249886 �� ,�
� 2498
Resolution App�oving A�sessment By—
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cast and expenses for con�truction or re-
cv�s�ruction of sidewalks and work incidental tbereto: Cc�ntract 69-M-480, Levy Iio.
� 7, Histrict No. 2,
__ --- _ _ ___ ---- - -- ___� -- _ __ _ _ _
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�l�7S��JAD�: . . . .. .
F.O, #243725 � Cretin Ave., west side fr� sippi'�iver B1vd, ta Selby Ava.
F.O. #242105 - Portl.at�d Av�«, both sides ��.._. ¢. &: ,�o Al.dine St*.
v �.
F,O. #243312 » Wheeler,�Se.. both sideg �'.���,� "` : w4 t�..���'��n�r�pe•
F,O, �243726 � Pierce'`�3t.� W�st side frcma Po�T , soat"� to and including
the a11ey approximately 188 ft.
F.O. �242106 • Portland Ave., both sides from Aldine St, to Wheeler St,
F.O. $241783 � Fairview Ave., east side from Laurel Ave, to Aague Ave. anci
` on the aesC eide of Fairviev �ve. €�o� -Laurel� Ave, to Seby Ave.
F.O. #241785 • Fairview Ave., both sides fram Portland Ave, to Ashland Ave.
F.O. �241782 � I�oore Sts, boCh sides fro� Selby Ave, to Daytou Ave.
F.O. #243637 - Summnit Ave., both sides from Fairview Ave, to Pr't�r Ave. ,�
F.O. �242105 »•Portland Ave.,,l�hh�:sides fram Pierce St. to Aldine St,
F.O. �`241785 » Fairview Ave., both aides frae Portland Ave� Co Ashland Ave.
F.O. �241782 � Mpore St., both sidee grom Selby Ave, to Dayton Ave,
F.Oe �`243637 » Summit .Ave„ both sides from Fairview Ave, to Prior Ave.
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RFSOLVED FURTHEft, That a public heaxing be had. on.said assessment on the 26th
day of ���, 197� , at th� hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the CounciI Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fina.nce
give natice of said meetinga, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assesaed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Yea.s Nays Adopted by the Council
LEVI i�!� J U�. 2 � ��O
M ER�D1 TH Approvec�
McCARTY In Favor
� _
Fo� x-z z� io-sa 8� Against pUBLISHED AUG 1 �9�Q