249912 8R161NAL TO CITY CLaRK 2499��,2 CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO LTCENSE COl+�fITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO�MM SS ONE ATF July 30, l,9'TO RES�LVFDa That application for Restaurant, On and t}�f Sale �a1t Beversge, Cigarette e�nd Tavern licenses, appl3.ed for by R3,chard A. �iller at 4?9 St. Peter Street, be and the same are hereby granted on the oondition that �ithia Cji (� da�a o� th3s date said Richard 11. Miller sha11 comply with all requirements af the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Poliee, and the Licenae �inspeotor pursuant bo �the St. Paul Legialative Code and a11 other applicable ordinanoes and laws. JUL 3 � �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ����.. � � 197d ��� A rove� 19� Levine � Favor Meredith Sprafka ) Mayor Tedesco � A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED AUG 1 �9�0 �� • ' /� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��f���,�- Capital of Minnesota �i� �e artrnevtt o ub�Gc'c �a et � � ADMINI9TRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PftOTECTION ror.ics DEAN MEREDITH, Commiasioner HEALTH RALPH G.MERBILL,Depnty Commieaioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inapector July 30, 197� Nonorable �Qayor and Ci�y Counc�.1 Sa in� k�ul, l�inne s ota Gen�lemen and �P�adam: Richard �!. DSi1�.er ms�kes application for Restaurax�t, 4n and +�f'f �ale L,alt Bevera�e and �i�;are�te and Tavern licenses at 479 St. Peter Str?et, which is located on the �rrast side of the street betw�sen Ninth and Exchan�e Streets. This location v�s licenssd for a similar business bet�rreen Z933 and 1936. From 1940 to 1.943 there vaas a licensed Second i�and Dealer General and A,uctioneer business at this addres$. Presently the licensee�s are �ernard Ksene and �era Ke11er who havs operated the On Sale 3.� Bsvera�;e establishment since Auguat 1, 1969. There ars two 3.2 9S't&b119�'i,Ti16ri't3 within �two blocks. The alosest Dn Sale Liquor place is about one-lzalf bloak aw�y, and the closest �Jff Sale Liquor place is about two and one-half blocks av�y. ^1he nearest cshurch is �ro blocks away and the nearest school ia one block a�y. i�ichard d. ���iller has been employed by Capi�ol City Distributing Co. as truck driver and delivered bser from. A�y, i967 to December, 1y69. Frc� June, 1968 to Jun.e, 1970, he operated L�.ttle �.iehard's Bar at 471 St. Peter Street. Very t ruly yours, .��,i,�,e.t.� (%/�-°s�' . License Inspector O � . CTTY OF SATNT P�UL DEPARTA�NT �F' PUBLTC SAk'ETY LICENSE DN�S�UN � � D�te� • � ,' 19 �� 1. �,ppliaation for - ri - (', i c � � - Licenee , 2. Name of applicant �4.��i_�'J, � �° �7 ����� 3. Busi.ness addre$s `�� � ,--,,�-/ .��'� � �/ — Res idenae _��,1 � ���-c'� ..� �`'3r `t• -��9G .-; 4. Trsde name, if any J� � �.�<� �: ,� Z 5. Retai]. Bser Federal Tax Stamp t�tail Liqunr �Tedersl Tax S�mp - �ri.l�. bo u�ped. ,.._._..._.. 6. f�i what floor loeated ,�<��,� Number of rocuns used U' Z,�. , . - .� . ,.,__..... � � L�tl--�� 7. Betvueert vphat aross stree�a�� ,,��l,�•y � d � q�ieh s ide oP atreet �' �Q.:_�...:1_ 8. Are premises now 000upied ��1�:.,'ylha� businesa_._j`� J � How Ion � �- ,�" �'�- g l SLP-�'f-�- 9. Are premises now unocseupied jf�,�Iiaw long vacant Previous Uae 10. Are you a ne�r o�rner�L� Have you been ixi a aimilar busineas before ,-' _.�� Where � �� ��.� �.�:!..�11' �Vhen � '� < _ �� � �_. G� , ,..-_.�:._..:_ ,..,.,.,,, 11. Are you going to operate thia business personally �'y��-;,,� , ,��_ ' '"".'_..,."' If not, vdlo will operate it 12. Are you in any other busineas at the pre�sent ti�a �,�j _ -- ..,-...�.....,.....�, 13. Have th�re�:been any oomplaints against your operation of this type of place_��� � Y�hen ��� 1f�here 14, Iiave you ever had any license revoked � �� T�hat reas�on and date 15. Are you a citizan of �he United States�- �Nat�.ve Naturalized .................... 16. 1Nhere were you bor.� ' �/�7c.i�r � ? te Af birth � C�. ��� °/�'�'�� 17. Z am � married. My (wife 's� (husband'a� name and addxesa is_�1���-�>� C�' .,.�. �-,. � � �. . �. . . � . . . � ',�7 %� .� '� ,-C'' � ��� �� 1.C� �� . � . 18. (IP ms rrie d fama 1e) my ms iden name is 19. Haw long have you lived in St. P�ul J �/ 20. Have you ever been arrested�� Xiolation of �at orima.nal laroa or ordinanoa ..,.,.,...�.,.. /Yn�'Q-�-e�-r�-e.o�..�.o�l/ `� � � -� � 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul � Yes Np• (Ana�uer full and aom letel . These a �.ications are thorou hl ohecked a�q,d �;n elaifioatio�. ro,ri11 be cause for denia . (C�VF'R) � i 22, Number of 3.2 p].aces �+aithin two blooks `� , - � �Z� � _..� 23. Closest intoxicating liquor p]�aae. �n Sale,2 B ( �p��� �ff Sa1e a.�b�,� , 24. Nearest Chureh � � �_o��S Nearest School � ��.p��� � � 25. Number of booths n r� n P_ Tables_ �r�, Cha,ir�_�_Stools �� ._...� _..._,�._.,..... 26. What occup�tion have yota followed f or the past five years, (G3.ve name� of employers and date s s o employed.) ` � . �. ,� 1 l..�C �r� ✓� �. � � ver. V M r rJ '�.L � � i L �l V (� V �-� 5 � P.� �e �— i - � S — c� — — 27. Give n�ames and addreases of �wo �Y'81DT1$y resa.dents of S�. pau1, Ma.nn„ vaho qa�n g�.ve infox�tion eoncerning you. . Name � � Address .� Name �� �,�.�,c�� .Addres s 1J� � , � �Q � i nature o App iQan Sta te o f ldinne s o�a� ss County of Ramsey . ) )��je � � _��/��.P being first du�.y s�,vorn., daposea and $ays upon oath that he has read�� foregoing ata�ement bearing his si�natur� �nd l�a.ows the contents thereof, and �hat the sams is true of hia ow�a. ktzawledge eaaept as to those matters therein stated upon infoxznation and belief a�d as �o those matters he belasves them to ba trueo . Q 'gnature af Applioant Subsaribed and sworn to before me 7� thi s c��---- da y of�� 19�Q r ota ry Pub 1 i e, �����r��� Minne s ot a ' O�a a. �y Cv�cuniasion expires1-�—�� �— 's (Note s These statement Poz�ms are in dupZica�s. Bo�h copies �nust be f1.i11y fi�.led out� notar�.zed, and returned to the License Divisicm.�'� � . � AFF IDAV�T B Y APPL ICANT ' FOR RETA IL BEER OR LIQUOR I:ICENSE ��n Re s C �1 Sa1e 3. `Z Licsenee e i Name of applicant �`ll� { '` � Q, Busine ss addr°ess '""�'� � ��` �-�,.�-e '(� �� '�""' � Are �rou the sole c+�mer O� t�'ll9 business?�. If nvt, is it a partnership? c�rporation? , o:bher� Others interested in business, inelude those by loan of money, property or other�riset Name �����_�,�,�-�- Addres�s H�r a 7 If a o orporation, give its nama Are you interested in any �uay in an�r o�her Retail Beer or Liquor bueinesa? O As sola own.er� Partner? Stoekholder? Othera�rise? (Thraugh loan of money9 etce Explain) � �ddreas of such business and nature of interest in same � �. i ture of applicant St��e of Ma.nnssota ss C ou�ty of �msey �C�a.�� .� �i'����c� bei.ng first duly sv�orna deposes and says upon oath that he haa reacl the foregoing affidavit bearing hia signature and lrno�rvs the content� thereof; that ths same is true af his o�m lgimnrledga9 except as to thosa matters therein stated upon info�t�.on and belief snd as to thoss �tters he believes them to be true. . � $ g ure of applicant Subaoribed and svrorr� t be ora me this�ay of �u �j 19� � otary ublie, Ramae�r County9 Minnesota My ac�mmi.ssi.on expires��� 19�� , z r • STATE � MINNESOTA� � S$ CUIJNTY QF RA�SEY , , - - �����c ����/�/J° b�ing f irst iuly ax��n., 8�th ie�ss• and say that he makes this �ffidavit in oonnectian �rith applioa�ion for "f�Sale" liquor license ("�Sale�' malt beverage license) 3.n the �ity o� Saint Paul, Minneaota; that your �ffiant ia e reaic�ent of the State of Minnesota and haa resided therei.n for ----� ...�'eara, �` months, and is n�' and has been for the ti.me sbo�re mentioned a bona fide reiaident of said Stata and that he now residea at � � Addree s _�� ���.0 , �dirines��a. Ci y or To�m, ��-� . Q Subsaribed and a�rorn to before me � this ..��'"T-d�y of'� /„ 19�� �� T� of,ary bl.ia, Ramaey County, E�3.nnesota My oo�is�ion expires��,� -/�