249876 Orisinal to City Clerk ti rORDINANCE ��9�7b COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED B �`'� ORDINANCE NO �T S�� An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordi.nance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the minimum quali.fications in the specifications for ��„�` Public Works Technician LI ` Surveyor I Traffic Technician II the followi.ng sentence: � "Additional experience as an Engineering Aide II, Engineering Draftsman I, or Traffic Engineering Aide II is qualifying for the first fifteen credit hours. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii AUG 12 1970 �ttt�er � Carlson _ Levine �) n In Favor Meredith c.� Sprafka Against Mr. President (McCarty) AUG 12 1970 Appr . ttest: ity C rk y �� Form approved Cor�oration Counsel By . PUBLISHED AU G 1 n4�e�M a ls5pr : • ' O1� DINAN � E 244��'''� . COUNqI FILE NO PRESENTED BY QRDINANCE NO � An ordiasa�r.� s�c�aadia� �rdiaaace No. ?607, �itiad: "At osdia�ate� �j ti�e �atE+u sed s�peoasititlit3ss aa� !bi mia�im�am �a�3iSc�et#oas for � �asi�o�ts elasses of p�silioas !a tl� CZsa�isd Sertice of the C�," sp�►��ed Fabroatr�r 13. 1g35, ss aaieni�d. Z'HE GOt31�tCIL �F ?'� CI'�! OF SA#�t'� P�IIL Dt�� tJ��s St�i+o�s 1. T� flr�cc IKo. T60Z, apgro��ri �'�rrq��r 13, I935, ss s��ad�d, be aad�h.e same i� hsreb��sti+�es���d L�r�` �s !l� �ai�imom qaali#i�sti�s ia the �peeificstivas f�r Pmblie Wor�s T�cbicias II �+ats�ry►or I Trsftie Teclmi�isz II � ,�t t�e follawin� s�ee: � „Additioa�al e�p�rit�c� ss sa Ea�iae•rias A#d� II. �1►ii�ssr�aa � Draftsma�I, or Traf$e Ea�er� Ai�i�s I� ia �otlit�; fos ; ti�t �irat �ts� csydi.t �osrs. r• ; Sectio� 2. This ordiaaace shsll taia�r s�fect a�ad �► i�t#orc� tiirl�da�s aftair �ts p�fssga, approval. asd psbli�ttis�.. qtlG i 2 1�70' Yeas Councilmen Nay$ Paseed by the Coiinc;t B� / �� �° Tn Favor Meredith � ro�inet 3prafJca Mr. Pr�ea�ident (McCarty) AUG � 2 1'7� Approved: Attest: City G'lerk Mayor �� '. �'orna approved Corpor��ion Counsel By � . Ju].y 28, 1�j0 � I � �.__.�... `��ti� ` ` � � .�--�..\ \�� � A"r. John Haicier � 1 1?irector of Personnel �� City Hall ``� � Dear Sir: ��,�,/� ,'J---w'.. �� ,� �, �,, ._ The City Council tod gave Fir Read�� to Council Fi1e No. 24��i76, bein� an ordinance a ndi.,,g Ord. . 76t7j, Specificati�ns, by adding a sentence to the mi mum quali�'i tions in specificatians for Public ?��'orks Technician II, urveyar I TraPfic Technician II, as set out in the ordinance. �'he ord ce will c�me up for Third Reading on August ��—�.-�$'0. \\�`� � Very truly youxs, City Clerk ng � I s+ � � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app. �-� —Adopted ���.� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �Butle� Carlson ��Carlson � Levine Yevine � Meredith ���� eredith Sprafka � rafka Tedesco � �edesco J � Mr. President McCarty RAr. President McCarty O