249853 . . _ �.r.; 9'"�H4 .• . . .�.. .: .. - , u i . ' . . _ l �, v.'nl'^";�'. .r S � .. � ���.a�. � �r,,. .,.,�� . ..: y � . . . . . i .. . . AF ' � � -•, . . � y � � 1'j �� �.. �� ,\.. �. ��� ,' ` . 1 , _ . � ' COUNCIL FTLE NO- ; FII�AL Q�DfR � _ . .. . . . . . � . . . �� i. . � . 5 � � . . . ` . . . . . . . �� r File No 1'� In the Mattsr of � �':�� !��!! ir��s �li�i!'�sl allit i�t , i� s'� � � � � �' � � � � �� �� _ -T �a; ander Preliminary Order��� �pprovP-� ���:� , Inter�ediary Order approv� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Cotincil having hsard all persona, objections and' recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;therefare, be it `� , RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cfty of St. Paul that the precise na�ure, extent and kind,af im- ' provement to be made by the ssid City is ; . � � � r� ��r� ���a � � �:� �',� _ �' - . ._-., ,�, , �r w► � �!� l�wt � � t�r! Mlt�lris �r„ _ ° : ; � •; and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, Tha� the Commis�sioner of Public Works be and is hereby instrueted and directed to prepare glans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for �pproval; that upon said approval, the proper city afficials are hereby authorized and directed to pra ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN Y� � Adopted by the Councii �:�. Z� 19�0 BU � �.�� Naya EiArR�A� Approved � 2 � ���� ' LEVINE � MEREDITI-� Tr Favor SPRAFKA ay+nr TEDESCO � McCARTY aoe►A.;rQt PUBLISHED AUG 1 1970 s.sa.$�c �� a.i . ��i�o8- � . � ' . {,.r-�������� ,r � :��., 3 ; . �jqR ._ ,.:s OFF ICE OF THE COMM I SS IONER OF PUBL IC WOR .tj�CF ,9�� .�1.��: /�FO � ' �` '�t ,,��.., `a/��. O,� ..`JI` REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ``� ,� l�' '�1�,' -�'`'• 2�9�.�4 March 2, �9 70 To the Commtssioner inance of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council file No. 247631 approved February 26, �g 70 relative to 9rading and snrfacing with bitwninous materisl and construct concr�ts curb and gutter or� CIARENCE ST. frcxu Be�c� St. to Minnehaha Avenu�. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: l . The estimated cost thereof is $ 10,000.00 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attach�d and ma de a pa r t he reof. 3. Initiated by the Corr�nissioner of Pubi ic Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition _ Commissioner o ubii r l�-�.- � � ` , , , '� ` J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 � , ,,. ' �Jaluation Engineer I ' • ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ' ' Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS , a 286 City Hall $aint Paul, Minneso4e 55102 � � ,,.._ '�� '� June 26, 1970 Mr. Walter Hurtley Local Improvements Engineer Department of Public GJo.r.x.s BUIL�ING Dear Mr. Hurtley: Set forth herein is infcrmati.on T�ert:.ner�t to the property assessment for the proposed public im��ro�rem:an�, dF�s�ribed a.s: G-1704 Grade and Surface Cl�,rence Str. eet from A4innehaha Ave. to �?eech S�reet undex P.O. ��+.%631 approved February 26, 1Q'0 The total est�ma�ed amour_t recover�.ble t�,y assessment is $6,743.40 baaed on the fol_.1o;ai.ng: Estimat;ed grading cost (per P.W. re��or� �;j 2,/70} �10,000.00 �Ia�!ua.tion and Assessr.ients Service 130.00 F;st. ���L,bl�.cation, Couxt, �pcst��,ae & rc�isc. cost: 113.�+0 _F,si;i�^,^.�;E;d. T�'i;a:i. E�:�?�°,nditt�x•es �10,2 ;�. �U C�..?,Z� A�.d Less 3�500.0� r;tis�i_m�t�d '�i'�;�i;;i Amount to be Ass�ss�_.ci ��,7�� 0 F�Li�n�,�;ed ��;at,e �`e.r. �,ssessab�e F��ot �11.66 B��s�d <��,� t�e �.bc,�•P, t;�� ;.�,:earirl.r-; on th� an-��s��r�� ��t,y will be scheduled , , 'or� �;°��_P l��.t` e�.• ;�•._,,� ,� ��,,7.. �. ..i.�,�'l)� �,.t„i �,:r�. �t;r� ,•,ri.lr,e d.ate a,s the hearing C'-Il �1�,!"1@ E?r'",7 r'�^• :. .� i�!�.r _��.� � ���.1. .��.�OCk _�� T'Ici-tT.��3-�'� :`� ��1�'!�. � 2.I1C1 BIOCk 1� t� _ - . W�til_1.blc�?7i ,� i'�dd;'�_ ;;�_��n. `/,/e�?"V t�'U.i_ ��CU.�.^c: . , i )CT �`� V���2k.t1--lL. i � �_ t HCy . '_r',]'°.^_:,,Il.�.� cr7', l�Sf t, . V£�.�_L7.cl.i",7.��?1 Eli'"`' �-`?.C'r.:C �ZEr :Rr;� � B 1?�, ��,4.F')f~, C^: . 'J;:).�E?�.P?�' .�'`� _F�� �F?;;f'.C"1 � / �� V ' , ` . , J�HN.�'ciy .�iv�P'.�YSi/�Y � ' � tv'�C_��`r" ' - - 5 T. - --t--- ; - � I� � �. � � ; y: r� �' �I r� � Go f' ;.. � i � r� r}� f 0 � � !i � a� ^ � i c II � i ,f , � :�_ y i; s _ � �i � � �,� � CL A�FNC� �: ' I I i � ' j I I ' , � � � � � '` �4 I ' •V � � I ' wl� [it ` �}[ I s s � � I �. i •� € ET�(� ST , � � � � r� E n ' I �� M � � � � $ A Y I 0 CA M � ' � � I : -t � , --I � y � � � , fjJTL�I)n!G KAM. ST. �J �,' N t � � F _- r c F t � � � i 1 F � ( C � �T �� � � B.4�QCLAY � � # � � � N N � �� � J � � � �� j � � � I l � I ( , � �— _ _ ---- - - h';�:r:%t�vo� - - —... 5�T . ' � ; �---�•i r- � " � ' I � I � r � � � �`��i� �3 , � , July 24, 1970 � TnFe the undersigned, are opposed to any new construction on Clarence Street, between Minnehaha and Beech Streets. � .,8• ����- � /33� � ����� 7 7 /�7�.� a�� i.��� ��-� ��� �� �� . � . ���� . l � �[ n � � �! ~� l�b { y. �¢,6=�'¢' � .� �� `�ea-d�- G�_°7 71- ���J � ��.� � G���,�-c.Q-- �7l 0 7d D • ��� � �� � 7�' '���� �� � � /� � 3 3� � 7� - 5���`� 1 ��-9' �..-�� 7 7/-o�5"G� %���l/C�.�-c=e�l� l 3� 9 ��� �� ° _�� � :� � `7 7 �� � � � � �� ���" ��� i 3 `� �'�'�e.�� �7�'r � o s �s l� ���� � � � s� ����� � � y �io� � f �.�.� �� ����� ,�'�`r<�L ��x-����, , ��-�,-e� � 3s� � '7 7 y s��y� ����� . f � S-�f fc� � �'` ( � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House,56102 ROSALIE L. BUTLER, Commissioner Phone:223-4646 July 21, 1970 Mr. Harrq Marshall City Clerk BUILDING File No. 17468 Grading of Clarence St. from Beech St. to Minnehaha Ave. HEARING DATE: July 28, 1970 Dear S ir: Forwarded herewith are two letters, with reference to the above project, for consideration by the City Council. Sincerely, � � -/��, ,�' ./�l<"'�- C� Rosalie L. Butler Commissioner anc ���� L cc: File ��� , . , , 562 Torlage Drive Dayrton OH 45431 July 15, 1970 Mrs. Rosalie L. Butler Cornrnissioner of Finance . Q Department of Finance �� �7��v City of 5t Paul 113 Court House St Paul MN 55102 Dear Mrs. Bntler: Reference your letter, co�y of which is attached. As a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, currently ser�ing in Ohio on active dut�, it will be impossible for me to attend the public hearing cited on the �nclosure. Therefore, I am asking that this letter be forwarded to individuals or groups conducting the hearing so that its content can be entered in the official deliberatio�s Qf the cov.ncil during the hearing. As the owaer of a sigaificar�t portion of the property involved in extending Clarence Street to Beech, I am opposed to this proposal without reservatimn, Such action, in my opinion, is una*arranted for the following reasona: 1. Clarence Straet very abruptly ends at Beech Street, and its extension for what amounts to 2 bl@ck could serve no essential purpose to anyoae. 2. Individuals living on Beech 5treet have axcellent meana of egress and ingresa by use of that street. While it may be elaimed that e�ension of Clarence Stre�t would make travel more convenient, then certainly the complete:extgnsion of Clarence Street south beyond Beeeh would, for some, �ak� things even more convenient. I do not believe that in theae times of "tight money", poverty, hunger, diseaee, and poor housing, that the city and a selected few property ownera should expend the aum of over $10 thouaand merely for the convenience of one or two families. Certainly, these funds could be better spent in feeding the poor and providing better housing for those who want it. 3. Extension of Clarence Street wc�uld create a significant and serious traffic hazard at the intersection of Clarence and Minnehaha, since many drunk, reckless and irresponsible motor vehicle operators would neglect stopping before crossing Minnehaha as they raeed on Clarence Street. The noise, distraction, and increased traffic of criminal elemeats would seriously disturb the tranquility of the neighbs�rhood, and eause the residents great concern for the safety of their persons and prop�rty. 4. Personally, I object to arbitrary condemnation proceedinga of big city governrnent when such action will practically isolate the rear entrance and yard of my property, and make future construc- tion of a garage extremely costly. In addition, the proposed action would probably necessitate the construction of retaining walls to confine zny property. These added expenses, inconveniences, plus the asaeasment, are absolutely indefensible when, after completion of thc atreet extension, property valuas will decline. I purchased this property for use of my retired and aging mother specifically because of the quiet and relative isolation afforded by Clarence 5treet, between Beech and Minnehaha Avenue, as it exists today, � Reapectfully submitted, ��p,��. Lawrence T. Odland LT�;me� encl 2 ' ° ' - - � �::���.; ,_ , . � - : � CITY OF SAINT PAUL :'��' � ; , �',�A� . ' MINNE$OTA ,� DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE �` �{ 113 Court House 55102 , •F""� � July 10, 1970 � , Lavrence T. Odland _ . . 1348 East Minaaha}ia A�enne ,� St. Panl, Mi�esota 551�6 . ,Y: � ., , . ` Sf le 17468, page 3 : �`' �-,: � . . � ... � . , " . ' a:S You ere hereby notitied that tbe Cauncil af tha �City �� S�: pay1. �11 -. '. hold a public heariog in the Cpuacil,�hasnb�ra o#- the;�1�q Half_�ad ,;,: .. ,... Court House at 1Os00 a:m.on July �8, 1970, on the adviaability of � � proceeding with Preliminary Order 247631, approved Febxuasy 26� 197�, and Preli.minary Order 247632, approved February 26, 19�0 �tich propose ; , to: Grade and surface with bitumiaous material and construct coacrete curb �« and gutter on CLARENCE SIREET from Beeca Street to i�iinnshaha Avenue. � �� � , l�lso, condemn and take an easea�ent in the land �ecessary for the�.slop�s, - tuts and fills, iacluding right of re�oval of lateral suppoct from sub�ect land oz remainder thereof, occasioned by excavation� �h�reof or construction of slopes #n connection with �aid' gradie►g. � :',�-- • �' � . . The total eatimated cost and method of .fia$ncipg �is '�pso+v�sent +tre , as followa: - k,,` City Aid '$ 3;500.00' . .. � : Eatimated Property Assessment �6 743.40 ;, Total Est'imated Coat " $10,Z43.40 ' The estimated proper�y asaessment is based on an assast�ent rate of . $11.66�per assesseb2e foot. � If you wish detaiied inform�ation regarding thfs proposed impravemeat, - you are invited eo m�et with the techni�al-a i�ore ia �ooq� 2$6: City Hall, at 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. the same day a$ �'t.h� b�ar3Ag. . You may also telephone 223-4139 for caastruc.�ioa ia�or�wttian, �r # .<. telephone 223-5241 for assessment informaxion. . _ �106�IB L. niTl'�1�R� " ; '�� Go��$s.i�oner of �'tnatice , 4' ; _ � � . . . /��fi �, %� f G'-�'`-�, ' . � ��• ��-u.� i�(,�� _ ��/D G � . / � / 9 �0 �'� � . � , . �'���� �J� t � � � � � � � � � �� . � � � �� " a�.����� , � . . . � � ,�� � - �Z..� � � �� � - ��. ��,�e�..� � � � � � > ��.�. � � � � � � � a� ` � ���%�-a/`������%�'.�C./ r ���'( -� � ��1�/ � ' f�� ��-�� f�'� i� �� � > a� ��74 G� � .����-c� . .— .,��� - � ��� � ..�� .�-� , � �� �� ��-� � .�� ��-.� a�� ' � � , �� . a��.�� � ��.-e- �� . ' � � �� � � _ . � a ,.- �� ��� ��� 1 - ' ��--�,,Q � �.v ' � ���-e; c��c—�- � i��� .1 ��� ��� � � - �=� �� ��,�-�-- ' - ��-`� . � � �2� ���y-� �� , . � �o � �:� ��v .� , ��-�--� ' ,� - l ��� ,�,,�-e� � Gx.� G��%r�t G��-� ����� � . ' .�. � � . �2� �� ,��� � �,�,.n �- � . � �� ��� �� �� �-- � � �;r� ��� , � � �� �� . � � a ,� i���L�C/ � p� /� � . /�c�/�L/ � �iC��aE� � 562 Torlage Drive Dayton OH 45431 July 20, 1970 Mrs. Rosalie L. Butler Comxnissioner of Finance Department of Fina.nce City of St Paul 113 Court House St Paul MN 55102 Dear Mrs. Butlers Reference yeur letter, copy of which is attached. As a rnember of the Armed Forces of the United States, currently serving in Ohio on active duty, it will be imposaible for me to attend the public hearing cited on the enclosur�. Therefore, I am asking that this letter be forwarded to individuals or groups con- ducting the hearing, so that its content can be� entered in the official deliberations of the c0uncil during the hearing. As the owner of a significant portion of the praperty involved in grading and surfacing the alley, Block 1, Magler's Subdivision, and Block 1, Wallblom'a Addition, from Clarenee Street to Etna _ Street, I am opposed to this proposal witho�t resservation. 5uch action, in my opinion, is unwarranted for the following reasons: 1. Proposed grading would require rexnoval of a portion of my property, require removal of a chain-link fence and its subse- quent erection, and ,jeopardize the health and well-being of trees now growing on my propertyj and for all this, I would be required to pay the surn of $4, 68 per asaessable foot. 2. Sueh relocation of soil would deny vehicle access to the rear of my property from th� alley, since construction of an adequate approach would s�riously compromise the alley surface and possibly its width, . . . . � 3. I piarchased this property because of its present siting and access facilities. Beech Street residents purchased their property as it exiats this date. I can see no reason why demanda to improve the alley should negate or void equally firm demands of property own�ra who desire roads and alleys as they were at the time the land was purchased. Respectfully submitted, �� 'f „ r'.. C���� a/ � `�awrence �. Odland LT O:rnet encl 2 , 4 . . ` � " � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Caurt House 55102 Ju1y 10, 1970 I.aMraaae T. 011a�d i3�►8 ss.t w.,.,���s �awa�� St. raul, 1[i��s�ta SS106 File 1745�i, Page 1 You ars A�rebyr notified that the Cou�cil of the City of St. Paul will hold a pvblfe .1�riss itt eha Cou�cil Cha�bers o# tt�e City Aalt and Court Howe at 10:00 a.m, on July 28, 1970, on the advisability of proceediag irith Preliminar�r prder Z46910, approved Janaary 8, 1970, aad Preliminary Order 246911, approved January 8. 1970, which propoe� to: Grade and aurface with bituminous material the alley in Block 1, �IIGLBR'3 9tTaDIVISION snd Block 1, WALLBLO�t'S ADDITION from Clareuce 8trset to $taa Street. Al�o, condemn and take an easemeut in tbe ' laad n,�nceasary for t�� slopes, cuta and fiZls, ir.cluding right of remaval of lataral aupport iran subject land or remaiader thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or coastruction of slope� in conaection Mith oaid gradiag. � The eetia�sted assessment ia $4.68 per asseaseble foot, based on an estimated cost of $4,352.88. If you �ish detailed infonaation regarding this proposed improvement, you are imiited to meet wiCh the technical advisors in Room 286, City �iall, at 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. the same day ae the hearing. You may also telephone 223-4139 for construction iaformation, or�• telephone 223-5241 for ,aaseasment informatioa. . RJSALIE L. B�J:LER � ' Commissioner of Pinance ` ' , ' �,� `� . / r� � ,_,r, �� :� ,� :.L ��--GLL?�L. �'�' rt_.��-i, �'7.l:L�; ��_ ��: ',��:✓ ��,�{ ,, �- ! ��� �'� � � ! � � � y � 1 �� ��� � � �-V'`� l" � `'" ���� � � �%,i-�'�-- �{.�_..-�. �: G�- • � ' . �. /��'�` !`. `N�' ' ✓ �' . t ..ZG'f•� ��,/_�!�r ���..c'� r�t .".�' l�=3��"�� ,�a/„`�" '� � ��� r ; � ,�'/ r� ' � , �!r . � � / /L'y G..�' l Q " `/;��• ��-'�`'( 1 ,/C �C.t.<.!r�-� .� � �' ���,�p � -a <- : � �,� ti f- . .• �l (=:��� -�'----�------_.. � - <r.>_r �. . °. . . ��. ...�.. r x « � x : , :�:..: � ' � .. ' - ...� . :� �� �� � . ���'�� � 2a It � � }� � � x°�4�/Y% � � �_4 % S+ "� �'w ,9, f . .' ''�r.'\��'a � `, z RICHARD A. SCHNARR T I � ��;/� �.�.,� "�� _ � �N �`�N�i',o . �=��5��`�� � � C 1 �� � � � ` CHIBF$NGIN6RR .� "` �� .. %D¢�� : ,. � . .. � . ,.o-� � . - it� .: � � ��,, � tal o# Minn r'' � ��' p ., � '., � �` �.8�� �� :� � � �. -� �- ` > � � � � . � , ,"��� �� �` � . � �,�r� � � � DEPARTME T� ��, � � � � � � � ,, *�. ��.�,3z� x , � 4 ti �� � � � > ' y � 7 r z .� 8 ��. �. � � .. a n � ,gWy` ��6t�s ' r,.�._ �,µ a ' 'Z , ��� � r 9£�y ��- �� ��� 6fta� `�`� �'s��:9�..�� ��"'�+�re i�'.� ��{3� �� ��^ �.y t(�i .��t�� �5�1 �i���� �fEd ��� a.�a.;. ;4• f . , . � � "' � �.���5 ._ ,.�,�*� ,C' �.w. � r�k 3dsl �k sn3E ta d �ai ' h b� t. � �^�+! ,�, x•i�..:�_t�.#,j� tF�A � � ;�� ����,' .. ' t �:3 4 a r�,..M•s��yy'�d�ara`,�`x"hr_�: . ... .. . �, o i;c r�vxf�. �� �� �� 5. . ..... �t��' �.,,«...�, A ,�- � ,,, , ° ��� � ,.._ , � �,� .._..�»_._...�.�� , � ,,, ,,� . ,, , , , � ��� � M1 � : . ,,:. ;, � . . , ., ..1.. 5 .. ..._... .. ._ ._., �.. ,. .. . .v� ._ , .. „_ . ... ... ., ut. t'!0�1'C�1 2� ���� tionorabim James J. [�1g�ish C�t ss i or��rr of Fi r�anca ��ty oi` Saint Pa+ul Rs: 6�17�4 t�a t� S f r: ! tr�n��it h�r�rith prolt�i�:r�r esti►�ata af cost� i`or gradtng �nc{ surf��te�g with 6it�i�a�s ma�er�lara ar�d G�n�ttruct concre►te curb mnd guttar or► Ct.AttEt�GE 51'. fr+aa� B+�ech 5t. to Minr��haha Aa�ue, urtd�r ���+1 i�lnsry Or�lar No. �4T63I , a��►r�1 F'ebruary 26, 197�. �stiraater� Cvr�s��uct{on Cvs�k � �.7�•�'� En$i r��e r i n� 1 .0�►1 .a4 1 r�spa�t i e�r� �75•4� Tata 1 Est ir�w�C�d C+e►��G $1�,t)4�3.t�0 Ci#y'u Contrfbutio� $ �.�00.0t3 � e ri 7a Be Assets�ted � G.5fl0.t3t� 1fra�r� traly. � � �b+Rr�t �'. Astt��+�e� fi.o�t�stot�r c��' P�#t+c work� R1�A/i�N/bp cc: �i�ard �ch�rrr �;� - .ja�sa� �c�wmrtz �� �m�sptt M t tche�i 1 �; `"�'�' . ���.��, �` � � � • ,� �'� ,, �, , .< f' ,, �2 <- . M Y^. {,..1n ;. �a �� rr p '1 i 1{,�: .a' J . � �"'j� �.,/� .d� � p . t av�� .. �- 's9 \ �4 .. .�t'"` �"x n�e. x 'i� „�ti ,,..4 �& �#: ��.�� F .. ��;, " � ..�,-��.,: � �� ��° _� July 2�, 1 70 �r---_...__� _,---�°------ .,`� / Mr. J. �•?m. DonovAn Valuation �ngineer � Buildi.n� �� Dear Sir: \\ �`�``.� a�,. The City C�uncil. torl ad�ptec� Fin Orders for the grading of Cla.rence from �3eech to Minnehaha fo7• the �;r�.din�; af an a11ey in �ilxk 1, Ma�. 's �ubc�iv ion and I3.l�c?c 1, ��7a1_lbinm's Adc�ition from nce t Etna the basis that the assess- ment for t _ wil�. d in the usual. manner on a. front foot basi nd that the assessment for Clarence St. will be spread �n en ar basis as p �sed by yau. Very truly yours, City Clerk AO/ng ` 1 / � r � c� �?l^I���/ / !^a F^, _. �..,�..., �z � � oC�O �> ' �"r�-v' , �. �$ � � F _ �_ � t ° y �7` �; �2��-,-�.. S �'�o G ��- - oS . /� ^ . � ' a �a��� � � // � ,� • �• ���� /��N�ii�Z. . � . � _ . ..---- ,.,.-.,-.._.._._._�.. L. T, Odland --- � .��;�, --_ , 562 Torlage Drive �� � _.f��Y J `�F.� " Dayt� OH 454 31 j P i�'� ��: •a ', ,,,,,�.�. ,�,, s6 ���. �/ 4..�P �dDl� . � _�e'_ 9� /q7Q ...>, - Mrs. Rosalie L, Butler Commis sioner of Finanee Department of Fix�a.nce Cfty of 5t Psul 113 Court Houae , St Pa�,il. MN 55102