249906 ORIOINAL 70 CITY CL6RK ����Qs CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RESOLUT N ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE /i,TF RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Build- ing and Fire Prevention Codes p�rtaining to the following listed properties and as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals dated July 8, 1970, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: Case No. Property Appellant 51-70-H 354 Fuller Dennis R. Nosbish 53-70-B 902 East Hyacinth Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Johnson 56-70-B Site Bounded by Dale St. Jame� d��using St. on the West, Kent by Williams/O'Brien St, on the East, Cen- Associates Inc. tral ave. on the North, & St. Anthony on the South. � �.,.,�J� ' �:',f VED CORPORATION COUNSEI� ��� 30191� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 1�-�� Butler � ° �;�� Appr 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka v yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED ��� � �97� �� �/s/�o ' . Me q No. �4 . , � �9�� � �6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPFALS Wednesday, July 8 , 1970 Room 210 , Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1 :30 p.m. Members present: Lawrence D. Cohen, Chairman Raymond Grove Estyr Peake Gale Rehnberq Norma Sommerdorf Arthur Tieso James Voigt Others present: Dr. Paul Cox, Frank Staffenson, Sam IIlue, Thomas Anderson, Dennis R. rdosbish, Mrs . J. W. Nyquist, Donald F. Fritz , Mr. & Mrs . Lowell Johnson, Lorenzo D. Williams . The minutes o� the meeting of June 10 . 1970 were approved as mailed. Mr. Cohen read a memo dated July 6 , 1970 to members of the Board from Thomas Anderson requesting that Case No. 28-69-H, 1026 E. Lawson, Sophie Stahnke, be carried over until October 14 , 1970 as stucco contractors would not be able to finish work on the premises until then. Mr. Staffenson said there was no reason why this could not be done. The Board unanimously moved to carry the matter over until that date. 51-70--H 354 Fuller Dennis R. Nosbish SUBJECT: Letter dated Deceznber 10 , 1969 to Dennis Nosbish from the Bureau of Health indicating Housing Code deficiencies at 354 Fu11er. APPEAR.ANCES : Dennis R. Nosbish. PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Nosbish explained that the property consisted of nine units - 2 one-bedroom units and 7 efficiency apartments . Al1 units are furnished. Three of the efficiency units have no sinit in the bathroom and there is no room in the bathrooms to install one. There is one occupant in each of those 3 units . Rent f.or th� units is $60 per month and includes heat, utilities and furnitur.e, - 1 - EXHIBIT "A" . �/s��o Meetinq No. 34 ACTION: Moved by Rehnberq to waive Section 54 .11 (2) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code for units 6 - 9 of the property located at 354 Fuller in order that no sinks need be installed in those units . Such waiver is granted on the condition that units 6 - 9 be limite� to one occupant each. Seconded by Sommerdorf. TH� VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none . Ahstentions : none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0) . 55-70-H 735 Laurel Ave . J. W. Nyquist SUBJECT: Letter dated September 9 , 1969 to James Nyquist, 90 W. Arion from Henry J. Streich, Supervisor - Housing Code Division, Bureau of Health concerning Housinq Code deficiencies on the nro- perty at 735 Laurel Ave . APPEARANCES : Mrs . J. W. Nyquist. PROCEEDIrdGS : Mrs . Nyquist explained that there was one dwellinq unit on the third floor. Two exits lead from the third floor - at the rear of the apartment is a staircase leading to the ground floor and at the front is an iron ladder which leads to the fYont porch roof. She said they intended to limit the occupancy of the third floor to one or two individuals . Mr. Staffenson said th�t as of June 15, 1970 all units were in compliance except the third floor occupancy. Estyr Peake arrived. ACTION: Moved by Voiqt to continue the matter until the next regular meetinq of the Board to allow Mr. & Mrs . Nyquist to obt�in an estimate of cost to install a fire escape and to allow Mr. Anderson to see if the property is to be acquired by the Housinq Authority. � Seconded by Rehnberg. THE VOTE: Ayes : Cohen, Grove , Peake, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf. , Ti�so, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried seven (7) to zero (0) . 54-70-B 77 Sherburne Donald F. 1'rita SUBJECT: Letter dated May 28 , 1970 to Donald Fritz , 3114 r-,�en Road from Robert Ames , City Architect, regarding a Certif.irate of. Occupancy for a 10 unit apartment at 77 Sherburne Avenue. - 2 - 7/8/70 . Meetinq No. 34 APP�ARANCES : Donald F. Fritz, PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Cohen withdrew as an active and voting member for this case as Mr. Fritz was a client of his . Mr. Tieso became acting chairman. Mr. Fritz explained that it was inevitable that either the State or Bethesda Hospital would be acquirinq the property eventually. He said he had attended a meetinq of the Capital Building Committee which spoke about immediate acc�ui_sition of properties in the area. He received no satisf.action as to any �ossible action concerning 77 Sherburne. He said he had acquired the property in August, ].966 . Mr. Voigt stated that items numbered 6, 7, 10 , 12 & T4 in the subject of appeal directly affected fire safety. Mr. Fritz said the loss of the basement units would create a financial loss . He would fix up the property if it w�s not beinq taken. There are two basement units . ACTION: Moved by Voigt to waive items numbered l , 2 , 3, 4 , 5 , 8, 9 , 11 & 13 in the subject of appeal, dated May 28 , 1974 for a period of eight months . Further moved that the basement apart-- ments be vacated immediately. Seconded by Rehnberg. THE VOTE: Ayes : Grove , Peake, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voiqt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0) . 53-70-B 903 E. Hyacinth Mr. & Mrs . Lowell Johnson SUBJECT: 1�PPEARANCES : Mr. & Mrs . Lowell Johnson. PkOCEEDINGS: Mr. Johnson explained that due to problematic ��eighbors he and his wife wished to construct an 8 ' high fence on the east side of their property. It would be about 50 ' in lenqth and would extend 1/2 way to the front of the house. There is approximately 25 ' from the wall of one house to the wall of another. ACTION: Moved by Cohen to grant a variance to Section 4.04-14 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code to allow construction of an 8 ' high fence on the east side of the property located at 902 �. Hyacinth Ave . on condition that the fence extend no more than 10 - 1.5 ' to the front of the house . Seconded by Voigt. - 3 - 7/8/70 � , Me�ting No. 34 � � � THE VOTE : Ayes : Cohen, Grove, Peake, Rehnberg, Somm�rdorf, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none . Abstentians : none. Motion carried seven (7) to zero (0) . 45-70-H 2273 Brewster David J. McLean Mr. Cohen requested that the matter be carried over to the next reqular meeting of the Board at the request of Mr. McLean. 52-70-B 2l9 E�Winona Douglas R. Anderson Mr. Anderson informed the Board that the appeal had been withdrawn. 56-70-B Site bounded by Dale St. on the St. James Housinq West, Kent St. on t��East, by Williams O'Brien Centra Ave . on the Nort�i, & Assoc. Inc. St. Ant ony on t e Sout . SUBJECT: Letter dated July 7, 1970 to William O'Brien & Assaciatns from Ruben Aquirre, Public Buildings Technician III indicatinq that the Building Code does not allow construction of. three story frame dwellings to be used for residential purposes . APPEARA,NCES : Lorenzo D. Williams . � PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Cohen withdrew as an active and voting member as his law firm represents St. James Housing. Mr. Tieso became acting Chairman. Mr. Williams said that they were specif_ically a�pealing the 35 ' height limitation and the 2 story limitation f_or construction of wood frame multi-family residences . He sketched the general proposed layout on the blackboard. He said the end walls would be masonry. Rent would ranqe from $90 and up. ACTION: Moved by Voigt to grant a variance to Sections 405 , table 1 and Section 316 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code to permit construction of the three story multi-family residences as r�>- quested. Seconded by Sommerdorf. THE VOTE : Ayes : Grove , Peake, Rehnberq, Sommerdorf, Tieso, Voiqt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none Motion carried six (6) , to zero (0) . Meeting adjourned at 3 :50 p.m. �.�..,.,,...o.� �,,,,� Thomas W. Anderson Recordin_q Secretary - 4 - DYPLiCA�B TO MtIMRR ��913.���b � CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRB@NTED!Y COMMISSIONER �AT� RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Build- ing and Fire Prevention Codes ��rtaining to the following listed properties and as shown by the o£ficial minutes of said Board of Appeals dated July S, 1970, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by referencea Case No. Pro�erty APPellant 51-70-H 354 Fuller Dennis R. Nosbish 53-70-B 902 East Hyacinth Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Johnson 56�-70-B Site Bounded by Dale St. James $ousing St. on the West, Kent by Williams/O'Brien St. on the East, Cen- Associates Inc. tral ave. on the North, & St. Anthony on the South. ,luL 3 0 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�1 19— Yeas Nays But�er J U L 3 0 1970 � Approv� 19_ --� Levine Tn FBVOr MPx@(�l�l O Sprafk8 MayOP Tedeaco AS'�at Mr. President, McCarty ��