249925 ORI�AL TO CITY CLERK �L.,��li{J� - u • CITY OF ST. PAUL co�HC�� � j �+rV OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. GOUNCIL R OWTION—GENERAL FORM ` `� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Hous- ing, Building and Fi�e Prevention Codes at its meeting of July 8, 1970, pertaining to the property owned by Donald Fritz and locat- ed at 77 Sherburne, waiving the following listed items for a period of eight months from the date of publication of this resolution: 1,The exterior walls of the basements apartments (#9&10) do not have 50 � of its height above finished grade as required for habitable rooms. 2.Ceiling heights of these basement apartments are 6 ' 7" and 7 '6" is required by Section 502-1, St. Paul Building Code 3.All rooms of basement apartments do not have 10� of room areas in glassas required by Section 503-1, St. Paul Building Code. 4.The kitchens in basement apartment� #9 apartment #1&4 on the first floor, and " # 5&8 on the second floor are approximately four �eet wide whereas a minimum width of 7 ' is required by Section 502, St. Paul Bui�ding Code. 5.The kitchens in apartment #9 ,1&5 have no light or ventilation. Apartments 4 & 8 have basement windows of approximately 3� square feet. The minumum required by the St. Paul Building Code is ten square feet. . � � 6.The doors in the walls separating the apartments from the hall- Z ways are not one-hour fire rated as required by Section 404-10 0 0' of the St. Paul Building Code. s o 7.One wall of apartment #10 in the basement does not have a one- � f= hour fire rating as required by Section 404 of the St. Paul _ o Building Code. — cL� � 0 8.The doors to the bedrooms in apartmen�ts #1,4,5 &8 are plywood � � sliding doors . All doors from a room to an exit, or a way of exit, must be side-hinged swinging type as per Section 5-120 of COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19—. Yeas Naya Butler Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A8'ainst Mr. President, McCarty � � ° �49��5 OR161NAL TO CITY CLfiRK - " • CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ �ATF of the Life Safety Code. 9 .The shelf in the stairway to the outside from apartment #8 must be removed to give exitway adequate head room as per Section 5-3 of the Life Safety Code; and be it; FINALLY RESOLVED, that such waiver be granted on condition that the basements apartments be vacated immediately. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�u L 3 1 �'�� 19— Yeas Naya Butler ���„ � � �']� r -�- �� _ Ap e� 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka J a� Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED AU G 8 1970 �� ° � DUPLICAT[TO PRIMRR �9�� � . CITY OF ST. PAUL cou�� ���� OFFICE OF THE CITl( CLERK �� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c.�oMM�iuEDiow� Yietor J. Tedes�o ��� RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul �oard of Appeals and Review £or the Hous- ing, Building and Fiee Prevention Codes at its meeting of Ju1y 8, 1970, pertaining to the property owned by Donald Fritz and locat- ed at 77 Sherburne, waivinq the following listad items for a period of eight months fro�n the date of publication of this resolution: l.The exterior walls of the basements apartments (#9&10) do not have 50�Q of its height above finished grade as required for habitable rooms. 2.Ceiling heights of these basement apartments are 6'7" and ?'6" is required by Section 502-1, St. Paul Building (:ode 3.All rooms of ba�ement apartments do not have 10�� of room areas in glas as required by Section 503-1, St, Paul �3uilding Code. 4.T�ie kitchens in basement apartments #9 apartment �l&4 on the first floor, and �� 5&8 on the second floor are approximately four s¢eet wide whereas a minimum width of 7 ' is required by Section 502, St. Paul Buiading Code. S.The kitchens in apartment #9,1&5 have no light or ventilation. , Apartments 4 & 8 have basement windows of approximately 3� square feet. The minumum required by the St. Paul Building Code is ten square feet. 6.The doors in the walls separatinq the apartments from the hall- ways are not one-hour fire rated as required by Section 404-10 of the St. Paul nuilding Code. 7.One wall o` apartment �10 3n the basement does not have a one- hour fire rating as required by Section 404 of the St. Paul Building COde. 8.The doors to the bedrooms in apartmet�ts �1,4,5 &8 are plywood sliding doors. All doors from a room to an exit, or a way of exit, must be side-hinqed swinging type as per Section 5-120 of COtTNCII�MEN Adopted by the Counc3l 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson Approv� 19— Levine Tn Favor B�eredith Mayor sp� ��3„at Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �9 ` �9�� nu�ucwrs To nn�tie � .s • CITY OF ST. PAUL �w,c�� NO OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSION� DAT� of the Life Safety Code. 9.The shelf in the stairway to the outside from apartment �8 mu�t be removed to give exitway adequate head room as per Section 5--3 of tne Life Safety Code; and be it; FINALLY RESOLVED, that such waiver be granted on condition that the basements apartments be vacated i�nediately. . 0 JUL 31 l�Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coimc�'� 19_ Yeas Nays Butler J U L 31 1970 � Approv� 18— Levine _�n Favor Charles P. McCe,t�ty Meredith � Mayor sp�&f�8 A oaninBt Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��