249807 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLHRK ��i� - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ��`�' _ � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+�E NO. . � COUNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE qrF RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Hous- ing, Building �nd Fire Prevention Codes at its meeting of January 14, 1970 pertaining to the property located at 750 Curfew owned by Donald R. Doerfler and described as: Lot 6, Block 1, Hollinhead' s Addition; waiving the requirement of Section 54 .15 (3) of the Saint Paul Leg- islative Code that no wood frame multiple dwelling be occupied above the second floor for living or sleeping purposes except where the original construction provided for such occupancy, on condition that all illegal wiring be removed from all dwelling units and that least one additional electrical outlet be installed within 60 days in each of the following rooms : a) Kitchen of Unit 1 b) Kitchen of Unit 3 c) Bedroom of Unit 3 d) Kitchen of Unit 4 e) Bedroom of Unit 4 and that the following items be complied with on or before May 15, 1970; a) Replace broken window pane in the kitchen of Unit #1 b) Repair kitchen sink drain of Unit #3 c) Repair, redecorate and repaint bedroom walls and ceiling of Unit #3 d) Replace broken window pane in the kitchen of Unit #4 - e) Replace missing sash cord in kitchen window of Unit #4 f) Replace kitchen sink trap of Unit #4 g) Install either a window leading to the outside or regulation mechanical ventilation for the bathroom of Unit #4 h) Repair and redecorate the ceiling and walls of the stairway to the cellar COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka a Tedesco A8'��xt Mr. President, McCarty ��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ����� � , • � ` CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nca NO �� " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF i) Limit the third floor occupancy to one tenant only; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that such waiver be granted until such time as the property, located at 750 Curfew is sold or any other right, title or interest be transferred at which time said waiver be nul- lified; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED,that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Register of Deeds. �LZZ � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ` }� �.��2�� Caxlson � Approvpd 19— , Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �� Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty �$1.�$FfED JV� `,l,�� ^�� . - - � r' �.t a � STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey es. 1 j'J C1TY OF $AINT PAUL !°1� �� Harry E. 1�rSh�a].l, I+--=-------------------------------------------------•----------....-----••----•--._........._._.......__City Clerk � of the City of Saint Paul, Minn�ota do hereby certify that I have !"� compared the attached copy of Council File No.............��.E.�..�.....---........ `° 2� 0 �"� as adopted by the City Council-------•-------a�----....'.....................19..�...--••-... � o=.. dhly 22, 70 � and approved by the Mayor.------•-------------------------•-------........--------.....19...._...-------- —� with the original thereof on flle in my o$ice. �v --- - -----------------•-------•------------------•---------._....------------.._..----------------•-----.....-•-------•--.._...__..._ � ----------------------------------------------•-------....------•-•--------------•---.........--------------.._..--------...---------... ........----•-------•..........................•-•-•-•--------------------.....---•----•----------......-----....----•--....-•---.._.... -------------------------------------•----.......--------.....--••----•-•--.....-••--..._......--------------......--•---•--•---•---.... ---------------------•-----------•-•------...---------------...--------.._..------------.._.._......-•----•---•-------...--------...---- C'� � •--------------•--- ....�.-------...-- ----....._..-----------.....-----------------------•-----......-----••---•--- ------� W Q """"•"......»"""""""•--""""'.......--"""'..............""..._....�..__.._...__._..._...........»........__...... .. � 'tia✓ � "'-""-"•"""' . "•"-""""""'•"-"""""".._..._._.."""""""""'-'••"' , """"•""""""'•-"'..._..._ '+� � � . '•"•"'-'--^'-""""""---"----"""""'--.....»."""•--'..."""""•'•"""'................"-"'-......""' R , � � � t � aQC� .�2� i�i an '.�+�� -�'--"---'-°--°---•'•"'•'•"'-'-'...................•'•-"'-"---"""---""'-"-'-"""--°--....._..... � a` s � , r .�. ��`°•`°� ''�� , �`�' �, '� certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of , ; f � � �`_ ` �� o� ���the whole thereof. 0 Y �_� f /S L - .. 4:': �,:� � i ; �'��r ��"� `��� " amy hand and xhe seal of the City of Saint Paul,Minn., y . �-` z Y . IV ', � t� •µ . �., I �,� ,. , �� � y: ����; � - ------...day of-- ------•- - -�............... ..... .. ......A. � 19__?0. �,,,yr r „ ` .. �""��r�, � ..__. ���a.,f�� �•� :'- '� � . �� ;. � � w --- -.___.. . ._ .. ............... .... .....•----.. "'���' City Clerk. �. 5928 � � �.� (� iu°E � �����T"�`����` CITY OF ST. PAUL cooNw� ,� a� N4.2— . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " � � C4UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � C�AMM�ON�t �Y�C'COl' .T• Sld.iCm p�� RE30LVED, that the Council hereby ratitiee and approves th� aation of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Reviaw tor the Hous- ing, Buildinq ahi Fire Prevention Codes at its meating o! Jauuary 14, 1970 pertaining to the property located at 750 Curfew owne�d , �� by Donaid R. Doerfler and desaribed as: �e--1 � Lot 6, Block l, Holli,nhsad's Additionf � � waiviag the requirement of Section 54.15 (3) of the 3a►in� Paul Leg- � islative Code that no wood frame multiple dwellinq be ooaupied � above the second floor for living or �leeping purposes auaept where the oziginal construction �provided for such occupanay, on aoridition � that all illegal wirinq b�r removed from all dwellinq units and` m that least one additional �lectrical outl�t be installed within 60 days in each of the follawing rooms: a) R;itchen of Unit 1 b) R�tahen of Unit 3 c) Bledroom of Unit 3 d) IC�.tchen of Unit 4 a) Bedroom of Onit 4 and tMat the followinq items be complied with on or before May 15, 1970; a) Replace broken Nindow pane in the kitchen of Unit �1 b) Repair kitchen aiuk drain of IInit #3 q) Repair, radecorate and repaint bedroam Walls and c�iling of Unit #3 d) Replace broken window pan� in the kitchen of Unit #4 e) Replace missing sash cord in kitchen window of Unit- #4 t�) Replace kitchen sink trap of LTnit #4 q) Install either a vrindo� leading to th� outaida or requlation mechanical ventila�tion for th� bathraon of Unit #4 h) Repair and redecosate the ceiling and walls of the stairway to the cellar COUNCIL�EN - Adopted by the Counc�l 18_. Yeas Nays � Butler Carlson Approv�� 19_ Levine Tn Favar Meredith Mayor Sp� Aroainst Tede�co Mr. President, McCarty �� DY�LICA7't TO$RIM�t �, . �����L�� , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��q� NO � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . .. . - COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM • C M6A�ONEQ , , �A� i) Limit the third floor occupancy to one tenant onlyf and be it FtTR'PHER RLSOLVED, that suclz waiver be granted until auoh tim� as the� psop�rty, �locatsd at 750 Curfew i�e aol8 or any other right, title or int�re�st be traas�arr�d at which time said waiver be nul- �� lifiedj and be it � FINALLY RESOLVED,that the City Clerk ia he=eby authorised and � directad to transmit a copy of this resblution to the Ramsey County � Ragister of Deeds. � � C�2 C�3 � 0 0 m , ,:: - ; �' J�� �� � CpUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Coun�cil 19_ Yeae Naya Butler Carlson ADP�'�. ��� � 19_ Levine 7 Tn Favor Meredith C�tarlet �. M�C;art= Sprafka 0 �r A,o�.inat Tedeaco . Mr. President, McCarty �8