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson • Approve� 19�
Levine _�n Favor
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco - A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
, � ' ���Jv �J
Page 2.
the expenses of operating and maintaining the civic center,
excluding depreciation, are hereby pledged for the repayment
of the Civic Center Bonds , Series 1970B; that said bonds
shall be the general obligations of the City of Saint Paul
for which the full faith and credit of said City shall be
pledged; and that the council shall levy in each year in
the manner in which the other taxes of the City of Saint
Paul are levied, a direct general ad valorem tax, witYiout
limitation of rate or amount , upon all the taxable prop�erty
within the City sufficient to raise an amount which together
with the revenues from the civic center and other moneys
which will be available therefor will be sufficient to pay
the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same be-
come due and payable ; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That said bonds ; in the aggregate
par value amount of Thirteen Million Dollars (�13, 000, 000)
shall be in the denomination of Five Thousand Dollars
(�5,000) ; that said bonds shall bear a rate of interest
not to exceed seven percent (7°�0) per annum, payable semi-
annually on the first day of February and the first day
of August, according to the interest coupon,s to be attached
to said bonds ; that said bonds shall bear date the first
day of August, 1970; that said bonds shall be issued and
sold by the City of Saint Paul in the manner provided by
law; that said bonds shall be serial in form and shall
mature serially in each of the years and in the amounts
as follows :
Date of Maturity Series 19'70A Series 19'70B Total
August �., �.973 � 90, 000. 00 � 300, 000.00 � 390,000.00
August 1, 1974 90,000.00 300, 000. 00 390,000. 00
August 1, 19'75 100, 000.00 300,000.00 400, 000. 00
August 1, i9'76 100,000. 00 300,000.00 400, 000. 00
August 1, 1977 100, 000. 00 350, 000. 00 450,000.00
August 1, 1978 100,000.00 350, 000.00 450, 000.00
August 1, 197g �05,000.00 350, 000.00 455�, 000. 00
August 1, lgso so5, 000.00 350,000.00 455, 000. 00
August 1, 1981 105 , 000. 00 350, 000.00 455, 000.00
August �, 1982 105, 000. 00 350, 000.00 455, 000.00
August �, �.g83 105, 000. 00 350, 000. 00 45� ,000.00
August 1, 1g84 �.05,000. 00 350, 000.00 455,000. 00
August 1, 1g85 i10, 000.00 350, 000.00 460, 000. 00
August 1, 1986 110,000. 00 350, 000.00 460, 000. 00
August 1, 198'7 110, 000.00 350, 000.00 460, 000.00
August 1, 1988 110, 000. 00 350,000.00 460, 000. 00
August 1, 1989 110, 000. 00 350, 000.00 460, 000.00
August 1, 1990 110, 000. 00 350, 000.00 460, 000. 00
• . • • � , ���i�� '�''�,,�
• '� ;�'v
Page 3.
Date of Maturity Series 1970A Series 1970B Total
August 1, 1gg1 110,000. 00 350,000.00 460,000.00
August 1, 1gg2 110, 000.00 350, 000.00 460, 000. 00
August 1, i993 110, 000. 00 400,000. 00 510,000.00
August 1, i994 110, 000. 00 400, 000. 00 510, 000. 00
August 1, i995 115, 000. 00 400, 000.00 5�5, 000. 00
August 1, 1996 115, 000. 00 400, 000.00 515, 000. 00
August 1, 1997 ��5, 000. 00 400, 000. 00 5�5 , 000. 00
August 1, 1998 115, 000.00 400,000.00 515, 000.00
August 1, 1999 115, 000.00 400, 000. 00 51� ,000.00
August 1, 2000 115 , 000.00 400, 000.00 515 ,000.00
TOTALS �3, 000.000.00 �10, 000,000.00 �13,000,000.00
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the bonds of each series maturing
on and after August 1, 1981 shall be subject to redemption by
the City of Saint Paul , in whole or in part, in the inveirse
order of their maturities , on August 1, 1980, or on any interest
payment date thereafter, at the principal amount thereof, plus
interest accrued thereon to the date of redemption, together
with a premium expressed in a percentage of the principal amount
of bonds redeemed as shown below:�
Period Premium
On Augu st 1, 1980, to and
including February 1 , 1g86 2-%2�0
On August 1, 1986, to and
including February 1, 1991 2fo
On August 1, 1991, to and
including February 1, i996 1-1/2�0
The reafter 1�0
and be it
FUR.THER RE50LVED, That if less than all of the bonds of
a series maturing on the same date are called for redemption,
the bonds so called shall be selected by lot . Notice of redemption
shall be given by publication of a notice of redemption once in
a daily newspaper of general circulation or in a daily financial
paper, published in New York, New York , and printed in the English
language , and once in a daily or weekly periodical published in
a Minnesota city of the first class , or its metropolitan a�'ea,
and printed in the English language, which circulates throa�ghout
. ." " . . . . ���4�9
Page 4,
the State and furnishes financial news as a part of its service ,
such notice to be published not less than thirty nor more than
forty-five days prior to the date fixed for redempt'ion, and if
such notice shall have been given and payment there�of duly made
or provided for, interest thereon shall cease from and after the
date so fixed for redemption; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That said �13,000, 000 par value bonds
to be issued for purposes as hereinbefore set forth shall be
in substantially the following form, which has been prepared
by the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation
Counsel of the City of Saint Paul , and is hereby approved and
Series 19'70A �r: Series 19'70B7
No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �5,000.00
Paul , in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, ack-
nowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby prom-
ises to pay to Bearer the sum of Five Thousand and no�100
Dollars (�5, 000.00) on the first day of August , . . . . . . . . . ,
together with interest thereon from the date hereof until
paid at the rate of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per centum per annum,
payable semi-annually on the first days of February and
August in each year as evidenced by and upon the presenta-
tion and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they
severally become due. Both principal of and interest on
this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States
of America at the office of the Fiscal Agent of the City
of Saint Paul , in either Saint Paul , Minnesota, or New
York, New York, at the option of the holder; and for the
prompt payment of this bond , both principal and interest,
when due , the full faith and credit of the City of Saint
Paul are irrevocably pledged.
"The bonds of the series of bonds of which this bond
is one maturing on and after August 1, 1981, are subjeCt
to redemption by the City of Saint Paul , in whole or in
part, in the inverse order of their maturities , on August
1, 1980, or on any interest payment date thereafter, at
the principal amount tY�ereof, plus interest accrued thereon
to the date of redemption, together with a premium expressed
, . �`-���� :)�
. . �
Page 5.
in a percentage of the principal amount of bonds redeemed
as shown below:
Period Premium
On August 1, 1g80, to and
including Februa ry 1 , 1986 2-1/2�0
On August 1, i986, to and
including February 1, 1991 2%
On August 1 , 1991, to and
including February 1, i996 1-%2�/0
The reaf ter 1�0
If less than all the bonds of a maturity are called for
redemption, the bonds so called shall be selected by lot .
Notice of redemption shall be given by publication of a
notice of redemption once in a daily newspaper of gener al
circulation or in a daily financial paper, published in
New York, New York, and printed in the English language ,
and once in a daily or weekly periodical published in a
Minnesota city of the first elass , or its metropolitan
area, and printed in the English language, 'which circulates
throughout the State and furnishes financial news as a
part of its service , such notice to be published not less
than thirty nor more than forty-five days prior to the
date fixed for redemption, and if such notice shall have
been given and payment hereof duly made or provided for,
interest hereon shall cease from an d after the date so
fixed for redemption.
"This bond is one of a series of bonds issued and
sold by said City of Saint Paul , in the aggregate par
value amount of Three Million Dollars (�3, 000, 000) ,
�en Million Dollars (��;0,000, 000) (in the case of
Series 1g�OB7 to procure the necessary funds in said
amount to be used by the City to construct , reconstruct,
remodel and equip its Civic Center and to acquire land
therefor, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 459,
Laws of Minnesota for 1967 , Regular Session, as amended.
"This bond is issued and sold by said City of Saint
Paul under and by authority of Section 1 �ection 2 (in
the case of Series i97oB7 of said Chapter 459, Laws of
Minnesota for 1967 , Regular Session, as amended, under
and by authority of a duly adopted resolution of the
Council of the City of Saint Paul , and in full compliance
with said State statute , as amended, said Resolution, the
Charter of the City of Saint Paul , as applicable , and
Chapter 475 , Minnesota Statutes 1g69.
�L��� :l�
, ' . " w .
Page 6.
�he following paragraph to be inserted here in the case of
Series 1970B bonds :
"The bonds of the series of bonds of which this bond
is one are additionally secured by a pledge of the revenues
derived by the City or the Civic Center Authority of the City
by or through the ownership, possession, operation, management
or control of the Civic Center remaining after deducting the
expenses of operating and maintaining the Civic Center, e�—
cluding depreciation. "s]
"This bond may be exchanged for a fully registered bond
at the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul ,
109 City Hall , Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102, at the expense of
the holder.
"It is hereby certified and recited that all things�
acts and conditions required by the Constitution and Laws
of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to
happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the
issuance of this bond have happened and have been done
and performed in regular and due form and time as required
by law, and that the total indebtedness of said City, in—
cluding this bond, does not exceed any constitutional ,
statutory, or charter limitatio�.. .
"IN WI TNESS WHEREOF, the said City of Saint Paul
by its Council has caused this bond to be sealed by the
facsimile of its Official Seal , lithographed herepn,
to be signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of
its Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimile signature
of its City Clerk, and countersigned manually by its
Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons hereto
attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile
signatures of said officers , .as of the first day of
August, 1970.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attest : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Clerk
Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Comptroller
No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"On. the first day of February� 19. . . � (unless the Bond
� . ;����c �c�
. _ , _
Page 7.
hereinafter mentioned shall be subject to prior redemption
and shall have theretofore been duly called for previous
redemption and payment of the redemption price duly made
or provided for) , the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota,
promises to ay to bearer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dollars
(�. . . . . . . . . .� at the office of the Fiscal Agent of the
City of Saint Paul , in either Saint Paul , Minnesota, or
New York, New York, at the option of theholder , for
interest due that day on its Civic Center Bond , Series
19'70A �r 1970B7, dated as of Augu st 1, 1970, Nch .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attest : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :
City Clerk
Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Comptroller "
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That each said bond shall be sealed
by the facsimile of the Official Seal of the City of Saint
Paul lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed fac-
simile signature of the Mayor, attested by the lithographed
facsimile signature of the City Clerk, and countersigned
manually by the City Comptroller, in accordance with Section
475 . 55, Minnesota Statutes ig6g, and the interest coupons
thereto attached shall be executed by the lithographed fac-
simile signatures of said officers ; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That sealed proposals be received in
the office of the City Comptroller in the City Hall and Court
House Building, in the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, up to
10:00 o ' clock A.M. (C.D.T. ) , August 1g, 1970, for the sale of
all or none of said bonds, after giving due notice of sa.id
sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the St. Paul Legal
Ledger, the official newspaper of said City, and in the
Commercial West, a financial periodical published in the
State of Minnesota; that each bidder shall be required to
accompany his bid by a certified or cashier ' s check for two
percent (2�0) of the amount of bonds bid for, which will be
forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are
not taken and paid for when ready for delivery; that the
City Comptroller shall , at the next meeting after receiving
said bids , present the same to the Council for their action
OR161NAk,TO Ci�lf CLBRK ����7�9
P�age 8.
thereon; and that said bonds shall be awarded to the person
offering the lowest net interest cost therefor to the City�
not exceeding seven percent (7%) per annum.
�;�� � 1970
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19—
Yeas Nays ����`A r� �9��
Carlson ve 19—
n Favor
Sprafka G �
� A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
1ttsOLYl�D. H�r Lt►• ca�ro i 1 0! t�• ai tr st salat Paa 1.
tdrt prrnRa*i to ttar pro�ri�los� ot Cbapt�r�9, I.��� pi
Mim��ts ��r i96T. 1�i+�lar �a►�riau►„ y a�sd�Q bp Crapt�r
�t'TO a� C�apt�r ii38, La�r� oi Ninnioet+a tor 1969, tl�s�
r�►al! 1N �s�N� aad �old gea�rai oD23swtiv� DoaQ• 0! thi
Cit� i� t!�• a�r���t� p�ar rra2n� +�onat ot �irt��s Miliion
Dollars (��3,a►oot000) ior thr purpo�� at proonr�ut by
tl�s C�t�► ot :�. in r�si.a r+�aat to b+r ar.4 Dy t4. ci�y ta
oautruots r�oo�sl�rna�tf r�soetel a�! •qnip ti►e Citi� C�at�r
aed to aaq�ir� la�t #�es�►tas� � ft
�"tTR'l�1t 1t881fL�nt Th�t �! ssid boad• t�he �;�rs;s��►
psx �alo� a�onaL oi Tbra+r �[illios Dollar� {�3,�,�4) s�h►sil
b�r i�sti�rd �sd iold p�►►rr�rt #o tir pro�ri�iusa o! �ation i
ot CAapt�* �►S9, �.i►wa +�i !lieu�salr !or i9b�, ��lar S��sio�t�
aa a�a�ed�i b�► S�dttoa i �r!' C�pta�s 10?4, L�rs o!' Ml�r�ota
!or i969, aid is aooas�aQe� �rif� C►apt�r �?S, Mi��sta
ststrt�• l969� +�d r�i+� Ooa�t� is th� a�r��at� pa�r nalw
aarst �t i'tr+r� M�illioa Doll�rs (�3,OOQ,000) l�rr�►�r s�lha►r-
is�d te 1� i�swa �M iai+t stiutll 4� A�si�at�a, "Ci�ie
C�at�r 'oa��, S�ri�� iq7�A�� a�d � it
��a R�CaOLY�, 'T�at ot �aid Doa�a. th�► a�,�aE�
pa►r �alrr� roaa� o! !ia �ii 1 ior pol lasr (=io,�ti.00t�j r1ar11
b� iaaso�i a�d �slA p�cr�raat t�o thr pseti�io�ur oi ��oties �
at Chapt�r ��9, Lar� Qt Mit�saota ter i96�* lt��lar �risiaa,
ia aM��i �► Srvtio�► �t ot �tirtpt�s 1A70,� Lav� �ot Mla�a►�ota
i�r i9f9, a�t la �eoorda�r• with Clu�pt�s 41Sr Mi�r�a`�
litatut+�• 19b4, a�d said bo�d� ia t�ur u;s� a�� psr *siw
�aw�tut ot !�e ![i l�i+�a �al iar� �#�O,tiO4,0t�0� !ur r�ir�r adtbQr-
is�d t� bo isa�+1 �u�rd �old ��rall i� a��i;srs`�d; �Cirrlo
C�at�r ,o�da, l�si�� i9?�fl'� as� 1� i�L
!t�'i8� R�iBi�L.YED, '�at t�f portioa o! #i� pr+r�i
r���w• �ari�nd M�► � Cf ty or �a Cl.�rio C��t�r J1�iRtbor#ty�
ir�r ot ,tLrss�M tba o�es�arsbiP, Pa����ios. o��sat��a, s+Ma�a�N-
,s�st or oostroY ei tb. oirie o•nt�: r�u►laia� • •z ��rotin�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson Approved 19_.
Levine _�n Favor
Meredith Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
' � 2���� ��
Page 2.
the expenses of operating and maintaining the civic cen�;er,
excluding depreciation, are hereby pledged for the repayment
of the Civic Center Bonds, Series 1970B; that said bonds
shall be the general obligations of the City of Saint Paul
for which the full faith and credit of said City shall be
pledged; and that the council shall levy in each year in
the manner in which the other taxes of �the City of Saint
Paul are levied, a direct general ad valorem ta�;, without
limitation of rate or amount , upon all the taxable property
within the City sufficient to raise an amount which together
with the revenues from the civic center and other moneys
which will be available therefor will be sufficient to pay
the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same be-
come due and payable ; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That said bonds , in the aggregate
par value amount of Thirteen Million Dollars (�13, OOQ, 000)
shall be in the denomination of Five Thousand Dollars
(�5, 000) ; that said bonds shall bear a rate of interest
not to exceed seven percent (7�0) per annum, payable semi-
annually on the first day of February and the first day
' of August, according to the interest coupons to be atl;ached
to said bonds ; that said bonds shall bear date the first
day of August , 1970; that said bonds sha.11 be issued and
sold by the City of Saint Paul in the manner provided by
law; that said bonds shall be serial in form and shall
mature serially in each of the years and in the amounts
as follows :
Date of Maturit.y Series 1g'70A Series 19'70B Total
August 1, 1973 � go, 000. 00 � 300, 000. 00 � 3go, 000.00
August 1, �g�4 go, 000. o0 300, 000. 00 390, 000. 00
August 1, sg'75 100, 000. 00 300, 000. 00 400, 000. 00
August 1, 1976 100, 000. 00 300, 000. 00 400, 000. 00
August 1, 1977 100, 000. 00 350, 000. 00 450, 000. 00
August 1, 1978 soo, 000. o0 350, 000. 00 450, 000. 00
August 1, 1979 - 105 , 000. 00 350, 000. 00 455, 000. 00
August 1, 1g8o so5 , 000. 00 350, 000. 00 455, 000. 00
August 1, 1981 105 , 000. 00 350, 000. 00 455, 000.00
August 1, 1982 105 , 000. 00 350, OOO. 00 455, 000.00
August 1, 1983 • so5, 000. 00 350, 000. 00 455 , 000. 00
August 1 , 1984 105, 000. 00 350, 000.00 455 , 000. 00
August 1, 1g85 110, 000. 00 350, 000. 00 460, 000. 00
August 1, 1g86 110, 000. 00 350, 000.00 460, 000. 00
August 1, 1g8'7 110, 000. 00 350, 000.00 460, 000. 00
August 1 , 1988 110, 000. 00 350, 000. 00 460, 000. 00
August 1, �98g 110, OU0. 00 350, 000. 00 460, 000. 00
August 1, 1990 110, 000. 00 350, 000. 00 460, 000. 00
: . � ����c ��
Page 3.
Date of Maturity Series 1970A Series 1970B Total
August 1, 199i 110, 000. 00 350, 000. 00 460, 000. 00
August 1, 1992 . 11U, 000. 00 350, 000. 00 460, 000. 00
August 1, i993 110, 000. 00 400, 000. 00 510, 000. 00
August 1, 1994 110, 000. 00 400, 000. 00 510 , 000.00
August 1, i995 115, 000. 00 400, 000.00 5�5 , 000. 00
August 1, 1996 115 , 000. 00 400, 000. 00 515 , 000. 00
August 1, 1997 115 , 000. 00 400, 000. 00 515 , 000. 00
August 1, i998 115, 000. 00 400, 000. 00 515 , 000.00
August 1, 199g 115, 000. 00 400, 000. 00 515 , 000. 00
August 1, 2000 115 , 000. 00 400. 000. 00 515 , 000. 00
TOTALS �3, 000. 000. 00 �10, 000, 000. 00 �13, 000, 000.00
, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the bonds of each series maturing
on and after August 1 , 1981 shall be suUject to redemption by
� the City of Saint Paul, in whole or in part, in the inverse
order of their maturities , on August 1, 1g80, or on any interest
payment date thereafter, at the principal amount thereof, plus
interest accrued thereon to the date of� redemption, together
with a premium expressed in a percentage of the principal amount
of bonds redeemed as shown below:
Period Premium
On August 1, 1g80, to and
including February 1, 1986 2-1/2�0
On August 1, 1986, to and
including February 1 , 199i 2�0
On August 1, �991, to and
including February 1 , 1gg6 1—%2�0
Thereafter 1�
and be it
FUR.THER RESOLVED, That if less than all of the bonds of
a series maturing on the same date are called for redemption,
the bonds so called shall be selected by lot . Notice of redemption
shall Ue given by publication of a notice of redemption once in
a daily newspaper of general circulation or in a daily financial
paper, published in New York, New York , and printed in �;he English
l�anguage , and onc,e in a daily or weekly periodical publisl2ed in
a Minnesota city of the first class , or its metropolitan �rea, �
and printed in the English language, which circulates throughout
. . - . ���►� �s
Page 4.
the State and furnishes financial news as a part of its service ,
such notice to be published not less than thirty nor more than
forty-five days prior to the date fixed for redemption, and if
such notice shall have been given and payment thereof duly made
or provided for, interest thereon shall cease from and after the
date so fixed for redemption; be it ,
FURTHER RESOLVED, That said �13, 000, 000 par value bonds
to be issued for purposes as hereinbefore set forth shall be
in substantially the following form, which has been prepared
by the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation
Counsel of the City of Saint Paul , and is hereby approved and
Series 1970A �r: Series 1970B�
- No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 , 000. 00
Paul , in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, ack-
nowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby prom-
ises to pay to Bearer the sum of Five Thousand and no�100
Dollars (�5, 000.00) on the first day of August , . . . . . . . . . ,
together with interest thereon fro�n the date hereof until
paid at the rate of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per centum per annum,
payable semi-annually on the first days of February and
August in each year as evidenced by and upon the presenta-
tion and surrender of the anne�ed interest coupons as they
severally become due., Both principal of and interest on
this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States
of America at the office of the I{'iscal Agent of the City
of Saint Paul , in either Saint Paul , Minnesota, or New .
York, New York; at the option of the holder ; an� for the
prompt payment of this bond , both principal and interest,
when due , the full faith and credit of the City of Saint
Paul are irrevocably pledged.
"The bonds of the series of bonds of which 1;his bond
is one maturing on and after Augus�L � 1, 1981, are subject
to redemption by the City of Saint Paul , in whole or in
part, in the inverse order of their ma�Lurities , on Augus�;
1 , 1g80, or on any iri�Lerest }�ayment date ttiereafter, at
�;he principal amount thereo� , plus in�,eres�; accrued thereon
to the date of redemption, together with a premium expressed
� . � ;������ ����
�, .�
� Page 5.
in a percentage of the principal amount of bonds redeemed
as shown below: '�,
� j Redemption
Peri od Prem ium
On August 1, 1980, to and
including February 1 , 1g86 2-1/2�0
On August 1, 1986, to and
including February 1 , ig91 2�0
On Augu st 1, igg1, to and -
including February 1 , 1996 1-%2�0
The reaf ter 1�fo
� If less than all the bonds of a maturity are called for
redemption, the bonds so called shall be selected by lot .
Notice of redemption shall ;be given by publication of a
notice of redemption once in a daily newspaper of general
circulation or in a daily financial paper, published in
New York, New York, and printed in the English language ,
and once in a daily or �,�eekly periodical published in �.
Minnesota city of the first class , or its� metropolitan
area, and prini;ed in the English language, which circulates
throughout the State and furnishes financial news as a
part of its service , such notice to be published not less
than thirty nor more than forty-five days prior to the
date fixed for redemption, and if such notice shall have
been given and payment hereof duly made or provided for,
interest hereon shall cease from and af ter the dai;e so
fixed for redemption.
"This bond is one of a series of bonds issued and
sold by said City of Saint Paul , in the aggregate par
value amount of Three Million Dollars (�3, 000, 000) ,
�en Million Dollars (�20, 000, 000) (in the case of .
Series 1970B7 to procure the necessary funds i'n said
amount to be used by the City to construct , reconstruct,
remodel and equip its Civic Center and to acquire land
the refor, pursuant to tYie provi sions of Chapter 459,
Laws of Minnesota for 1967 , Regtzlar Session, as amended.
"This bond is issued and sold �by said City of Saint
Paul under and by authority of Section 1 �ection 2 (in
the case of Series 1970B7 of said Chapter 459, Laws of
Minnesota for 1967 , Regular• Session, as amended, under
and by authority of a dul_y adopted resolution of the
Council of �the City of Saint Paul , and in full compliance
with said Sta�t;e statu�Le , as amended,_ said Resolution, the
Charter of the City o� Sain�t Paul , as applicable , and
Chapter 475 , Minneso�i,a Statutes 1969.
. . � . ;����� ��
. Page 6.
�he following paragraph to be inserted here in the case of
Series 1970B bonds : '
"The bonds of the seri�s of bonds of which this bond
is one are additionally secured by a pledge of the revenues
derived by the City or the Civic Center Authority of the City
by or through the ownership , possession, operation, management
or control of the Civic Center remaining after deducting the
expenses of operating and maintaining the Civic Center, ex—
cluding depreciation. "_�] �
"This bond may be exchanged for a fully registered bond
at the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul ,
109 City Hall , Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 , at the expense of
the holder.
. "It is hereby certified and recited that all things�
acts and conditions required by the Constitution and Laws
of the State of Minnesota an d the Charter of said City to
happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the
issuance of this bond have happened and have been done
and performed in regular and due form and time as required
by law, an d that the total indebtedness of said City, in—
cluding 1;his bond, does not exceed any constitutional ,
statutory, or charter limitation. -
"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of Saint Paul
by its Council has caused this bond to be sealed by the
facsimile of its Official Seal , lithographed hereon,
to be signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of
its Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimile signature
of its City Clerk, and countersigned manually by its
Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons hereto
attached to be executed by the lithographed facsimile
signatures of said otficers , as of the first day of
August, 19'70. '
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mayor • '
Attest : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Clerk
Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
� City Comptroller
No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"On the first day of February� 19. . . , (unless the Bond
. ����� ��
Page 7 .
� hereinafter mentioned shall 'be subject to prior redemption
and shall have theretofore been duly called for previous
redemption and payment of the redemption price duly made
or provided for) , the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota,
promises to ay "to bearer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dollars
(�. . . . . . . . . .� at the office of the Fiscal Agent of the
City of Saint Paul , in either Saint Paul , Minnesota, or
New York, New York, at the option of theholder , for
interest due that day on its Civic Center Bond , Series
1970A �r 1970B7, dated as of August 1, 1970, No .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attest : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
" City Clerk
Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Comptroller "
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That each said bond shall be sealed
by the facsimile of the Official Seal of the City of Saint
Paul lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed fac—
simile signature of the Mayor, attested by the lithographed
facsimile signature of the City Clerk , and countersigned
manually by the City Comptroller , in accordance with Section
475 . 55, Minnesota Statutes 1g6g, and the interest coupons
thereto attached shall be executed by the lithographed fac—
simile signatures of said officers ; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That sealed proposals be received in
the office of the City Comptroller in the City Hall and Court
House Building, in the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, up to
10: 00 o ' clock A.M. (C.D.T. ) , August 19, 1970, for the sale of •
all or none of said bonds , after giving due notice of said
sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the St. Paul Legal
Ledger, the official newspaper of said City, and in the
Commercial West, a financial periodical published in the
State of Minnesota; that each bidder shall be required to
accompany his bid by a certified or . cashier ' s check for two
percent (2�0) of the amount of bonds bid for, which will be
forfeited to the City as liquidated dama.ges if the bonds are
not taken and paid for when ready for delivery; that the
City Comptroller shall , at t�e next meeting after receiving
said bids , present the same ta the Council for ttieir action
� ; ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �"'
Pis,! �•
tN�teoa# aad t►Aat �rs1d be�rd� a�1ta11 b� irxr�id to ths p�tsoa
e�f�ri� �t� �+�+r�rt ��! ist�r��t oe�t 'I��rsfAr �o tht Ct'�►�
aot �so�ur►41� s��+� pvron! (7�) P+�x` �sa�w�.
AUG 4 ��
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_
Yeas Naya
But�er �� 4 197 0
Carlson Approve�l 19�
Levine _ln Favor
Sprafka Mayor
�� A gainat
Mr. President, McCarty