249784 ORIG�NAI.--- CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �CITY CLERK ��NC'L NO�49���4� �.. No 3,765 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR < AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED.BY HON �A� �9-- • RffiOLVED, that the Cauncil hereby concurs in the avard of the Coatract Co�ittee therefor aad hereby awards eontrac�t �or furnishing all labor, materials and eq�ip�ent neeessary or incideatal to fl�raishing sad installing cooling syste� in the restaurant and lounge areas of CU1!� GOLF GZUB HOtTSE, Arliugton sad Chelsea Streets, for the Departsent of Parks, Recreation & Public Buildings to P'HAL� REFRIGERATIOH & AIR C4�- DITIO�G CU. t'or the caaitract price, lump sus bid, of $6,7�t8.00 (plus Alternate �1, ftirnishing and installing two (2) 5 ton units*$�18.Q0� in accordsaee with the plans aad speeiticatioas ead Fo�aal Bid ,#�190 oi said Phalea RePr�g�ration � Air Conditicu�ing Co, , such bid being th� lo�rest and said Phalen RePrigerati� & Air Conditioning �o. being a respoaisible bidder sad the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draf't the prcrper Yorm of contract therefor, r�ud the prc�r City oPticisls hereby are authorized to exeeute said coatract v� behalf of the Citg of Ssint Paul. CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - S 7,166�0� � pgpT.CONT,Np, ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION_ - - � - � � - � - � - � � S WATER DEPARTMENT COSTS S ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: vn�unrioN AND ASSESSMENT SERVICES - - - - - - - - - S : OTHER CIT�Y SERVICES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - $ � FORMAL BID NO. . �190 COLLECTION CHARGES - - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - S N07E TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE YTCOMlRROLLER oFfOR6 PR6se1TINfi TO CAUNCIL FOR ADO�ION. $ 7�i66�QD PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF TMIS IMPROVEMENT AS POLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -- 0920-481 $ 9. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. E 4. APPROPRIATED FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BOND ISSUE-CODE $ 8. COUNTY AID ' ' ' ' ' ' _ " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .$ E. MINN. HIGHWAV DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT NO. . s 7�166�00 �� 2700-606 TOTAL " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � T�lE7V�OO � COPIES TO: 1 NER�Y Cf�tTIFY THAT TN6Rt 1:AN UNWCYMBEN[D BAL- C17Y CLERK ANCE AVAp�O1� tN TNE ABOVt lTATED APPROPRIATIONf TO LOCAL IMPROV6MQfi NO OOMPTROLLER RWMBURSE THE POtMANENT IMrROV�Of1' R VING rYND PLIBLIC WORKS IN TH6 ABOVE A PURCHASINC' �Z\. �� DAT[FiNAL ORDtI!ADO�*� . OOM B�f COUNCILM6N 1�� 2 1 19 f.Q YEAB NAYS / ADOrTm BY TMt COUNCIL '� _ • ��� / �N FAVOR s a�a .�� -�� J U L 2 1 197Q . .a.� deSCO Mr. Prosidsnt, �(,''�,�� J�� �� �n�o rawrat ,,, �� 7/l0/7o/atanton/lm PUBLISHED �