249833 C� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ��$� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that pursuant to Council File No. 249648, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby establishes the hourly rates for the following classes of positions: Clas s Rate Air Compressor Operator $4. 85 Backfiller Operator 5. 51 Bituminous Curb Machine Operator 4. 86 Bituminous Spreader Operator 5. 51 Garbage Collector 4. 73 Heavy Equipment Operator--Asphalt Plant 5. 51 Hoisting Engineer 5. 51 Mixer Engi.neer 4. 96 Motor Equipment Operator 5. 51 Motor Equipment Operator--Water Department 5. 51 Motor Patrol Operator 5. 51 Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) 5. 51 Power Shovel Operator 5. 70 Pulvimixer Operator 5. 51 Pumperete Operator 5. 59 � � Road Machinery Operator 4. 73 N Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons) 4. gb oRoller Engineer (Over 6 tons) 5. 51 o v Sno-Go Operator 5. 51 w � �Z Sweeper Operator 5. 51 0 � �' Tractor Operator I 4. 96 � 0 Tractor Operator LI 5. 51 � � Tractor Operator II (Backhoe) 5. 51 O V T ruck D rive r 4. 73 Truck Owner-Driver 4. 73 -1- COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeaa Nays Butler Caxlson Approve� 19� Levine _jn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � . �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � ����� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. . - ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � Auto Body Repairman , $5. 12 Auto Mechanic 5. 12 , Auto Mechanic Leadman 5. 2�'' Equipment Maintenance Foreman . 5. 62 Fireman-Mechanic 5. 12 Fireman�Mechanic Foreman 5. 62 Fireman-Mechanic General Foreman 6. 12 Machini st 5. 12 Mechanic Foreman--Municipal Garage 5. 62 Mechanic Foreman--Water Department 5. 62 Mechanic-Welder 5. 12 Tire Repairman 4. 78 Welder-Blacksmith 5. 12 Now, therefore, be it further RESOLVED, that the hourly rates indicated for the above- mentioned classes shall become effective as of June 27, 1970, in accordance with the provisions of Council File No. 249648. -2- J�U.L 2 4 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���� � � 1�]O --�n�er-- Carlson AP 19� Levine S Tn Favor �Ror� Sprafka gainst Tedesco �� �uBLISHED AUG 119TO .� _ ���.� ;:.;� Mr. Vice President Meredith � .•DYPLICAT6 TO�RIN7ER ��� `��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL H�UNCIL NO �. , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED!T COMMISSIONER DATF R�LYED, tlst# poars�ast to Gona�i! Fil� NQ. 249648, the Conac�l e�f thi C�ty of �aiat P�1 her�by •atablirh�a th� h�rly rat�r tor tho folloaiag cls�r�e� ot pos#ticias: G1t►s s Rab .� ______ Air Gonnprss sor Opsra#os �4. ffi� Bsckflll�r ��r�rtor S. �2 Bi�anc�iao�ts tirb �aehims Op�ratos� 4.86 Bit�nnaiacia� Spreader 4p�rutor 5. 31 C�asbo�e �oll�ctor 4. 73 H�sr� �quip��t Op�sator--Aaphal# Plaat 3. 31 Hotr ff.a�ia�ss 'i. �1 a �s iae�r 4. 96 Molc►r �quip�na�t Gperstor S. Sl Motos �qnipm�at C)p�rator-•1�V'�te�r D�psstm�a�t 5. SY �otor Pstrol Op�rat�c�r �.Sl Pavi� 73r�akss (H�rdss Ha�uaer Op�sslo:j 5. 31 Pcrwer Sho�el Op�sa�or S. T0 Pal�rlmi�cer Op�rator S. 31 Pr�aapasrt� Op�rato: S. 39 . Road Maehia�s�r Operatar 4. 73 � Roller E�iae�r (Und�r 6 tons) 4..qb Rol�s� Eas3a��� �Over 6 tons) 5. 51 Sono�•Go Operator 5. 5,1 S�w��r Op+sra�or 3.,51 T r4clor tlperator Y 4..9b Tractor Op�satos YI s. S� - Trsctc�s t�pesatF►r II �Sukhoe) S.,S,1 Trnek Dziws 4..T= Troek C,1�vaer•Driwr 4.73 _1. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coundi 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv� 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Ysyor Tedesco Againat Mr. President, McCarty �� � �nv�� .. ,•ourucwrs to rrtirris�e � CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCIL NO � - ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRB�6T COMMISSIONER DAM Auto Bcdy Repairrnan, �5. 1Z Aato Mechaxiic 5. 12 Anto ]�echaaic Leadm�►u 4.27 Eqnipm�nt Msint�asace Forern� 5.62 Firoman•M�chanic S. 12 Fir�aaaaOM�hanic Foreman 5.6t �'irss�sa-Mechsnic G�n�rsi Foraaan b. lE , �achi�nf at S. 12 . biocbsaic �'ozerna�-•M�icipsl Gsrage S.b2 l►��lusi¢ Fo:enaaa-•Water Departm�nt 5. 52 . A�eckaai+c-Weldes 5. 12 Tis� Re�pairman 4. Ta 1i�elder•Blacksmith 5. 18 Now, thet�aufore, b� it further RESOL'{�D, t}�rt the ho�rly rst•s iadicated tor th� sbo�ve- m�ational clse��s shall become �fectiw as of apai� �7. 1�70, ia accos�sac�with th� prorlsfc�s� of Conncil Fia� No. 249648. -�• JUL 2 4 19�7� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»�cil 18._ Yeaa Nays �,�---. J U L 2 4 1��Q Caxlson Approv� 19� Levin.e �Tn Favor � . �Sprafka ��r A gainst Tedesco � Mr. Vice President Meredith ��