PR�ENTED BY J1,�ly •�.$a 19r1O
RESOLVEDs That application for the transfer oF On Sale Liquor Liaense iseued to
The House of �organ, Ina., at 741-3 Edmund Avanue, he and the same is
hereby transferred to Gene-3iont, I�c. �t the same �ddreas on the
oondition that y�thin ��O days of �hia date said Gene-Mont, I�o.
sha17. ocxn.ply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, ancl
Poliae, and the Liaense Inepector purauant to the St. I�e►ul Legisl.ative
Code and all other applicable ordinaneea and 1a�rs.
�►� �
�� 2 � 1���
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_
Yeas Nays
��� ;� ;:3 ��7�
� � Approve� 19�
Levine __jn Favor
Meredith v
Sprafka ���
A gainat
Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED A(j� 1 �970
Capital of Minnesota __
�i��� �ti�
/ Q ��
e aHt�nevct o ub�GC'c �a et
/�' � ,!
ADMINISTftATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PR�ECTION
ro�cs DEAN MEREDITH, Commi�ioner HE LTH
R.ALPH G.MERRILL,Depaty Commisaioner
DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense Inepectar
July 28, 1970
�ionorable �;ayor and City Council
Sa int Pa ul, £.�inne s ota
Gentlernan and ��adam:
Gene-��ont, Ino. is joined by The House of Aiorgan, Ino.
in making application frsr �he transfer of Dn Sale Liquor Lieense
i�o. 7684, expiring January 31, 1971, from the licensee, �'he tiause
of P4:or�;an, Inc. at 741-3 ".r:dmun.d Street to Gene-I�.iont, Ina. a�t the
same address.
Gene-"iant, Ina. also make applicatian for Restaurant,
t3ff Sa1s :�3&l�t Beverag� and Ci�arette licenses for the same location.
The of ficers oF the applicant corporation are Tt�arren .�.
I�gontpetit, T'resident and Treasurer and Elizabe�h A. P�on�tpetit, Viae-
P�esidsnt and Secretary. 2°he stoekholdera of this aorporation are
Warren A. P�?on�petit and Elizabeth �. �'ontpetit.
There are no 3.2 placos within two bloaka. jhe closest
On Sa1e Liquor p7.sae is one block aya�y and the closest Off Se�].e
L?quor place is six blocks av�v. The nearest ahurah and schoal
are both three blocks ayu�y.
�'rom Jan�ry, 1964 to July 21, 1370, �'.arren A. h"_ont-
petit was a s�ockholder in G7,a�rton C].ub, Znc., 615 iTniversity Ave,
�lizabeth A. ��3ontpe�it has bsen a housswiie and recently the p�st
two months has been employed by Haugland's �ress Shop in Sun Ra�r
Shopping C�nter, i�. Pau1.
Very truly yours,
G��/ /' , �" ol v'�'�".,:,
� /
License Inspector
July 22, 1970
Tos .
The Honorable Ma�yor
City Council of the City of St. Paul
Ramsey County Covrt House •
St. Paul, Minnesota ,
Please be advised that GENE MONT, INC., a M3nnesota corporation� �
is purchasing the On-Sale Retail Liquor License and business
now in the name of THE HOUSE OF MiDRGAN, INCO�aRATED, a M3.nneao-
ta corporation� located at 7l�1 - 7l�3 �und Avenue, St. Paul�
Minnesota, and respectfully reqvest that the �ity Council of
the �ity of St. Paul Minnesota� tranafer said On-3ale Retail ,
Liquc�r Licnesa from fihe Hovse of Morgan, Incorporated, to
. Respectfully yovrs� i
. i
B . G� l� �. -. - 't'0
Warren S. Mon tit � President
� �y ;�d�n,�� �s�r�..�-.�
�obert L. organ - eaident
. �
. . ;
. I
,.w�+�• �
Date Jvly 21, �9 70
1. Applica�ion for On-9ala Rst�ail I.iqvor Licer�.ae
2. Nams of applicant ���:I�$-T�NT IIdC. '�'arren A. �:on tit, Prveidettt aTMd `Prsasurer
3. Bueiness addresa ?1�l-;�:dmund A�ue, .�t.i'au�eaidence 20t3lt E. ri��Eh at.� at. F�� 21�,pnosot�
' l7Xl.
4, Trsde name, if any ;Ter2e-i;�ont Lna.
. • 27.50
5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp l�tail Liquor �ederal Tax Stamp��3.1�, be u�ed.
6, Cai what floor located �i��� ��`looi' Number of xocans used �'�n ��'�o� a�'ad roo�a ac�piHitta
. �:drr�mar ra and.
`7. Between what cross.stxreets ~'�•�r�r� '�Thioh s ide of stree� ''�n• t�rotto
8. A,re premises now oaaupied '-rf=� 'Hihat business Li;voi� A� 1o�g 25 Years
9. Ara premises now tuiocscupied - Havv long vaaant - Previous Usv •_
10. Are you a new o�aer �` �� Have you bsen in a aimilar buainess before Y�e
Where "-�lmot�t Sui;:n:r `;Iu;� l�hen Par�t K �ears
11. Are you going to oper�te this business personally Y'e�
If not, voho will operste it -
12. Are you in �ny other busineas a� the present time t+o
13. Have there been any oomplaints against your operation of thia type ofl p�,ac�► ;�,
�hen - Where -
14, Have you ever had any lieense revoked ir'p �Phat reeson and date ..
15. Ar� you a citizen of the United Statea ��d�� Native Yes Naturalized -�-
-•------ --..._._..,.,..
16. Where ware you born ��c,;.�crse G, W`i.,con�3n Date of bir�h ��pr:�.7_ �3u, ?.i21:
17. I am married. My (wife 's� (i�aa�r�ndja� name and address is ='li�a:�t;� A•
Montpetit • 2Cf]l� r• F'S1"�,h �t.Tk3�t.� rt;. f'aul� T�"'��rt�eF:u'�;� .
18. (If married female) my m�iden name is -
19, Sow long have you lived in St, Paul �7 Y�`�`�`�
2p. Have you ever been arroeted �"a Xiolatian of what criminal ].a�r or ord3.r�nv�s �'
21. Are you a registered voter in the City of S�. Paul re� Yes ' No.
(An.awer fu11 and oom letel . These a licatiox�.s ara thorou hl aheoked a�.d e�A
alsif ication ro�rill be cause for deni.a .
22, Number of 3.2 places within tnvo bloaks �one
23. Closest intoxicating 7.iquor plaae. Dn Sale 1 Bloc3k �� Sale 6 blocks '
24. Nea re s� Church 3 b��kg Nea ras t sonool 3 bloak�
25. Number of booths N�° Tables ,� Chairs �� Stools � -
26. What occupe,tion have you follov�ed for the past five y�ears. (Give names of employera
and date s s o employ�ed.)
3e1!•Employsd Re].�nt Snpper Ciub, 615 Univ�rsi�y Avetiv�, St.Pavl, Minn.
27, Give n�mes and.addresses of -�vvo persone, re�idents of St. Paul, ��.nn., whp �sa,� gi�e
infor�tion concerning you,
Atame �'irat M�arottar�ta Banit Address gt.Psul, �L�nesota
Name �r. :'. 0. t�ichola ,Address 4�l 1Kar�.mnd A�e., �., �t. Paul, I�nssot,�►
.l�- (.fr'_ ��"�!�`�-� f
i na ure of
State of Minnesota wa�r�n A. Mon'`� �� �a. and Trs�1. ef Qene-1�tont,
s s If1Q.
County of Ramsey �
w�R� A• �pTP�IT being �irst duly sworn, deposes and eays
upon oath �hat he has rea the foregoing sta�ement 'bearing his signature e�nd k�naws
the eontents thereoP, and that the same is true of his o�m know],edge ex¢e�p� as tp
those mattere therein s�ated upon information and belief and as �o those mattar�
he beliavas them to bo �crtza.
- � _ __
igx3aturs of A 1' a t
Warre� A. ,bntg��t rs�. and Trerxs. ot aene�lont�Iue.
5ubscribed and sworn to before me
this�� day of .1uly 1970
. � `
Notary Pub ic Ramse unty, esota
Ii�rti n J� �•�ap . -
My Co,u�nission expires D�aember 2$� 19T3
(Note s These statement fortna are in dup7.icate. Both copies must be f'ully �'311ed out,
notarized, and returned to the Lioense DXViaion,T�
Pi�tary ?ublic, Ramsey County. Ntnn�
My, Commission �xPires Decemt�C Z�a��+�
Re: On- Sale Retail LiqnoZioenae
Name of applicant affi�iE-�M�ONTj INC. (Warr� A. Mortp�t.it� Pr.aid.nt and Tr�asvra�)
Busineas addreas ?�1-1�3 $dn�und ♦v�ue� St.Paul, M�nnesota
Are �ou the sole owner of this business? . If not9 is it a partnership`�
c�rporatian? Yea , ot�her?
C)thers interasted in business, inelude thosa by loan of money, property or otherwises
g�a� Flisabeth A. Montpstit Address ��+ �• �fth St, g� viam Prssids�at a�d 3�cr�ts�r
Robart L. Morgan 2'�3 Riah�ond St. Pl.�:dga �Y corporate stoak
• � �
for Jal.�uca �f �none�y dus
on pux�ahase of bueinoss
If a a orporation, give its na� GenNMont� Inc•
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor bueineas? FJo
.As aole owner� - Partner? - Stookholder? -
Other°uriae? (Through loan of money, etce Explain)
Addreas of such buainass and r�ture of interest in same
c� �
Signature of appl' nt
w'arren ♦. Mer,tpe � • o�ident and Trwt�r�r e!
State of Minnasota (i�Ae�Svnt� It1ct.
C ounty of �msey
W�� �' ��� bei.ng first duly axorn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidr�vit beas°ing hia aignature and lrnows the contents
thereoP; that the same is true of his oum l�awledge, except aa to those matters there�.n
atated upon infoxm�tion and belief a�td aa to those matters he believea them to be true.
-- .�- � �5���
i�nat�r°e_pf a �'
81'ren . ir�ont� - ��i ds�at aon d T rraaure� o!
Subsoribe and �rorn t�ts before me
(}en�-t�nt, Zna.
t 'a�� "►-'=�-day of �l� 19 73
c �''
No ary ub ic, Coun y9 Ma.nnesota
��!'t+j.Yf J• It��,nTIN J. L',`'-:`�
�Y °°�rbt`�-�t,��li�����!B1�fl28 1 s ?3
{�y Cornmiccion Expires DecemW� 28. �,�+'�
s�a� � �x�so�A)
� ss
WARRH�T A. I�NTPSPIT being firat duly �v�arn, doth depose
and say that he �kes this affida4it in oonneation with applicsation fcsr
" t� 3sle" liquor lice�zse {n� S'ale" malt beverage lioense) in the �ity of
3aint Paul, Minne�ota; that your affiant ia a resicient of the State of Minnesota
and has resided therein for 17 3�'sars yeara, months, and is
nc�ar and has been for the time �bove mentioned a bo� fide resident of said State
and that he now residea at �� �• Filth St.�
� Addrss s
St.1'auls � Mi�nes o�a.
City or To�rn
�� ��� ��
arr�n A. Mon t, Preaident md Tr�aanru�
oP t}sne-ISont, Inc.
Subsaribed and aworn to before me
this a1�day,of u� � 19 70
�tary b1i�s &amaey County, nnesota
Martin . Lyc�ie�
I�y oo�nnission expires n���r 28� 1973
NQtary Public, Ramsey Cou�ty, +,9inn.
1rbE Commissio� Expirss Decemb�t 28. ,1,�.2�
Res �� Sale Retail Liquor Licsense
Name of applic$nt GFltE-MONT, INC. Elis�beth A. Montpetit, �iice Preaidsnt and 3eoretary
Bu�iness addrees ?1�1•7l�3 g�und Avgnve, St. Paul, Minnesota
Are �ou the sole awner of this business? No s If n�t9 is it a partnership?
c�rporatiori? Yea , o:bher?
4thers interested in buainesa, ineZude thoee by loan of money, propert�r or other�riees
Name W�'ren A. Montpetit Add�s�2081� E. Fi2"Lh 3t. Haw C:orpor�a�te o�'�icer and
' � stockholdar
N.obert L . �organ 273 Richmond Ave.� Pledwe of car�1Qrate etoelc
St. Pan1� Minnesota for balana• oY money dus
on i�urch�se af buain�ss
If a oorporation, give its nama Qs�e•�ont, I�c.
Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Baer ox° Liquor buainese? No
.As sole rnrrner? �- partner? -• Stookhfllder? •-
Other°vva.se? (Through 1oQn of money, etce Explai.n)
_ ,.
Addresa oP such business and nature oP interest in same
• -
�, - � _ , � �� -- '
Signat e of applican� �,.��
- - " ' � Elisabeth A. 2'bntp�tit� Vice Pr�d�t and 3�cr�ta�ry
State oP Mi.nri�sota ot l3sns-Mont, Inc.
Caunty Of 1�maAy
ELIZABETH A. MOI3TPE'TIT bei.ng first duly sv�csrne deposes and says upon oa�h
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his �ignature and l�.io�vs the contents
thereof; that the same is true of his own lrnovvledge9 except as to thoae matters therein
atated upan infox°znation and belief snd as to those matters h� believes them to be true.
. 4 . � ,_ � ., � _. _ ., -
�-�.�l :-�..:��� r „� .e L_�`,��t- _
Z ignature of applicant '
Eiisabeth A. 14ontp�tit, V�.ce Pr��ent au�d S�etrsta�y
Subao ' d ancl sworn to before me ot Gene 24ont� Inc.
thia o� day of July 19 70
Notary blic, Rama unty, 3.nnesota
MarLin J. Lydea,. .
�� � '�'F:������b°r 28s ls "�3
o�t �1�,. �� e�,•.�„ ;�,.--
My. Commicsion �xpkas DocomDar 28, X97�
. -� �
s�� � �nv�sarA)
� �
BLI�ABETH A• I�NT�'RTIT being firat duly sxarn, d�th dsposa
and say that � he �kes thi� affidavit in cflnnsetion with applioation for
" Oa Sale" liquor license (�� �' Sa1en malt beverage liceuee� 3.n the �ity of
$aint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a r�sident of the 5tate of �innesot�
and haa resided therein for 17 yeara, month�� and is
now �nd has been for the time �bove m�en�ioned a bor� fide re�ident of said State
and that �he now reaides st 2081t B. Fitth Stsa�t
�` Aaaree e
st. Paui , Minnesota.
Ci y or Town
.r' ` " � ' � , ) �------�.
�f`. �'" � � i� f i` /i>�!''�,i,Gy✓
Elisebeth A . !"�tpetit, pic�e P�►ide�t and
Se aretary
$ubsoribed and a�rorn, to before me
t is�day oP Jul�r g TO
otary lio, y uia y, �inneaota
Martin d. L�d�
�y co�iasion expirea December 28� 19?3
n.za,r:ta .�. L�; : :- .;
Notary Pablic, Ramse� Ca_„�:y. �;i��,�.
�X�orr�mission ,�xpires Llecemt�t 28. �5.��
LIC�NSE DNISIOI�tt Date July 21,� �9 70
1. �,pplication for �•3al.s Retatl Liqvor Licen�a
2. Nams of applicant d�'�T� IHC. Slisabeth A. Montpet,it� Vio• P�r�side�t �ond 3s�t'�trar�
3. Busineas address T�1'?�t3 �md Ave.i$t.Fau�e�ence 208lt E• 1�itth St.� St. Faul� HinneaoLa
4. Trade name, if any Ga�ne-Han�� IAa.
5. Retail Beer �ederal Tax Sta�'� Retail Liquor �ederal Tax Sta p7�5��1 be uaed,
6. C�i what floor located �'�'at Floor Number af rocana used�a� �rO� °nd room ad�mityie��.
• rner ro d
7. Betvasen. whe►t aros$ stseata �'�d Aae. y�hich aide of street �o. C�rotto
8. Are premises now oQOUpied Ye� '�Ihat businesa Liav°r Haw Ioag 2,ri years
9, Are premisas now unocscupied �o Hotiy long vacant � Previ.oua Uee �
10. Are you a new o�mer Y� Havs you besn in a aimilar buaineas before n�°
VPtie re � �hen
11. Are you going �o operate thia buainess personally N1�
If not, v�o will operate it wu'1"�► ♦• 1�ontp�tlt
12, Are ynu in any other business at the present tiads N�
13. Have there been any oomplaints againat your opara;�ion of this type oP plaae �o
�18Z1 � �1@I'8 '•'
14. Ha�ve you ever had an�r license re�pked �0 1Phat reason and date �
15, A,re you a °citizen of the United State� ?�s Native�ss Naturalized
16. �here were yau born ��'��ti �,Q�� Date of birth �e 28� 19�1
19, I- am m�rried. My (wa�£e•Ls� (husband's� name and address is �'��'+�'� w. 1'Iont,p�t�t�
2a8� E. Fi!'�h 3L,,. St. Paul, I�nns�ot.a
18. (IP u�arried female) my msiden n�me is ��►��"� �• �'�� �
19. gow long have you lived in. S`t, P�ul 17 yrar� . \ +�
' `;;.
20. Have you ev�er bsen arrested � Violation of what oriminal lavr or ordin�nae " �
�� �::�
21. Are you a registered vbter in the City of S�. Pau1 y�� Yes No.
(Anawer full and oom letel . These a lications are thorou hl checked aad aa
alaification will be cause for denia .
22. Number of 3.2 places within �wro blooka ���
� , �.
23. Closest intoxicati.ng liquor pa.aoe. �n Sale 1 �o� l73f'f Sale 6 �oolt� �
24, Nea re s� Chureh 3 BloQk�1 Nea res t Saho ol 3 Bloak•
25. Number of booths �OAe Tablea 12 C�3,�� LD Stools � -
26. VPhat occsupation have you followed for �he p�st five years. (Give n.am,es qf empl.oyers
and date s s o emp�.oy�ed.) � -
Havgland�a Dres� 8hop Sa�a Rpr C�nter, �t. Pan]., I�41m�ewts (2 son�ha)
27. Give namea and addres ses of two pers one, residents of St. Paul, M�.xu�r� �ho c3a]� g3.ve
in.foxn�tion concerning you.
Name �.rst Marclu�rts Bsl�k Address `�'t� paul, idinneaota
Nam.e �'r. 1�. �. &�ehc�l• .�ddrsss 911 i�arrlmtd ♦ve. �.� St. Pauli Mi�t�.
t , > �
t .- ' , G. ,� ; fj �-=-,---�
, �
, . -
� c-'�''::. '��.. ..i , ���o.,�'� � .-' .)_ �..�{..� �GL"� .
Si�na ure of pp ican � ,,
S'�tate of E�innesota) E2isa�stll A. �ratp�t,��� Viee Pt��t at�d S�ti�'�tr,�
)ss (�e-�lo�at� Islo.
County of Ramsey )
�a�� A• ���T being first duly s�vo�rn, deposes a�d saya
upon oa�h that he has rea the foregoing st��emex�� bearing his signatuxre and �.ocv�
tkse eon�ents thereof, and that the same is �a�ue Qf hia owp. kiiowledge exaept �s to
those mattera therein s�ated upon inf'orn�tion and belief a�d as to those m�tters
he bel2eves them �o be �rL�3.
. ,.
_ . �.�. � �
�''' ...` L�C � ,-�G.� ,�� �
3�n�ture of Appl�.aant '
L1.isab��h A. t,�er�t�e°Li�, Vic• Pr�de�nt and Searet,�e�
Subscribed and swox�n. to before me � G�n��on.t� LfQ•
this �� day of J�1 19 �
t �
otary Pu ic, Ramse un , Minnesota
1Kartin d. � .
�dy Co�nission expirss D���r 28� 1973
� (Note s Theae statement foz�s are in duplicate. Both eopies must be t'u11y fil�.ed out,
notarized, an.d returned to the Licenss Dzvisios�.�r
h��.;1:i�J J. �.
�' Notary Public, Ramsey'Count,, ;.:in�.
�'Mf! �mmi�sion �xpires Decembet 2&�