249854 '� ; � COi�NCIL FILE NU. ��yg�4
^ 'BY •
Ia tbe metter of condemn i nca and taki nq an easement i n the ��.�q����sarX for the s t o�es, cuts
and fills, including right of removal of lafieral support from subject land or remainder
thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and
surfacing with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter on CLARENCE
STREET from Beech Street to Minnehaha Avenue. (G-1704)
under Preliminary Order 24�632 , approve�l February 26. 1970
Intermediary Order 2�+95�5 , approved �une 30, 1970. �
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council 6aving
heard all pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and baving fully coneidered the eame;
therefore, be it
R,E50LVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Psul that the preciee nature� extent snd kind of im-
provement to be made by the eaid City ie
Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts
and fiils, inciuding right of removal of lateral support from subject land or
remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in
the grading and surfacing with bituminous material and construct concrete curb and
gutter on CLARENCE STREET from Beech Street to Minnehaha Avenue. (G-1704)
snd the Council hereby ordere eaid impmvemente to be made.
RE80LVED FURTHER, that the following lsnd, lande or eaeementa therein be and the eame are
hereby ordered to be taken, approprinted and condemned for the purpoae of mskiag eaid improvemente, via.:
Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and
fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder
thereof, occasioned by eaccavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading
and surfacing with bituminous material and const�uct concrete curb and gutter on
CLARENCE STREET from Beech Street to Minnehaha Avenue. (G-1704)
R.E$OLVED FUftTHEB, That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby inetructed and
directed to prepare ple�ne and epecificstione for said improvement, and the proper city oS'iciule are hereby ,
suthorised and directed to prooeed with the muking of eaid improvement in accordance therewith.
J U L 2 a �87�
Adopted by the Councii —.�,.:� _ -• i+�■�` —�"
. �U L 2 $ 1�1� � City er�
Approve�.— , 19
Mayo .
Butlar PUBLISHED q�JG ,11970
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RE PORT TO COMM I SS IONER OF F i NAkCE `�;ti;�:T�. , � rY,`
March 2, �y 70
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul :
The Cortunissioner of Pub1lc Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
order of the Council known as Council File No. 247632 approved
Febrnary 26, 19 70 relative to CO�dem�ing and taking aa eaaemaat ia tha
land �ecessary for the slop�s, cdts and filis, incladl�g right of removal of lateral
support fran subject land ur re�aipder thereof, occasioned by excavations ther�of or
coastrrrction of slopes in the grading a�d sarfacing with bitunainous material and
cowstrect concrete curb a�ad g�atter on CLARENCE ST. frc� BeecM St. to Minnahaha Ave. .--
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
i . The estimated cost thereof is $
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and
ma de a pa r t he reof.
3. (nitiated by the Carmissioner of Public Works X
4. tmprovement is asked for upon petition
Commissioner o bli . !��
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