249872 Orie5aal to City Clerk � �ORDINANCE ��g���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY_ � �• r ,.,�_ ORDINANCE NO � `J� �� AN OR.DINAIJCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF LAWRENCE E. LORD AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OftD�IN: Section 1. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund Uo35-421, to Lawrenee E. Lord, the sum of $�128.22, in f�ll settlement of his claim for damsges sustained on July 8, 19?0, as a result of an ac�ident involving a City vehicle driven by Albert Jewell, at or near 998 R.aymond Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. That said s�m shall be paid to the said claimant upon his ezecution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, Yor all damages sustained in the manner afuresaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty dsys after i�s �assage, approval and public�.tion. . �G 12 �9�0 Yeas Councilm���� Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson �� �"''"` "'g' � In Favor / Meredith � ��� �� � A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President �e}-�1� G � 2 191�d Appr e : _ A est: , ty erk �ayor �� • Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED AU G 151970 Dnplleate to Prfnter ORDINANCE ;���`�2 ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �`��� �'�� �N ORDTNAiVCE S�TTLTNG THE CLAIM OF LAT�'RENCI� i:. LOI�.D AG.r�.IR�S`!' '1'��E CITY 0�' �AINT PAUi, TFI� CUL�I+iCIL 'Ji� TH� CIT� ��' SAINT PAUL DOES 0 ' ,h�:LN: Section 1. T.�at ��ie �raper City afficers are �ereby aut�c�rized and directed ta pay �aut af the Tort Liabili.ty Fund U035--421, ta Lawrence E. ]�ord, the �suna of ��I28.22, in full settlement aY his claim for dama;es sustained c�n July 8, 19?(�, as a result af an accident invc�lvi.ng a City veY.iicle driven by Albert Jewell , ai: or near 9'98 li.aymond Atrenue, Saint �'aul , Minnesot�,. Section 2. `�.''hat �a�d su� si�all be paid ��o �i;�3e a�ic� e�..�,�:mant u;�on h�s e�zecuti�n and de:livery o� a release in full to the City, in a f�rm ta Ue a�proved by th� Corporati�n Cc�unsEl , �t�r a:i� dar�ages sustained in the manner a�'+aresaid. Section 3. That thi� ordinanc� shali take e�'fect and be in force thirty days a�ter itsp�ssage, approval and publieation. AUC 12 �J7� Yeas Councilme� Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson<��—�=�-% Me�h ���z�----�— � In Favor P�erso� �1 Sprafka A gainat Tedesco �,� � �c�M��� Mr. President (Byrne) s�����_° � � Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � �i � Ist - 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app �� —Adop+ed ��.�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler +Bd#ler Carlson �arlson � Levine �evine Meredith �eredith 2�g�7 Sprafka refka � � � Tedesco �edesco Mr. President McCarty r. President McCarFy O