249878 ' � 24987�
� , > . CITY OF ST. PAUL �Nci� NO.
PRESENTED BY Rpb��►t F• S rafk
WHEREAS, The EI Jay Pa�ta�ership has in cated ta the Departa�er�t of
Public Warks of fihe City of SaiAt Paul that saial partnership is desirous
of ihstailing or having iast�iled a new electrically he�ted sidawalk ip
connectien with the Capital C�ntre Skyway Build��g on Sixth Street
betar�en Cedar and MiAnesota;''ROw, therefora, b� it
RESALVED, That pursuant to the ptovisions of Chspter 207 and 208 of the
Saint Peul Legislative Code, the C�missio�or of Pwblic Works Is aut4w�ize�
t� issue to s�id EiJay Partnarship or to a licensed a�d bonded sid�ralk
contractor actir�g as a�t fo� El,jay Partnership, a per�nit to install a
sidewalk ab�ttir�g the Capital Centre Skyway Building st above locaticM a�d
to i�co rporate e i ect r i ca 1 heat i ag e 1 en�eats i n a sect i o� apprco�oc i�nata 1 y 26
feet in le�gth of said sideNalk camAer�cing approxia�tmly seveaty (7A) feet
East of the East property line of Cedar St�eet. Fu�thern�re said 26 foot
secti� of sidewalk sMall �ave Ao electric heating •l�nents in tbe area
eighteen (18) inches south of the scwth curb li� of Sixth Str�et to thirt�
�j (30) incl�es south of said curb lipe; apd, be it
�,r �
_� FURi'NER RESOLVED� Tl�at sacl� pera�i t a�+d the permi ss ion hereby gra�eted
. for snch inatallation shall be subject to the folic�wing conditions, provisioaa,
a�d ter�as:
� ;n i. That sai� pannittee, El,jay Partnership� shall forthwith fnrnish
- � and deliver to the City of Sai�t Paui a surety bond in the penal san of
$1,000.00, made and execut�d by said per�nittee as' principal awd a co�porste
' y suretq ccanpsny duly authorized to tra�asact be�siaess in the Stats of MiAaesota,
� � as sur�ty to sad in favor of th� City of Saint Paul as obl�gee, conditioaed
o r that said permitt� s�a11 i�ode�rmify an� hoid harmless said City of Saint
�.. �: Paul against all expense ��d liability on acccwat of ail claims, suits and
judgmants arisl�ag out of ar con�ected with the construction, erection,
,� mai�tenae+ca and/or operatiop by said perrmittee and/or any succesaor in
i qterest of the aforement i oned s i dawrs 1 k �i�ct r t ca 1 r�n i ts, vrh i ch sursty
� bond shall b� in snch form as shall be spprov�d by the Corpc►r+�tisa Ccwns�l.
2. That said per�itte� shall coastruct said alectrically heated
sidewaik eatirely at its ow�a e�cpeqse, u�d�r the supervisic� aA� te the
satisfactioa of tbe Cc�missioner of P�blic Works and iA accordanc.� with
the approved piaess and specificstio�s of the Capital Centre Skywsy B�ildi�g
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson Approve� 19—
Levine _�n Favor
Sprafka a�
Tedesco ASainst
Mr. President, McCarty
� : , : CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO.
2. (Co�'t) on fi le in the Departme�at of Publ ic f�orks; st�ch
construction shall be iaade i� strict ca�plia�ce with the City of
St. Paul El�ctrical Code aad be authoriaed under a permit issn�d
by the ttepsrtaient of Pa rks, Recre�fi i on ar�d Pub 1 i c Bu i 1 d t ngs,
3. That sa i d pernai ttee sha 11, at i ts own cesst �and eacpeASe and
ia accordance with all ap�licabi�e ordinances of the City af Sair�t
Paul and statutes of the State of Ninnesota constr�act, erect, maintaia
and operate said sidewalk installati�c+.
4. 7hat said peraiittee shall give advrance notification to the
Construction Er�giAe�r of the aepart�ment of Public Works as to tha
proposed start of construction and proper schedulm of cperatioas aqd
shall also notify sai� Co�str�ctioa Enginaer ahen project has beee�
cdnpleted to allvw for a final ic�spection.
5. Thst said permittee shali furnish the Depa�rt�nent of Public Works
all alocux�nts of �ecord that are a part of the Coatr�ct or incidental to
. its execdticu+ i�cindi�g bat not limite� to adcknd�s, award of contract,
sr�m of cont ract, �'as bu i 1 t'' pl a�s ��d t rac i ngs.
6. That said sia�awslk constructTo� and installatioa shall be in
conformance with �lans heretofore sub�nitteei by said peranittem to the
Departmeeit of Public Works and shall be subject to appra�ral of the
Ch i ef Eag i neer of the C i ty c�f Sa i nt Paw i.
7. That s�id perMittee and its successors a�d assigps shall f�ily
indea�nify ttu City of Sai�t Paul agatr�st all liability on account of all
c 1 a i ms, causes of act i on� su i ts and j ud�aeats on account of i r�j nry�► to
person and/or property �rising #raa or connected with the construetiofl,
erect i on, �na i nter�a�ce, operat i on end/or remc�va 1 of sa i d s i dewa i k and
said electrical heating units installation.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson Approve� 19—
Levine �n Favor
Tedeaco AS��gt
Mr. President, McCarty
�o,�a�nwe=o crrr c�sRK ��VQryQ
� , . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa vv �c,
PA6E 3
8. The Council reserves the right to order by resolutioa, the
remo�ral of the electrical heating units from the public way a�d in
th� ev�nt the Cou�cil �cercises such right, the permittee ahall at
his c��m expense remove the said heating units a�d restore the public
wa�y to its origin�i condition.
9. The said permittec ahall pay the cost of ac�niniatration,
eagitieering a�nd inapection of said wmrk, and for the publicatio� of
this resolutio�.
10. That supplomentai to all other ob�igstio�s on its part, said
per�nittem and its successors �nd assige�s shall fwrnish a�d n�intain
and pay all p�emicans and other expenses for public liability insurance
coverage by an insurance coa�pany duly ticensed by the Co�aissiouer of
1 r�surac�ce of the State of M i nnesota i n ar� �no�nt of $250,000 aga i nst
liability for iajury to any one person and $500,000 for personal injwries
in a�y o�e accid�nt, and ag�inst liability for injury to propdrty in an
amouwt of $50,000 for any or�e ac�ident, and in the safd aawunts and for
• the said pnrposea respeetively �'ndemnifying said pe�ittee, its successors
an�i a�ssig�s, and ths City of Sai�t Paut agaiflst liabtlity on account of
all claims of third psrson fo� inj�rry to persc� and/or property arising
f rom or connected wi th the oonst ruct 1 or�, erect i 4m, operat i on,aa�i atenance
and/ar reaava 1 of sa i d s i d�a i k ar�d u�der 1 y i�g e i ect r i ca 1 heat i r�g ua i ts,
and shall furnish caapetent evidence of said coversge from tin+e to tin�e
to the Coanpt ro I 1 e r of tMa C i ty of Sa i nt Pau 1.
11. That said perpa;ttee shali within the pariod of 15 dsys n�xt after
the effective date of this resolution, file wtth the City Clerk its
written acceptar+ce of the terais, provisions a�d co�diti0ns of tbis
resolation and its �greement to be bowAd by said ter�s, p�ovisicns an�l
copditions thereof, witlwut l imitation, v+hich wrttten instrc�ant of
acceptaace aad agr�nent sMai l ke in fora+ approved b�r the Corporatie�
� 2 � 1910
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19�
Yeas Nays
Butler f�1 � �, ����
�� Ap roved 19_
Levine � Tn Favor
Sprafka �' ayor
Tedesco A 8ainst
Mr. President, McCarty
pUBLiSHED A�� }, �9T4
July 29, 1970
Moore, Costello & Fiart,
Attorneye at La.w,
1400 N. W. National Bank I31dg.,
55 E. Fifth Street,
St. Pe,u1� Minn. 551fl1.
Attached here py resolution C. F.
2�+987$ grantin� permis n to The jay tnership to install
a new electrically he d sidewall� ' connection with the
Capital Centre Skyway B ilding on th Street hetween Ceda.r.
anci Minnesota, sub�ect o ce�•tain ovisions as described
e call yo�r special attentipn to �aragraph 1 per-
taining t band, Par �ph � pertaining to the cost of pub-
lication � this r.esol on, and to Para�raph 11 with �°efe�•ence
to the fi � g �f an ac gtance of the terms and eonditions o�'
this resol t On: with 5 days.
We wi. fo.rw��rd. you a bill foN the publication �f
this resQlution in the Le�ral Ledger, afte:r� i.t h�,s be2n published.
Very truly y�au�:•s,
City Clerk
Au�us��3, 1970
, ,
� �
�--�._._`:�:.LL``� '�,,�
'�`,< `�.
Moore, Costello & Hart ;�;` ��
�ttorneys at Law � � �,
1�+00 N. T��1. National Ba.nk Bldg./ l
55 E. Fifth St. `�
St. Paul, Minnesota `\ �
t ,
Gentlemen: i���� � �
.-,.�\ `.
F.�closed is a bi11 t c�ver the t of`�ublication in the
amount of �30.60 fo he enclosed ouncil File No. 249�?78,
a copy of which G�as nt to you July 29th, 1970, per-
taining to the permi o The E1 Partnership to instal.l
e. new elec c hea , k� as more fully set out
Very truly yours,
City C1erk
�aint Pa►�tl, Minn��ote,
au�.� 29, igto.
To the Honorable, the City Council,
38iat Paul, Minnesota.
ire, the nndersigned, do hereby accept sad agree
to sbide by a1I the terms and conditioris of Council �'ile
No. �49878, adopted hy the Coun�il on Jttl.y 28, 1970.
�HE ffirJ'
!'',�c,e. �,�'_ � �'He�: �� � Go.; ��G
��-� S'P��� �-����'�� ��Q�%�v�t'l.