249839 Orl�(nsl to City Clerk � ORDINANCE 249��9 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� � „ �� , ORDINANCE NO. l l�S S �� —.� AN ORDI�IAI+ICE AMENpING CHAPTECt 2�5 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGTSLATIYE CODE PERTQIt�TNG TO C�l#ARDS AN� D{�+1GER SIGNALS OlY OBSTE�UCTEb STREETS. TNE COUNCIL qF 7HE CITY QF SAINT P�lliL �DES ORDAIN; Sect�on 1. That Chapter 215 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code per- tatning ta Guards and Danger Sigt�ats an Obstrctcted Streets, be and the same ts hereby amended by delet�ng Sections 2�5.�2 and 215.03 therefrom, and in- serting the �ollowing in lieu thereof: 2t5.02. Danaer Sianats. Anyone engage�Tc in the per�formance of any+ arork descri bed in Sectian 215.01 herec�f shal l dr�ri ng the da�k pa�rts of each and errery day and during all af each and every night, while such e�cpased, obstructed or dangerous ptace or places shall so remain, place thereon, thereat or thsreby danger signals as approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and/or warntng lights, tr�o or more as the case may require in such manner as w�il warn all persons app�vachtng the same of the ex�stence of such expose�,pbstructed or dangerous place. Zt5.03,. Warninc Li hts. e warn• ng �ghts hereinabove mentioned to be used _ as danger signals shall in every instance be vf the type or eq�al to that specified in Section 1.42, Gity of St. Paul, Minneso�a, Qepartment of Public Works, Specifications fQr Street and Sewer Construct�on. Sectton 2. Th�is ordtnance shail take effect and be tn force thirty (30) days rc�d—a.fter its passage, approval and p�bl�tcatior�. Yeas Councilme� w Nays Passed by the Councii A� 1 1 ���0 Carlson �� � Me��e-,�-.:,,,..e, �� `� Tn Favor � Sprafka n Ag'ainst Tedesco /!�(JG 1 1 �9�'� �. r. President ��, , Approved• _ Attest: ity er yor �� Form approved Corporation Counael PuB�isHEO AU G 151970 Dnplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ��g� �� COUNCiI FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �����-� 1 ,���� l��"��f�:�r'�i'��: 'ris � �'Ii,11��1' 1.4�.'1�E E i �1' i��F T';�' �,'�,I;iT �':�JL l�"?tiL,iTI�,rr �'`;��' PF';:Tl�ii,I"J:�; T, "E:At?D� tiP�![7 Ur2G�t�Fft SIi��`���LS v�! ::�3ST12UCTF�? S7r2��TS. 7HE COUFdCIL f�F Tt�E CITY OF S�It��T PAUL �OES (��2UAI��: ��c�i�ar, 1 . T��a� CFla,r,:ter Z1� cf thn �:a�rt Paul L�r��:i�lf;�t�v;-� Caci� �:�ur— tainir�� to .=uurds �n�l �ar��er Si�na7s on (?bstruc�e�l ��r���s, ?.:e �.n� �4}� s�n�E is her���� am�r�c'c,d ���r c9�l��ir��� S�ctio�s 21�.�2 and 21�.C�3 therefrarn, and in— serting ta�e 7�c�11at•airorr is� li�u tf��r�c�f: Ln�.l.��i"���!• �.�f��i :(�r ..C`.�r d�l��r• �',!'Ij�C311� n!'t�:;�'�C?. 'Il't ���E': n('6"��1^n's".sl"!Cf? Q� i�t1�/ WOY'�: ct�scri�,e.!. �� cr�c��o�! �15.!?1 ;��r��f shall �°urin� L�l(' ta'r�Y'{< �c�Y'LS t�•� �'c��:�� �11ic:1 nVc?Y"' �'1`� c:�'(� ��U1"7�tr r,�� 0� F�C�"i a�i� �Y°Y"' ti7�,'h�:� !'li":l�f' SI.iC�? P.kpOSL'Cf� i��)S�1^UC'�r?€� �J1" !��n�'��1";�US �'�7�aCC? UP' n�dGf�'; i�li��� SO 1^<^I'�?lils T)�c�t:f? ��1f'}^e?!�rl� �t1C.'i"�:?�� ClT" �=1v-^.1^+aF��� c�anger si�:;:�ai s as ���nr�?v�d tiy t#�n C,r�r:�i ss i��er of �u±�l i c � ���or�,s �n�/��^� �.��ar�in� li,���ta, t!�to or r��rc ,�s t��i� ca,� �;`�t,� r��uir;� in s;�cEi :�a;�r�er a; �,,aill �,��F-�r�� :�.1] �)�t"aCi�aµ �3�fs?1"O:.iC�11f1� ��if.' :�ic9!i1� U� �t�i? �?X�i .:y��ilCts C3T SUC'� E?�;"?CS�'� G.`.)itt"UC'L'."C� ;7'r^ �.�c3t1�7�1^OIA� �+���G4?. �'1�.'�3. '.;,�ro�it�, Li-�:F�:. T��� }x�i�rn r�a 1r�►��s '�erqinaF�ov� ��r�t�:���W�a �a ��� �sed ��� c�:ir��,�r si���a1s s`.�71 iy� �v�r±r irr��ancf� `�� c�f the �:,���c ar �^aa7 to ti�at s;��cifi�:� i� ��,,c�i��z 1 .42, City af `��. ^a�.al, ;.,i��i�+�s�t�, '�et��:ri:„�n� c��= n�:.a�s1 i c !�lorks, S,Y�GI�C1Cut1Q�t� �fc�r ��r�^t arc� "e�:���,r E;.r����ruction. Sectian 2. T4ri� �rclinance sha11 taRe �f�ect ancf ��.� in force thirty (30) days rom�anc after its nass�,c;�, a�?��roval ao�c� ;au�ali�:a�r.ior�. ,; ;,-�. Yeas Councilm Nays Passed by the Council '"°�`•� � � ��� Carlson =�— -�- � �� ^ In Favor Mer� �'����=: � 2j Against Sprafka Mr. President (Byrne) ��'`" �' A ���� A....«...,...7. Is+ `, � , ' 2nd � 3 Laid over to � 3rd and epp � _Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler �exFkr Carlson ��tl�°��\Carlson Levine �Levine Meredith l . �vleredith f�� Sprafka prafka Tedesco �`�edesco J Mr. President McCarty r. President McCarty O