249860 Orf�inal to City Clerk � ORDINANCE ����`�o '1 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An admi.nistrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopti.ng rules and regulatzons therefor, " ' approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by placing an asterisk (�j before the ti.tle Assessment Clerk ILI, where it appears in Section 6 in Grade 30 under the heading Clerical Group. Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, in Grade 34 under the heading Clerical Group, the title Assistant Supervisor of Assessments. � Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect ar�.d be in force on the first day of the first payroll period followi.ng thirty days after its passage, approva.l, 'and publication. App roved: e ce om issioner AUG 12 197U Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Bt�� Carlson �S Tn Favor �,�Levine � ll�e�edith, c7 Sprafka Against �. , : app AUG 12 1970 test: • Vice Pr ide dith ty lerk � o �O � Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBUSHED AU G 15197 �M� r �� j ORDINI� NCE ���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � - ORDINANCE NO � I!�es�ace s�n�i�es tJri�a�ac� No. 3ZS0, +�atl�tL«l: �At� �►�tstssti�►a osc�at� ralal3a� t� t� �iYii �s�lea Bti:aae �iE�s Cit� aE S�t Ps�, s�►s�rLas sai s� r+e�es aad rs�`la� �s�i[or," �r�swi L►�ss� 20, 19�4, ss a�ad�. TI�i� CD�i�tC�L 4F THE ��TY aF S�A�F PA�I. �i�8 ElA��!f: SitE#sa l. T�! 4rdfiuEx• i�o. 32i0, spprr�d As� �, lqi4, ai aa�d, Iwr a�d tia s�► is h�rrr�l�e:tl�ss s�rd+ri iy►� ,� s�t�tsk � �s� tl�e �+t Ass�p� C1os� IIt. �rl�rs it s�p�ata is ;' S�a � is Gsade 3#+�trr ti�t L�a�ts Clssl+eal Gso�p. S�etioa 2. ?!�� a+aid ordla�tte, ss a�madsd. 1� aaMi tlr�► ssm� is lrr�bp��rti�er sn�aied tir�► �ts�rEi� i� S�ti� i, is G:a�i�a 34 ai�r tla� � Cl�sitcsl Groap, tl�e 13t1� Assi�M�at �r�sos +o� As�sain�. S�ea 3. �L#a osdlasa� sys11 t�iae � aa�d l� !;a f+ascw a� !'k.l��t as� oE t�.�rst p.�roll p�esio� foll�its 1+�zl� �. a�rr i�r Ir�sssai�. aplse�si. a�i �s�i�. � �P'F�= � s AUG 12 1970 Yeas Councilmen I�ays Paseed by the Coun�i� Bat�- C�'� �_ Tn Favor Levine _ sn� d A��nat � Tedeeco 1�:�.A' Approved: Atteat: ��• V�ICe Preside�i4 Meredith ` City Clerk Mayor f� `, Form a�proved Ca►Fpor�ton Cow�eel By _ . ;� July , 1970 :�----�-.�1 ��� � Mr. John Haider / ��''� Director of Personnel � Building � �� ; � Dear Sir: ` �.,�� �_.._..... �'�. . The Cit Council toda � �� �� \ y y ,,��fe Fix� ��teadi`�\to the followin� tw� ordinances which will � me up for ird F�ding on August 5� ig7o: C.F. 2�+986o amending � 250 by p in� asterisk (�) bePore men rk� n Sec. 6 in Gr. 30 under er`�cal Gr ' serting in Sec. 6 in Gr.3�+ under Clerical roup the title Asst. Supervisor of Assessments; C.F. 2�+98 �xaending 607 by striking speciPications for Assessme Clerk IIT and substituiing in lieu � ther�of ' �,'his title is abolished except as to rese ncumbent.)" AND inserting in its proper etical ord�r the title and apecifications for �sst. Supervisor of Asseesments. . Yery truly yaurs, City Clerk n� I s+ , 2nd � Leid over to 3rd and app � �—Adopted ���% Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Bu+ler �F Carlson �Carlson Levine �[��� �o �evine Meredith ''\� Sprafke � �Sprafka Tedesco �edesco � Mr. President McCarly , } ' .;�-.�: . , : ice Pr�sident Meredith