249795 , _,.,. _ , ,, , . .. ,,, .. r, . _ . a. +6: :'. . �. :�� � , �.:,,5. . , _r. . � ..: . ._ .. ,�r . , ♦ ._ . . . .. - � x, .. . . , r . ��� � � 249`��� a - FINAL ORDER oOUNCIL FIL�`Na . ,; B Y �� File No. �� �� , :: �. In the Mattsr of �I�M�t�at� 1� �Li�3� 11qt �!M 1� �ill +� �!'Ne�fR�► �:, � � 4. ': AMIMI�! !L'�It� � fi�! �d!'Mf� i�MIM�� +M i11�1� �l�k K � �'� =' �i � 'iwE� rN�li �i sLi�ltlt �M ir�► � �1l ��t �ill� !s � � �� !�i � #� �,�y j . .. . . .. .. . . . .. :1 � . . � - . .. . .. . . . . ..�9 . - - � � . . � . . . . . �� .�� � . _ � � � � . . � � ... � � �.:,1 � �� �� � . . .. .:,�? � . . . .. . � � � � r'� under Preli�inary Order- �� aAprov�t �er�� if��' �� �' '� Zntermediary Order approve� � A public i�earing having been had npon the above improvemen� upon c��ie notice, and the Council � having heard s11 persons, objections=and recommendations relative thereto,and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it � � RESO�.VED, By the<Council of the City of St. P�ul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- �� 4 proveme�t�to be made by the said City is � �� .i�i�t s�M�wr�, �r s�A++iwM�t a� �Mt arlree� r4+it o!` �KMra�l1�' �► �+w� '�e :� , _� � � �► � ,iiwrr a �1 �rre�r �''��ti"�ii�►Srr�ri �!r �� .� ; . : , � a�M �i�t ��! � � +r1�lr�e r�k! i�F#r wr��r� +�rt i+�ef+i�s1 En► :� �. �_ : _� �► +� �rrwr��,� a�r�t sl�s� � a� �� �er�t �f+iiww�s r�r : . - � a j.. ...;; and the Cauncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. `RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Comrnissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby instructed and d�irected to prepare plans and specificatians for said impmvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oflicials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said.improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN :I.UL 2.2 19�0 Adopted by the Councii Y� BUTLER Na�� .jUL 2 2 1910 CARLSOfV Approvpcl LEVINE MEREDITH � Favor SPRAFKA Mayor TEDESCO � McCARTY Against pUBLISHED aIUL 2 5 1970 6-66-51[ °�� 8.1 ,,,.�,,., , ��, - •, ' �:�.,'�s��.:�I4. 4`' � r� ��,w� `,. ...., �.. s� � N.S. Univeraity Ave. - Wheeler St. to Fairview Ave. ! �, � i � '� �.-,' ��''�w., �, ��'�'� � ���, �9��. _, �� �� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS � 'd,� C�`/ �y�� '�� � °�,�y�j,�G� �. REPORT TO COI�NIISSIONER OF FINANCE �C�'� 2 � .:�x ��,1 .s �. 4���b' : � � April 30th. 19 70 To the Commissioner of Finance of the Citq of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had ander consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 248616 spproved April 29th. 19 7� relative to recoaatructing the sideWalk on the north side of IIniversitq Ave. fro� Wheeler St. to Fairvie� Ave. a e�all portiora of �rhich vill be replaced vith integral curb and sidewalk and bq doiag all other work which is aeceasary aad incidental to complete �aid i�provemmeat. and haviag investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportso 1. The estimated cost thereof is $3,80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $4.60 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. $1.35 per �: ft. for iategral curb and sidewallc. 2. A plan; profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereof. �.� 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works x �- � � �a 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition ����� t� ��� Commiss ner of Public Works � p �