249921 '� � ��9�2 ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RN � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCI ESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RES��VETJ, Tl^�at L�m�s be and hereby is gran�ed a p�rmi� to install a 37-car parking lot to be used in eon�nnetion with a restaurant on proper�y lo�at�d on the west side of �lar�r�a� Street b�tr��:�n Ea�� Roae and East �eraniu� Aver�ue�, mor� partiaularly described as �ollo�ss Lots 1-�+, and the east 10 feet of 5, B1oak 2, Ki�fer Park Add3tion; a11 in aaeordance �vith re�rised p].an�; �ub��ct to the aonditior� that said appli�an�-permi���e, and ita �uceeasors and a��1gn�, shall make du� co�nplianae with all applieable provisions of muniaipal ordinancee, s�ate statutes and rt�l�� and regt�lations of public authoritiea havirig cognizanee. � N C � O U 0 C � o O � � L1. a � � Q ..+ � ¢ JUL 31 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Nayg ��� � z 1910 Butler �,� d 19� Levine „!�!jn Favor �— Meredith Sprafka 1� yor Tedesco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED AU G 81970 � . � Narry E. Ma�shall ` �,,, „ Albe�fi B. Olson City Clerk and �,�" E?`���, Council Recorder Commissioner of Registration �- �.1 =�: -- s .. _� ���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS ` 1 S86 City Hall � L: � � St.Paul,Minnesota 5510°L ��: PA JI�� � ` u L � � '�9�p �'��'ORA71pN C�UNSELi J�ly 23, 1970 1�. Daniel A. Klas Corparation Counael Build3.ng Dear Sir: The City Caaricil tod,ey req�ested that you prepare a resolntion gra,nting th� 8ttached applicatiort of' I,�'s Por a per�i.t to install a 37-car caatomer parktng lot to be used in coa�junction with the restaurant on property located on the s+�st side oP Qax�nce St. betw�een East Roae at�l.East Gerariium Aves., on Lots 1 - 4, and the east 10 feet of 5, Bloek 2, Kiefer Park Addition. ,. �-�'- � _ l. �; Ve tnily ycnars, � .- <-�' ��� -- r a_'� ._. � � ����-� 1 City C rk � ng � . J . . ti ♦ . BOA'RD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 July 21, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Ha11 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Lum's for a permit to install a 37-car customer parking lot to be used in conjunction with the restaurant on property located on the west side of Clarence Street between East Rose and East Geranium Avenues. This property is further described as: Lots 1-4, and the east 10 feet of 5, Block 2, Kiefer Park Addition. This matter was first considered at the November 20 and December 4, 1969, Board of Zoning meetings and was laid over at the request of the applicant. Interest in this application was later renewed and the Board again considered the matter at their July 2, 1970, meeting. The staff reported that revised plans meet Traffic Engineer and staff recommendations, and conform to minimum design standards. Consequently, the Board of Zoning, by a 5-0 vote, recommends approval of this application. Very truly yours, ^ � �" T-- �/ ���-t%f�"`�, .2 � ; TER J. � IE A Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:ga f CLS Z. F. �k6889 �� ��� � � O ' � -- . � • • ' �" City of Saint Paul, l�innesota . , � - APPLICATION FOft SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE I�NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 9� the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: �PARKING LOT for (customers) (�eycea) ( ) ( ,��- (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot : 3`j �q� To be used in connection with: �U N� `,g � MISCELI�ANEOUS: ' (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location • 1( �c 1 C�Qrar�ce. Legal Description : Lot� 1,'�.��3�q... �,�-t-�p' Block : 2.., Addition : K�e� eF 'c- .Pb-�� Applicant's Name : � � C G O Home or Office Address: 2,�+� � E � '��p� , �S `��ai�,�s 1 '�L (pD�[Q Phone Number ; C3�-Z� -�,�c� $.����� . FOA/BY THE APPLICANT, i� I� '�C1 i� I� W 1.� (�I `°-�° � � OGT i3 1969 (Signature) (date) Address : C�r� ������� ��A�� pbone No.: ��'� S�i�t Paul, Minnesc�t;� Wben completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed faci.lity with the City Clerk, Aoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saiat Paul, �Qinnesota � Z-3 6/11/56 ����,,., Z4NIN� �I�.E `� �EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First . �` � 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � � � � � . 33 � � � � ����� . . .� � � � . �� .� °��� �� ' November 20, 1969 • � December 4, 1969 BOARD �F ZONING REPORT AND ACTION July 2, 1970 ?�;,�t '1a� ir33 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. bggy � - ��'' ' l '�1'J'I "; �Jll'tIa ' � . Lum s ,, "T?•iCA':'ION ; � X , I--� _ I -"� � �t Amendment 0 Apreal ❑ �ermit U Other X H12 j I __.� � - 1<<.: );': , Install a 37-car customer parking lot '+ - i, iC��; �.)1! . West side of Clarence Street between � East Rose and East Geranium Avenues � • ' i; ��"�.:. ���C�t1PTI�i1 : Lots 1-4, and the east 10 feet of 5, Block 2, Kiefer Park Addition � • :'��.;:;I;�J'P 7.�11IIJ�;: Heavy Induatry � ' "'.> �:1'JT '1'� 7onin�* Code Chapters 60 Section� •23 Farac?raph: +> ? + , ;f'Af'i' TtJVi:STI';ATION � RCPORTs Date; 6/24/70 py; Aq�� t1. IIIS'i'OKY: An application for this use on this property was laid over for an indefinite period on December 4, 1969. The application was re-opened by Image }3uilders of Madison, Wiaconsin, on June 18, 1970. I3. ARF.A ZONING: The area is zoned Heavy Industry except to the east which is zoned Commerciel. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: The plan meets the design standards for parking lots and previous recotrnnendations of the Traffic Engineer are reflected in the plan. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The property has a frontage of 170 feet along Rose Avenue witt► a depth of 121.78 feet and an area of 20,702.6 square feet. 1�:. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Has reviewed the revised plan and recommends approval . 1�. SITL CONDITIONS: The site is level and at street grade. 1'wo structures havc: � been removed from the site. G. AK1:A CONDITIONS : North of Roae Avenue is a restaurant and cocktail loun�;c�. Northeast are the sites of two drive-in restaurants . Last is tlie Phalet� Slioi�ping Center. South is a car wash facility, and west is vacant land and a railway. 9, BOARD ACTION: To Recomnend �X Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated : Moved by . Maietta Yeas Nays 7/21/70 Gadler Seconded by: Mansur Gauger Date of Hearing X Maietta 7/23/70 Secretary's remarks: x Mansur Council Action x Ames - Ch. McPartlin (Alt .) Adkins (Alt.) Date X Rutzick (Alt.) x Doody (Alt.) , . � •� ',� fff'i �-.� i ... � - ., w _ .— _ -'� . "J n'� { il �/ I • ', ' / , J,1' `'J_ W -�, ; ,��11 � � �� +�I �� I � • , , � '� � ' °' � � � � . -- ..__ . � �' \ Q C -- __�-� . ..� `' �J. � `t'; r� ,t. ,____� � ;�; I- , , -� �,, � � � J � ,) -i" i•�' ' :.J' .. ' ✓ { � ,- , � t::' t�...:'�__ _ ?. –� ` r. \_ ._ �( � � � , � _ � v � . p' .; . .� ` , . .:, � :G � � z 2 I�t-�: '�� • , � :� �` <;� �3 :< � %y" � ` . 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M1 ., f' � T t o � '► '. a �AR' �/ ` " f� F =�-V ��� �'`�' `� � � R 0 S E '` J .. � ' f�' T�>rr. r^A •�•� � f�•� � '� 1 ' (�, -C \�`,�^ ' � ^ . -'�'��'�'j`!•;'C.'�'` r �•, (��� � r � � �a- � � . � ``- - . -� y � v � , � , %� I {�` '�, � �V;v v'`V u�v', � v`�� - :" � �. � n �. �, tr`� � >� � ! . �/ Y ✓i P y - �� ."� � � �„� t `n'' �. �,t �� . .� �'�i ' . ' � �`' „ �! � ��� } t .. ' �. . ' . ; , _ �� ���' '`: �'" :Y, � i- � i. , • . �� i ,: '-}- _ , . : ._ ; �. � /�✓� r� � � � s r. {'^ � . { i � � !L ! rh ` � � `� 1 r . � � r* � Fr' ' /^1,:, ' �;V ,v v V V � o�� . 1 � W, I _� , - , �` ;, , �`. ' s;~' � f`„' �i •,��:, } ' � �, � i� ; �j [11 � ,�'.f"• r•', f: f: �•,�'''� � ' •t'.' .r�. _ A �I , C - � � : . �. -.. � , < <: GERARSlU � F' � � � �' , �.�� �� .; . � ^.. � _ � ,, �"� � C< ,; � � ; 1 p �1 \ � , J \� '� � F/ /, i / . \ � 5 r S�. ,''; ` �� ��� .��` : .) V ' U�e�G � ��� i (� ` 1 \ `\` , J,'T,' • � ��;�'�1. \�� �'..' ,.V ' . � L�l _ I Q.'—�•--~-'_' � .. �•_. 'i ''_ • /, 4 , \ \ (. � , , . ! � . O� ' i 1 '` ' V . � •�. � �: � ' a � /� � f.. . � �,` .�, ,� C.,\��{,�. '/\I ; '� i ,� • �� � ` J�\� I •r f .� . 1 • �., ' � , r-�` ,�� '�:1 ' . ,:� , , � P 0 1 , � � ' , �_� ( ��,j' ,�-_ � fi�� � l'� f'��� + � + .� �• r' � � �� �: _ ----� � .4 � . : c' t�. ��� .�\ - � / � - - ^ /� � ti�1 _ M _ ` �::r x .t� - __ ,� � � , J .-t U; . , . . ____� 1 + , . � � . ', � . ' - • _- - . APPLiCANT Lum's � LEGEND PURPOSE fortuse by customersnat1Lum's �~'vD �JG O ONE-FA(V61LY PRESENT ZONING Heavy Induatry �' TWO-FAA+9ILY � THREE- F���IILY PETITION SIGNERS , - FOUR-FAt�i LY � MULTI- FAlNILY � .nC4�AMERCIAL FILE No. 6889 MpRTH n n INDUSTRlAL V VACANT St. Paul Planning Board, Date� 11/13/69 � Property under considerotion MINUTES OF TIiE PUBLIC HEAR�IG AEFORE THE BQARD OF 20NING on Thursday, Nr,vember 20, i969, at 2:00 PoMo PRESENT: Afessrsa �,mes, �ahen, Gadler, Gsug�r, and Maietta of the Baard and Mr. Sor�nson and Mrso Frantz�!n of the staf£. LiTM'S: An application for a permit to install a 37-cax parkin�; lot for custc�mers of the restauran� on property located on the west aide of Clsrence Street between Bast Itose arrd East Geranium A��nues. Mr. Sorenson stated tha� sfnce the owner is an ou�•of-town outfit, Ch�y have request�d by a long-distance call for the apr�lfca�ion Ca be laid over. Mr. Gadler maved for a layav�� te Becember 4, 1969e aacd wss seconded by Mre Cohen; the motion c�srried unanimoc�sly. Submitted by: Golonel Lo Sc�rensaa itobert T.., Ames, Chairmen -10� rsz�s a� � �rsLZC x�zuuc s�o� � �Rn o� za��rrc on Thursd�y, December 4, L969, aC 2:00 PoMo PRESENT: Yiessrs, Ames, Cohen, �adlez, Gauger, and M�ietta of the Rus�rd and Messrse Brown and Sorenson and t4rs. 1�rantzen o� the staff, LUM'S: An application for s permi� to inatall a 37-car p�rking lot to be used by the customers of the rest�urant on proper�y lacated on the r�est side of Clarence Stree� between East Rose and East Gerani��n Ltvenues. This was a layover m�tter from the November 2U, 1369, meeting. Mr, Sorenson stated that the applfcant t�s �aow requested an imdefinite lsyavex. Mr, Gadlar maved for �n indefini�e lsyover, W11�.C�t wras �e�onded by Mr, 'kfaietta, aud ��rried utxanimousay. Sul�m3.tted by: Colonel L, Sorenson Rob�rt Lo Am�s, �t�.aisu�n -9- MINL'TES OF TRE PUBLIC HEARZP�tG BE�ORE THE BQAR.D OF ZO'NING on Thursdx�y, July Z, 197Q, et 2:0� PoM. �'RESENT: Messrs. Am��, Dooriy, Maietta, Mansur, snd Rutzick of the Board, �+nd l�iessr�. Brown and Sorenson, Mrs. Frantzenx and Aiiss SP�zr of the staffo LUM'S: �n �pplicatiox� for p perniit to inatalL a 37-cax custrnner parking Lot tcr �s used iti con�unctiqn with the re:��aur�nL ou propert; lacated on t�:e west side of CZarence S�re�t tsetween East Rose and East Ger�an�.urn Avenues. Thi.s matter was previously cor,sid�ered at the No�rember 20 and IDecember 4, 1969, Bosrd meerings. It was la�� c�ver indefinitely at the request of the applicant. Mr, Sorenson suua��:ixed �he staff report, a part of the fi1e, nc+ting that this sppS�icatic,n w�s r.e�opened by Image Buil.ders o€ ?�iadison, Wtsconsin, on �'une 18, 1'�70. Itevisec3 plans meet design s�andards and the previ�us recommendations oiC the Trsffic Engineer and staff are reflected in the r�e� o�lan. Two repxesentat�ves of Che 3pplicant were avaiLnble tt� �nswer any questions. Mr. Maietra moved for approval of +the permit, since it meeCs c�esign standards. 1"tte motion w�s secanded b�T fiRro P��nsur, and carried u�tan3.mttitis ly. Submitted by: Calonel �o Sor.enaon Robert �o Ames -2- � � � � � Y � 1 /�• _ • �y MAGE UiLDINGS � ��" �� �-� 102 N. DICKINSON ST. • MADISON, WIS. 53703 • 608/257-3676 '� July 20, 1970 City Clerk's Office St. Paul City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Gentlemen: Enclosed is our check in the amount of $33. 50 in payment of the parking permit for a Lum's restaurant at the corner of Clarence and Rose Streets, St. Paul. We understand that upon payment of the fee, the permit will be issued. Cord��.11y yours, L%����� -%?� � Arthur B. More �� Y ABM:bl Enc. Citq Clerk � , � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 CouA House 55102 July 16, 1970 C�iANGE OF HEARING DATE � File R812, Page i ORIGINAL—Tp ppy�R I I I � � C�T�' OF SA(NT � PAUL � Received of OFFICE OF C�Ty C��R�IC � ;I ROOM 386 �N�� 928 ' � � CITY HALL � � RE ( Elpr � � � -.��_ .� ,' w w�MS • � � �, o `-'"V i �-�""+"� �"� � �^ ADDREgg � I � �� � RO ( /��� ��O � 1 /} i �YY\ /,. rl� 11 � DOLLARS $�� °^� L ""�-�9 `"i�_ i ' •�i i �_ i i i i G: � s�e �/ee O o�TV c�ruxK i � BY � f ` • X ♦ � City C1erk ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 July 10, 1970 File X812, page You are hereby notiffed that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in Che City of St. Paul at lO:QQ a.m. on July 28, 1970, on the application of Lcun's for a percnit to fnstall a 37-car parking lot for use by custo�ers on the following described property: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and the east 10 feet of Lot S, Block 2, Riefer Park. The property is located on the west side of Clarence Street between East Rose and East Geranium Avenues. For fuzther information. contact the planning Board, Roam 1010 Counnezce Building, or telephone 223-4151. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Commissioner of Finaoce O � ; ; � { ' g s � J �� I ���V�� �1 . . I lS+t t . � � .i 'F � �. J.•i � � ��e ���1� ��� �?.i��'�n . � � � i f � � ` �� ' ' �� 2 � ; � Y ,, � �� � � � } �- � C � �' � S t; 1 � � ':. i � i �;�, � � r�� v i #''1 f k ='' J �I I oPP " ` � ; � s �ri: ..i\ $ y rf '.. �( 1� '' � ` � � �� � � 'ie � � t ;, ; ,�;� 4' � - '`� i , 1� l� �' � , �, �, � � �: �� �' � � � ��� � ���� ���`� � � � � � Ij.; ` �� ,,, ► ; � � � �� , ; � q . 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