249861 � . i� Orfi�lual to City Clerk ' ' � ORDINANCE ;���� �� 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. J��'S-'�`'� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3-. `p(�JG 12 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �t� /� / Carlson �-' Tn Favor (� Levine l�� Meredith � d A gainst Sprafka Tedesco � 12 ���0 r. Presiden (McCarty) A A tes ty Cler 11 ayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED AU G 15197U ' 1 to City Clerk � � � ORDINANCE ��'� �� � �'� COUNCIL FILE NO . � PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO f�j'<<'�S �r An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Clas sified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for the title Assessment Clerk III, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following statement: "(This title is abolished except as to present incumbent. ) Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Assistant Supervisor of Assessments -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk � Ma o � Form approved Corporation Counael By �a rel��e , � , , t ' O � DI1\TANCE � 2����1 COUNCIL HLE NO PRESE�ITED BY ORDINANCE NO �`�'"S�� lya os�ce amadfaa Ord�ii�aa�cs �o. T647, arlttl�i: "Aa OrdiaaaC�fiad�g t�e �es aad r�spc�+aa��es at�� s�ia�m qvslflicsti�� i�or t�e �arlou cls�se� aE pa�tiots � the Cls�si�ied Ses�rise t�t�u� Ci��" appscrt+rd Fe1►s�ot�tt't I3� 1935a sa ame�i�d. ?HE Ct�III�IGIL O�' THE CI'f'Y OF &AI�TT PAIIL DOE3 ��: S�cH+oa 1. TI� fl:di�w�ace No. 7607, spprohd F�Ds�r I3, 1935, sir am�d�d, b� �a�d the sam� is Iussr� �sstj►es a�aMird lnr strflda� ost th,s spe�o�s f�s t�titl+� Ass�ssma�t Cl�rk III. a�d � s�rtl� i�► ltas t�t:eaf the falk�w3as stat�t: "tTl�s tftls is siwlis�d e�ocrpt as to pres+e� i�mD�aat.} S�oa 2. T1Mt sald ordi�ce, a� a�sseadei, i� aid tla �ssme ia �esrY�tsart�es sana�d�d by io�sosti�q !a its Prs�p�r aTp�L�Eis� osder ttie fo�t t�le, a�d s�ei�cs#iv�s fos� Aesistaa�t S�apesvisor � �lsa+as�s .1_ Yeas Councilmen Naye Paaeed by the Coun�� Butler ��On Tn Favor I.evine � Meredith ro�in,�+ Bprafka Ted� Mr. Yresident (McCarty) APP�v�d: . Attest: City Clerk Yayor �� �• Forna a�roved Corpo�4�oa Cowieel By n _•! . n.vae.a�.r�.es , � � , � RDINANCE ����� COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- f'�-��� St�ea 3. 1'h�s ordi�aa�� a�ta3�cit s�f�sct asi � ia#orc� oa�St�t�j+o�tiuri�sat p�s�i pas��d#�i�r�wfa,�#bsE�r iys s�s fts �ass��. �soTal. a�d �q��os. \ _;_ AU� 12 1970 Yeae Councilmen ys Paaeed by the Coun�;t �ler ��OII _,�_In Favor Levine Meredith �1 A.,�iuet Tede�cc> �i 12 1970 �r. �'resideitt (McCarty) A��: Attest: City Clerk �yor � •MJ + �'Ol'!1!8�1�11'OVBd �OZl G'OW18E1 $�y e G I st � � 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app —.4dopted ���-� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler B�a�F{cr— Carlson �arlson Levine 1G�a1���vine Meredith (\ . Yvleredith . V Sprafka �prafka � Tedesco \ �edesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. Presiden+ McCarty O � � � . ��9� �1 T itl�; of tila s s� A��3SS`,r,.�:N`_E' Sr�F�E��rI�OR �JF .�,SSE55NiE1VTS i�u�i�s and r�sponsiUi]ititse Under s�tipn�•��isio��, �o assis: zn s�,pervisin, �lI tlae wc�rlc �erformed in �he Bux ca.1=. of Assesszz�ents ;�nd in �Eh� i3u.rea�, of £�eceip��s and Di�bui•seir_�n;:s in ';.h�; �ep:a.r.m��n`Y of �i�iancE; �o ��rform diffir_ulv an�l respe�nsihJ.c �tork in°w.,l��ing �hc coinpu��.:i.on of sp�;.i�l asscss- mcn��. c�s;.s� ;.a erape���si�r: �nd �.•�;�vic,�v �:h� ,vork af F,.ssessment Clc�rics I a�d I�� �nd i:o �?er��r:n relat•�d wosk �s �.ss�gned,� �:,�amplLs a.f wor?c �rridrmcd� T�� u�s�.;;t in ��EZe su;��rt�i�i�n; d;reetion and layo�:ti of �:h� work af Yh� s�af£ oF' liz� �ure�t��. aF l��sessmen�s and o£ th� �k�ca� c�f �e�ey�T>'� an.ci Y?isbu.•s�men�s: 'i o �,s�ign �;n�c eurzzp�:����x�t:. c�f �.rsessmc;n�s 'to As;essm�nt Clerks I d.id �:t� To r��i��v th� C�Vt7T�iC oi �l�se:s.�ment Clerks I and I� for a��cur��y� com�lc:�»c:ss and coirc;c;�xz�:�s oi me�chad� To s�:pcz�is� th�; �umpu�:ng of. a��9an�e payrr�enfs fcr scwer permits: 'I"o lo�a�e p�-o�c�x•`:.�y f�orYi ��1����� by� ye�al d��cription ia �.bs4ra�� 'the swm;; from fi�lci no�eG, as�d �.Ginpufi� linc:al fr.on•� foo:�.�er c��aan;i:is.cs a.nd c�.os���:� fax �;hc p�rpc,s� of sprcading �ss�:ssmcn'�s, 'ro '�rafn r.�� crrip3.oy��� in assess�r�ent proceedin�s� T'o s�,p�i•�;�is� the a�sc;ssr��er��t worlc for �pecial projee�s wh�rc sc,�acr,al. ts�pt�s of i�-npro�src�rncn'ts ar� b�in� rnad� �,t on� �'xme� PJii.ni.mLtm q�.���i�4�a'.:i�ns: �3igi�. sc:hool ��-ac3cx<<�ion ar_d fwv� ycar�o c:x�eri,ence �n assc�ssmen� ;uork, in�.lud'znn �tuc� yc�irs �,� �n Assessm�nt Clerk I�� or as � V�lua�ti.on an� As�Lssrne;ik Tcchn;�ian I, e�., � �49� �l '��ri�� Q� �1�.:�� fc��5�� AS:.�aT.S'rl�_,N`� �:1Jr��RViSCJ� OF .P3SSES�ivtE1�17w Dt;��:�;s �nd xes�on�ii�ilifi�es: L�nc1c.7- 5,��nez•��ivi�i�, fio at;si�: in sa:.v�r�;�zCin; all �12� v�ark p�rform�d in �1�.� ��,x�a�. uf A�st_ssm��:n3:s a.nd i.n '�h:: vuxe�.� of F���,�?p�s and �zsby.2r�r:m�;1;;s ;.�Z �1�� l-?en��r::.,�n�nt, of i� ina.Yl�e, tc� p�r:�orm dif.ficui� ��nd re;5�;�ns%l�le worlc in°�ol,�in� ;.i1c, cam�s�;a�:i�n o� sp�:,i.�.l assess13 mei��: �.cs;;s; ��o sLC�c:rxsx�c <-���cl rt:�v°:�c:tiv i���.e work of A�s�.ssm�n� �1t�ri:s I �!nc� Ii,: anJ 't� eb�:,r:t��rrra. ;-��1��?t�d worl�. �.s assignLd, �=�:ar�rl.cs o1 -NOxk r���•fr�3rr-fe�: Tv assLS� in `.�i� s�a�Lrtir�sion,, d�.;-e�'ti��:� dnd layo�;,a of L3i� «�c�rk c�f ��t�� st�tr r1' 1t7� 33uz•c�.%.� ��s A.Ssessrncni�� and o# �h� Bt.rca� of �:�c�i��.s �n�1 �is�t�:is°�;mLn�:" .3. 0 �l.;�SY�v'11 'vili. CUISIDI...CLYIiII1 Ot za�i`S:7�Y1C:lij:5 �(7 .�SSC'SSkY2E'Y1fC �ZCI'�Cb" 1 �.i�C,� �..t.. To re;�i��,v L;�� ���oz•k c� r-�.�ae.ss�lcnr C3.�r�c� .E ancl Ii far �,����.r�.cyr ��m�lc:�;<�.�iss �:nr� �:or�e��t;ess va rr.ei:'�o�� a.o s�,�c:rv�s` �:;�?�: �or_rt�t�.ng o` ;;�a.;�ar..�e �ayrrf�n�s fcr s�we�- permits, To lc;;�t`.��: L�z•opci��y> `r•�m �1a�.; h�r Teg,�,l dw.;sr:-ri.ptie�ia '�.� abs«ra�°'k �h� S��IYl:� 1.i OIYl �1C;iCi T]Oi:•�'.E: �Lilt;� `L'O�`ll.�LL�E:' 12"flti�?i. �J'011°i, �OA'bc1��`C r�t��.n=�i`�<<�� �-�.nd c:�:7��;; fu:r �:hc. ;�s�rp�se of spxc.�.�ing ass�ssmen�s, �O "i:Tc!¢>? Y`_t".''�`./ (:172�}'l�lf't'.('S 17.1 cT!S°CSaIY]C'.11t �2i'O�C:(:CI1i2�S� �'o s�,p�*�vz��: ��e .�.ss•essrri�nt worle foa- �pe�ial pro����:s wh�re s��rc�°�.I ty�,�i. c;i imr�ro•yz�rnc�ifs �.�:•c bc;ing madc �.�: on� aim�� � . �vi.inimLt;r: {���.��l.i�;��:.�:i�;�ns: Ili�tz s:���nc�I �x�,�.i,a.2:iaz� �z�d �:s.�u y<,�zr�° e;s:p�ri�n�� in assr-,csm�n'� ��;ork, zn�1L;.rizn; S:�va �rt:ars �ZS �n a�ssessmi;nt Clerk II� or as a Val�_�;:��n :�nel �tss�s�m��:��'� Tc��hn�<^:an I� o�-�