249874 � ,OR(GINAL TO CITY CL6RK CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 249�74 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. C RESOLUT ON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY O@rt . raf ka COMMISSIONE DATF � � WHERBAS, Additions which �aight prove to be necessary in the Latproveaent described as Construction of a Sanitarq Sewer in �iYOMING STREET from Andrew Street to Kansas Averrae, Co�ptroller's Contract L-7229, Citq Froject No. 69-5-1400, F. Morettini Construction Co�pany, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specif ications, and WHSRBAS, It has been fuund necessary to ffiake the following Addition ADDITION 1 Sewer Service Connection ($ $150.00 = $150.00 Total Addition /��� and �.Jt i � W�ERBAS, The total addition is $150.00, and the Co�issioner of Fublic tiorks has agreed With the Contractor that the aaount of $150.00 is the correct sum to be added to said contr$ct, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Faul tbrough it� City Council approves the foregoing additfon made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $15�.00, said a�ount to be added to the lump su� consideratiar� na�ed in the contract, known as Co�ptroller's Contract L-7229, and which a�ac►ant is to be financed by assess�ent against benefited property. FORM PRO orporati n ' e ,���. 2 � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � � LNays ?'.:�i� � � �.�7Q �e� �� . Approved 19— ��.�� / Meredi �' Tn Favor ��r�iGi�VIZ . Sprafk2 � A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, $prne-��� �ti� '�UBLISHED aU G � ��� " �� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ,q CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO �� � " `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Rnhert F_ CnrnfltA DATE '�HEREAS, Additiona which might prove to be neceasary in the Improvement describ�d as Constrvction of a Se�itary Sewer in i�YOMIHG STREET fro� Andr�w Street to Kansas Avenue, Comgtroller's Contract L-7229, City Project Ato. 69-S-1400, F'. Morettini Con�truction Coepany, Contrector, have baen provided for in the Spacificatione, and WHER.EAS, It has been found necessery to �ake Che following Addition ADDITION 1 Se�rer Service Connection @ $150.00 � $150.00 Total Addition and WHEREAS, The totsl addition is $150.00, and th� Coa�aaissianer of Public Wortca has agread with the Contractor that the a�ount of $150.00 is the corrett �um to be added to said contr�ct, therefore be it RE50LVED, Th�t the City of 8t. Paul through ite City Council approves tha foregoing addition made in accordance With the Specifications in the sum of $150.00, anid a�ount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in tbe eontract, known as Co�ptroller�s Contract L•7229, and whfch eaotint is to b� financed by assessan�nt agsinst benefited propsrty. ���.. � :� ���_��' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas /� Nays �/.?�e..•L. �`', s*: �}g}�_ • /` Approved 19— t Z�--.t-F_, Meredith' �G'Tn Favor PetErsIIrr Sprafku �� Mayor Tedesco A Sainst . � Mr. President, Byrn�+�-/�.�-� ��_.�.,_� f ��O