249811 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � CITY OF ST. PAUL F`ENCiI No249��.1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COU OLUTI -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ber S rafk ATF WHEREAS, A Resolution C.F. No.248860 has directed the Theodore Hamm Brewing Company to grade, pave, and construct incidental items thereto in the relocated alignment of Waish Street from Reaney Avenue to Bush Avenue, described as follows: Either: Lots 10 and 11 and the Westerly 20 feet of Lots 9 and 12, a11 in 61ock 55, Arlingfion Hills Addition to St. Paul Or: The Easterly 30 feet of Lots 10 and il and the Westerly 30 feet of Lots 9 and 12, all in Block 55, Arlington Hilis Addition to Saint Paul ; and 249��0 ;�'"�' � . WHEREAS, An Ordinance, C.F. No. , granting ;'`� - � permission to said Theodore Hamm Brewing to proceed with the grading, paving, and construction of incidental items thereto in the said relocated alignment of Waish Street has been prepared and introduced to the Council of the City of St. Paul , and wilt be adopted on AUG 6 1970 � to be effective eventually on S E P 8 191� ; Now, therefore be it � � RESOLVED, That pending the said Ordinance becoming effective, the o � Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a � � permit to the Theodore Hamm Brewing Company for the grading, paving and ° � construction of incidental items thereto in said relocated alignment of � Walsh Street subject to the sa d't'ons and requirements as set out = in the Ordinance C.F. No. , pending before the � Council of the City of St. Paul , in ormal approval of the grading, paving , - and construction of incidental items thereto in the said relocated align- � ment of Walsh St�eet being hereby given in anticipation of the final adoption and approval of said Ordinance, .l.�i�. 2� 1��0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler -�t��. � � ���� Caxlson - Approvpd 19— ,�_ , Levine ��_In Favor Meredith Sprafka (� yor Tedesco ASainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED JUL 2 51970 � �� ou.�,�,�,�.R,,,� 249��.1 k � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNGL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c�i���oNe. Robsrt F. SRrafka s�,� 1�lEREAt. A Itesotutton C.f. No.24$�0 hss di��ct�d tM Tlwodoro Haa�m Brswing Caapany to grais, pa�ro, and coastruct incide�tal ttems tha�eto In ths rolocat�d al iyna�nt of Malsh Strost fraa Rsanay Awnw to Bush Avanue� desc�ibsd as follaws: Eithsrs I.ots 10 and ii and th� Meste�ly 20 f�st of Lots 9 � iZ, sii in alock 55. Arlington Nills Addltio�t to St. �aul Or: The Easterly 30 faet of lots 10 and 11 ��d ths INst��ty 30 feet of Lots 9 snd 12. a11 in Block 55, Arlirgton Kills IWditio� to Saint Payl; and MHERfJ1S. An ,�rdinance. C.f. No. 249��0 � 9r�ntin9 parn�ission to satd Thee�dore Ham� Brar+i�g to prooa wlth t 9rading, paving. a�d con:t�uction of tncids�etal itans th�nto fn the said rolocat+sd altgnmsnt of ilalsh Strast has ban prepared and introduwd to th� Counctl of ths City of St. �au1, a�d wtli ba adoptsd � _,,,A 6 ,_, to be affsctive •ventual iy on _ S�P 8 1970 ; Nor+� there�rore ba it RESW.YEO, That pendi�g the �atd Or�tnanoa b�cowin9 �ffsctiw, tha Caawission�r of Public Mo�ks is hsr�by authorissd a�d diractsd to tssw a psrwlt to tha Th�odore Hamm Br�rrtn9 Co�pany fo� tlw gra�dlnq� pavin9 and construction of inctd�ntal it� tMnto in saia niceatsd alt9a�snt of Maish Str�at subJact to ths sa�a c ons and reQuir�aents as sat out in ths Ordtna�c:s C.F. No. _ , psn0in� bsfore the Coe�ncil of the City of St. Paui , n or�aa app±ova`� of tha graditp. pavtn9 and oonstruation of inclda�tal it�as theroto in ttw satd rolocats� align- �snt of M�lah Strat bsin9 �roby 9iwn in anticipatlon of th� finsl adoptlon and approval of •satd O�dinana�. JUL 2 z ��� COUNCIIIVIEN Adopted by the Coiuuil 19_ . Yeas Nays F?�� Butler :��.. 2 2 19�Q Carlson APP�°1� 19— �°�e � Favor Meredith Sprafka �r Tedesco ��at Mr. President, McCarty " #�