249843 • 'i�o�}cMw�ro c�rr c�ereK� 2�9843 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��E N�� NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMMI5510NEa Robert F. Sprafka ,,,�� Description p��t Lot 2, Blk. l, Olivier's Add. to West St. Paul � 89.76 Lot �+, Blk. l, Olivier's Add. to West St. Pau1 � 42.5( zot 5, Blk. l, Olivier's Add. to West St. Paul $ 42.56 Lot 6, Blk, l, Olivier's Add. to West St. Pat�1. $ �+2.56 E 2 of I,ots 1 and 2, Blk. 2, Olivier's Add.to West St. Pau1 $17��25 Lot �+, Blk. 2, Olivier's Add. to West St. Paul $].00.3p So 1�+ ft. of Lot 5, and all of Lot 6, Blk. 2, Olivier's Add. to West St. Pau1 $108.79 E 2 of Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 3, Olivier's Add.to Wes� St. Paul �l?p�25 E 1�3 of Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 3, Olivier's Add. to West St. Pa.ul �255,gp W 1�3 of Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 4, Olivier's Add. to West St. Paul $161.39 , �o• 37•5 ft• of Lot 7 and W. 13 ft. of So. 37.5 ft, of Lot 8, Blk. 35, Banning and Olivier's Add. to West St. Pa.ul �107.92 Lot 1, D.H. Michaud Add. $205•57 Lot 6, D.H. Micha.ud Add. �19p,1�2 Lot 4, Ottawa Add. $2�3,p5 Lot 7, Blk. 67, Dawson's Re. of Blk. 67, Ba.nning and �/M,,. Olivier's Add. to West St. Paul �189.95 ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine T„ Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco ASainst Mr. President, McCarty �� 249843 , ~OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK� � , CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED elf Robe�'t �.. S rafka COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300 H.F. 217 and ratifi�d by C.F. No. 1g22�6, approved May 2, 1959� the Ci'ty of Saint Paul, ma.y pay a portion of the assessable costs of SidewaTk Construction when such costs exceed the benefits to the property aw�ier, WHEREAS, It has been determined that the followir� described pa.rcels of property be relieved of the following amount; Deseription Amount Lot 12, Blk. 72, Bannirig and Olivier's Add.to West st. Paui $i94.6o Lot 7, Blk. 73, Banning and Olivier's Add�to West st. rau�. $i79•�+5 OLot 6, Fulton's Rear. of Blk. 70, Banning and � . � Olivier's Add. $208.13 0 1� . a � Lot 12, Fulton's Rear. of Blk. 70, Banning and ° � Olivier's Add. $208.13 � � Lot l, Nabersberg and Ickler's Sub. of Blk. 69 � � Banning and Olivier's Add. $ 21.6�+ �, Lot 14, Nabersber� and Ickler's Sub. of Blk. 69, � Banning a.nd Olivier's Add. $ 99.35 - Lot 1, Blk. 12, Dawson's Add. $261.80 Lot 9, Blk. 13, Dawson's Add. $ S5•30 (E�c. E 100 ft.) Lot �+, Blk. 13, Dawson's Add.and Lot 3, Giesen's Add. $ 76.92 Lot 1, Blk. 5, Olivier's Add. to West St. Paul $221.25 �M ' Lot l, Blk. l, Olivier's Add. to West St. Paut $181.21 1/ �,v « ,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine T„ Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedeaco Against Mr. President, McCarty �� '�..'�ORIQ{NAL TO CITY CL6RIC� 249843 , CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE N�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Sprafka COMMISSIONER �ATE Description Amount Lot 8, Blk. 67, Dawson's Re� of Blk. 67, Banning and Olivier's Add. to West St. Paul $189•95 Lot l, Blk. 66, P.R. McDonnell's Re.of Blk. 66, Banning and Olivier's Add. to West St. Paul $19p�p$ Lot 7, Blk. 66, P.R. McDonnell`s Re. of Blk. 66, Bannin� and Olivier's Add. to West St. Pa,u1 $155•35 No. 1�3 of Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 47, Banning and Olivier's Add. to West St. Pa,u1 $162.47 So. 50 ft, of Lots 7 and 8, Blk. 48, Banning and Olivier's Add. to West St. Pau1 $166.53 WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $4,693•29, now therefore be it,. RE50LVID, That the Com�►issioner of public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pa.y from the Permanent Improvement 8evolving Fund, Code 6000, the amount of $4,693•29, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1969 Sidewalk Contract 69-M-�+79, Levy No. 7, District No. l, L-7156, in the amount of $�+,693•29,said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to be reimbursed from the City's Share of Local Improvement Aid Fund, 0920-461 (1970). �-l/� � Iv COUNCILMEN Adopted by the co��1.1 U L 2 4 197� 19—. Yeas Nays Butler ��i � 2 i� j�7Q Carlson Ap roved � 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor �Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty 'PUBLISHED AU� 11970 �� , .. ,� . ��"���`�°�`"�` � 249�43 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C�OMMI�SSION�R �O�Z'rr �• $� eArE �AB, By suthority o! th� Lava of Idinnesota !or tU� �ar 1959, Clt��er 300 H.�'. 217 and ratiti�d L�r C.�. I�o. 192216, ap�a�nd 1�q► 2, 19s9, th� CitT v! 8aiat lanl, s�r pyr a portion o! th� sssaaaDle costs o? Sidewalk Coristrnction �+hea snah costs �cc�ed the benetits to th� Pr'�Y ��� i�tEAB, It bM beea drt�rainsd that the tWl,a►ing d�sarib�d pare�].s o! pTC�perty bit r�].ieved of tbe lolla►ing a�enartt Desaription As�ovnt �_ Lot 12, B1k. ?2, Hannina and Qlivier's A�dd to west 8t. Psul �194.60 I�t 7, Blk. ?3, Banning and Olivier's A�dd. to W�st st. ran7. �].T9.�s Irot 6, !`alton•a Rau�. aP D�lt. 70, Banni�ag a�d Olivier's Add. �E08.13 Lt� 1P, Fultoa�'• Rear. o! D1t. 70, Banning and Qlivisr's Ad�d. �206.13 Lot 1, 1�►berab�rg and Ickler•s 8ub. o! Blt. 69 Hannin� and Qlivier's AA�d. # 21.64 Lo� 14, �rsbtr� srrd Icici�r's sub. ot alk. 69, Haaeiiag aa�d Cilivia�'a A�dd. � 99•35 Lo�t l, Blt. 1�, Daxsoa'a A,�d. �261.80 Iat 9, Blk. 13, Da�reon'a Ad�d. # 55.3� (l�c. E 100 !'�.) Lat 1�, Blk. 13, Da►soa�'s Add and Lvt 3, a3�s�a'� Ad�d. � '�6•92 Lo� 1, ]llk. S, Qlivier'a Add. to West St. Paul �221.2g Iat 1, llk. 1, O�ivi�r'a J1d�d. to Wee�t 8t. Psui �181.21 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co�.ncil 19—. Yeaa Nays Butler Carlson APP�°Af� 19— �°�e Tn Favor Meredith Sp� rodA771At � Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��� v ..,DUPLICATt TO lRIN'1�! � . , CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� N�9�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM neESr�o er Robert F. Sp�e4!]rs COMMISSIONEe DATE De+�ar_i�ption A�w�m� �_... ?�o�t 2, B1t. l, Olivi��'e Add. to Neet St. Psnl � B�g•'�+6 I.at 4, Blk. l, Qlivier's Add. to West St. P�atil. $ 42.56 I.o�t 5, 8�].k. 1, Qlivitr'; A��d. to M�st St. �aul � 1�St.s6 I+o�t 6, Hlk. 1, oiivier's Add. to ilest s�. Panl � 11�,g6 E � of i,ots 1 �d 2, Blk. 2, Olivier'� A�dd to Weat 3t. Peaul ��p�� Lot 4, Blk. 2, Olivier's Add. to iiest 3t. Paul �lpp.3p so lk t't. ot Ltrt 5, oad ali ot Lvt 6, H11c. 2, Olivier's A�ld. to Nest St. Panl $106.79 E � o! Lats 1 and 2, B1k. 3, QO.ivi.er's Add to West St. Paul �,70�ps B 1/3 ot I�ots s aad 6, Bik. 3, 0].ivi�'s A�dd. to west st. ranl �as�.8o W 1/3 0!' Lv�s 1 and 2, SUc. �, Olivi�r's Add. to M�st St. lavtl �1b1.39 80. 37•5 t't• or Lot 7 and w. 13 i't. o! so. 37•5 t't. o! Lot 8, �lk. 35, Danning and Oliria�'s A+�d. to iirst St. �+au1, $1p7.92 Lort 1, D.B. ltic�uwd �d�d. ��g.� Iat 6, D.H. Michsnd Ad�d. �190.42 I�o� 4, O�taMS Add. �243.Og Lat 7, D1k. 67, I1s�rson's Re. at �11c. 6T, ea�ning and Olivies'• A�d�d. to West Bt. Paui #�,,gg•c� COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co»*+� 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv� 19._ Levine Tn Favor Meredith � Spra�{& Aoaninat T�88C0 �T. �TP.Bl(�plty �C�i�� °�'e _ . , ._ uun.turs To nantsg � , � CITY OF ST. PAUL F uNC+� N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ntes�arrm�tr �toba'C �. 8po�'a!'ks COMMISSIOMIFI! sATE �CY'��C�'1 �tr �� Lofi 8, st1c. 67, Dianoa's R� at alt. d'l, Saml.as +�d O�i�ritr's Jl�d�d. Lo Wtst 8t. Paul #1,89,95 Lo� l, H11c. 66, P.a. l�eDeu�].1's R� ot D�l]�. 66, D�umi�g asQ Cflivi�r's Add. to �1�st St. Pwl �190.08 � Lot 7, �1]c. 66, ?.8. ltcDcon�il's �, ot D1,k. 66, �! Hamia� aa�d oliwl�r'� Add. to Nut st. hvtl �.55•3S lio. ],/3 ot Latis S a�Q 6, �lk. �17, Da�mir� and CO.i�rUr's Add. to Nest �t. Pav�7. ;1b�.kT $o. 50 t�. o� Irerts 7 and 8, 31t. �18, �annia� aad � Qiivi�r',� A�d. to N�at St. h�tl �1b6.53 i�IIlEAB, T�r ta�al a�ount ot assasablt aosts the �ity �4 P�1Y is �4,693•29� t�or th�nlore be it, RaBtL�, !lrst t� Ct�iasimrt o? PaDli� ilor�s w aad 1r is htreby anEh�iaed to pyr �am the Psr�n�E 7lqiac�omrnA� t�no�l�ria� lrand, Cod� 6000, txa rvt�aa� o� �4,6'93s2�?, a loartiaa vd' th� au�srs'Yl� aos�s ot Sid�alt Coostr�ution ua�r t.l� 1969 Sidw�alk Coatr� T9, �► �o. 7, Dis�rict lfo. 1, L-71S6, in t.h� de�ant K �693•�9,st3�d P�r�aatt �'�t'O�v�■N�st 8s'tolvi� iMed to 1N t'�i�iraprs�tl l�raa tlu City's 8bur� o! Loaal D�paKyv+�tt Al.d lhtnd, 4�'d4�-�i �19T�)• ,j�J� 2 4 ll'�ii1 COUNCII11dEN Adopted by the Co��M� 18 Yeas Nays Butler JUL 2 4 1�J7� Carlson Approv�cl 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith sp� � t Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���