03-830City of St. Paul RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSSSSMENT AND RIXI23G TIME OF AEARING TFIERSON COUN�L FILE NO. ��� o ,� By�, 7 4�. , . File No. 18961 Assessment No. 5032 �Z Voting Ward In the matter of approving the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses 7 for the MARGARET/ATLANTIC Area Paving and Lighting Project. Preliminary Order: 02-1065 approved: November 13. 20�2 Final Order: 02-1131 approved: December 4, 2002 The assessment o£ benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 22nd dav of October, 2003, at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Ha11 Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILPPsRSON Yeas Nays ✓ Benanav � Blakey ✓ Bostrom ✓ Coleman � Harris +/ Lantry Re i t er a�i5ud w In Favor o Against 1— �{ bSk-/Y'f Adopted by the Council : Date !— l U �,j Certified Passed by Council Secretary �_' : � t�; � ,i �_. � � �. .. O3 �� � Green Sheet Green Shest Green Sheef Gree,n Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � { ' a�. � a. ���� T � �J�- �--� � . � . � - DepaRmenUofficet ncll: : _: , -:. Date Initiated: , ' - � . _ jE �M,o,o,o :�,� . Green Sheet NO. 3Q04632 CoMact Person & Phone: -- - �°a�e�rt Sent 7o Pereon InitiaVDate ,_ PeterWhite . _ � - � 0 d ns ane t - � 2 �'$� � � Assign � 1 0 o nc'1 _ . Must Be on Counal Agenda by (Date): Number -_� 2� " . S n �� ��1� R �- - . - . . �4uL �{�lYV � � _ . - Order - . 4 � , ». � j � 2Z 2(?03� . $ ,�. -e _ . - - , ,_ , _ 7otai # oi S'�gnature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) -- �. � ' � AcYion Requested: - 1. Set public heuing+daYe ofOctober 3.2, 2003, foi retification of assessments foc the MagazeUAflanric Area Sheet Paving and Lighting _ , . . Project File #18951 2. Ratify said assessments. � RecommeRdaSais:Aun�ovelAlurReieGfRY PersonalServiceContractsMustAnswertheF011owingQuestions: , ,is�. �. Plarming Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commissian � �. Has fhis persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this psrson/firm ever been a city employee? � _ Yes No 3. Does fhis personffirm possess a skill not nortnaliy passessed 6y any -.- _ cu[rent ciry empbyee? Yes No Exp4ain ali yes answers on separate sh¢et and attaeh to green sheet Initiating Problem, tssues, Oppor[unity (Who, WdaR,lNhen, Where, Why): �" � � " , Project will be completed saon. Ratification o{ these assessments is necessary ta begin coliecting the assessments to help pay for the project - - = - - -- ---- - - -- - - - -._ _ _ ._.-, - - ' . . _ _ . .. . . _ _ riCL€�?t;s �aoc�o� < � -�-- -- _ . aawaoanes )f,wwovea: Assessmeni aznounts eflllecied w�3i help pay for the project ' �lS 2 � ��� ! OiSadvantapeslfApDroved: � '' Pmperty owners benefitted by this project will have fhese assessments on the property records until paid Disadvanfages $Nat ApDroved- , Additionai fimding would 3�ave to be fo�d fa cover flse amounis not collected tluough assessments. Also, to not assess these benefits would be inconsistent with Ciry policy. . Totai Amount of -. , _ ., � . � Cost7Revenue Budgeted: � , , ' � ' 7ransaction: - - . - Fund;n� source: Misc funding sources acctv[tv dumber. ;_ Financtaunformation: Totalpro}ectcust $3,53$,54629 (E:p�atn) Zpp3 Capital Imp. Bonds $2,822,987.95 - Assessments $ 715,558.34 - �� i ,� _�. _�-.,,.�,�,m. --.�,.�..