. � A CITY OF ST. PAUL �0NC1L NO._F� �'
co M s or�ie Robert F. S rafka �M July 23, 1970
ttESOLVED, That the Wcst End Basiness � Professional Men's
Associetion, g66 w. 7th St., St. Paul, Minnesota, is hereby aethorized
and peranitted to use sidewalk areas frdn Seven Corners to Sibley Plaza
bet�veen the hours of 8:00 A. M. and 6:00 P. M., on Saturday, August 15th
1970, for the purpose of conducting Covered Mlagon Days; and be it
FtJRTHER RESOLVED, That the Co�nissioner of Public Morks is hereby
authorized to issue a per�it to said West End Business and Professional Men's
Association for the use of said sidewaik upon and subject to the follc�ring
provisions, ter�s and conditions:
i. That said peraiittee shalt pay the cost of public�tion of
this resolution.
2. That said permittee shall furnish a bond �f $10,000.00 to
the City of St. Panl , cor�ditioned to canpiy with all the terms of this
ord i nac�ce and to i ndeaac�i fy and save the C i ty ha re�i ess f rom any and a 11
loss, liability, Judgwents, suits, costs, chargcs, daa�ages or expense
,�, that �ay accrne to persoA or p�operty occasioned by the �se of said sideaalk.
� 3. TMat said pere�ittae expressly agrees and undertakes to fully
indes�nify and hold har�less the City of St. Paul , its agents, officers and
� n empioyees f ro� any and ail da�ages, ciais�s, losses, ,judge�ents, suits or
� ;-�°v expenses arising out of or occasio�ed by the use of said sidewalk coatemplated
� o by this permission and awthority.
� 4. That said per�aittee shatt not proc�ed to use said side�►alk
or be issued a permit �nless and �ntil said per�ittee shall procure and
y furnish to said City public liability inswrance cove�ing hi�self and
including the City of St. Paul as co-iasured against any liability on
account of i n,j n ry to pe rson or property rese�1 t i ng f roa� the use of sa i d
sidewatk in an a�ount of $250,000.00 for each tndividual who a�ay suffer
persoAal injury, and $500,000.00 on account of personal injnry resulting
from aay one accident an d affecting nbre than one person, and in the a�ount
of $20�,00�.00 because of inJury or daaaage to property on account of any
one accident, such insnrance coverage to be evidenced by policies of
insurae�ce approved by the Corporation Coe�nsel .
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Naya
Carlson Approve� 19—
Tn Favor
Meredith Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
_ -. CITY OF ST. PAUL F E N��� NO.
Page -2�
5. That said permittee shall at all tiiaes keep said sideNalk
free and open to publ ic travel , and shal l not undnly obstruct �nbl ic
travel thereon; and further, that said per�ittee shall not sell , por
peraoit the sale, of �erchandise upon said sidewalk duriag tl�e terw of
this pera�it.
6. T'be per�aittee shall i�aaaediately clea� wp the si�er�alk area
foilowing its ase, reaioving a�y disptay, deccr�tive or packaging a�aterials
res�lting as v�aste because of the use granted by this permit.
7. That said per�ittee shall file its written acceptance of this
Resolution and ail the provisions, tera�s, and conditions of the sa�ae with
the City Clerk and shail sut�it to the Corporation Counsel for his approval,
the aforesaid bond and fnsurance coverages which shall thereafter be filed
with the Co�ptroller cf the City of St. Pa�l , not later than August 3, 1970,
and in the event of its failure to dv so, the per�nissio� and a�thority gra�ted
hereby shall lapse.
JUL 2 2 1970
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Butler ��� 2 2 1970
Caxlson A rovp� 19—
Levine �n Favor
Sprafka � Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty 'PUBL�ISHED ��� 2 51970
- - • �t� �� 11���
Iti'�ST �ND BI�SIN�SS w E B P A ,
,: _ _
� � -�..�.
July 30, �970
Albert B. Olson, Council Hecorder
Room 386 City Hall
st. Yaul, mn 55102
Re: C ouncil File #249805
Dear Mr. Olson:
Thi� letter will serve as our written acceptance of the above
resolution per para�raph number 7., page -2p.
S cerel ours,
����� � .
Thomaa arrish, '�
July 28, 7�
,,.._._._�__�_.._.,1 �
`-----_..-__..__.s_, `�.
West End Business � PrcPessional Me ' ciation �,�
g66 Sd. Seventh St.
St. Paul, Minnes�ta
Gentlemen: � �
Enclosed is a bill in th t of' 1 ,10 to cover the cost
of publication of the ose � olu �, Council File No.
2��805� copy of tahic as sent y last ek also, in connec-
tion with Cavered Wa n Days.
Very trtil.y yours,
City Clerk
LETTER & BILL S�NT TO C. & S. A(3�iPCY� INC.,237 W. 3eventh St., St. Paul
July , 1970
� �
West End Busine�a & Professiona�` n'� As iatio�a
q66 w, Seventh St. %
St. Paul, Minne�ota � �
G8ritleiriEYl t � ,,�
��---__,, �.
_ ,..��,,., � `
Enclosed is a copy o resolut �,�out�l File No, 2�+9805,
adopted J'ul,y 22nd, 0, grantin ou perraission to u�e side-
walk areas f'rom �ev _Ccrne�rs to bley Plaz�-between the__houas : _ .._ __
of $:Od A.M. and 6: .M. o�n S day, Augu�st 15th, 1970, for
the purpose duc Cav Wagon Days, SUBJECT to the
pravisiorl and c s set out in the resoXutian.
We call aur special ttention to Paragraphs 2<md 7 of the
resolut n which r�q r� tha t'i11ng of a bond in the amount ;
specifi therein the �iling eP e�n e�cceptaace o� the
provieia �tez�os conditiona ot the resalution, etc.
not later t 3, 1970.
Af'ter the resaiution hes been publiehed� w� sha11 send you
s bi11 covering the cost ot publ3c�tir,� th�reaf, pursuant
to Paxagraph 1 of the reso�.ution .
Very trul,y yaura,
C ity C].erk