249902 ORIESINAL TO CITY CL6RK 2499p2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Pac�l, Pra- fessional Services Agreement between the City and STR�I ENGINEERING CORPORATION pertaining to the praviding the City with technical wrtt�ng serrrtces as �t relates to the City's Human Resources Development S�b- sys�n. ��R '�ppR � s$f, �eYpe�.� _ �r a �� JUL 2�' 1970 COU ILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas aya •���, � �1 �97� Butler �, � A � 19� , " Levine .� Tn Favor � Meredith � Sprafka or gainst � Tedesco ✓ Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISNED AU G � �970 �� ��������� CITY OF ST. PAUL couHC�� ND 2�9�'�2 . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F"� COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PR��ITED�lf CAMMISSIONEQ �A*� r2ESOLVED, T{iat the pror�er Git�� officers arr_ f�ereb�� authorized and directed to execute, on hehalf of the Cit�y of Saint l�aul, Rro- fessional Services 1',�reenent bet��reen the City and STR�fi" C���I�IEERIPlG � CQP.PORATIO+i nertaintn� to the rroviding the City ��rith technical ;�rriting services as it relat�s tc� thP Cit,y's bium�n RPSOUrces (�evelo�rnent Sub- sys�cer�. �,�. 2� 1970 COtJNCII�EN Adopted by the Co�mcil 19— Y� �� JUL 2' 1970 sut�� �,_ � Approo� 19� Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka ��� Tedesco g�t Mr. President, McCarty �