249778 ORiGIN/►L TO CITY CL6RK �4���78 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lzc��Ts� cor��a�il�� CIL RESOLUTION ENE�„RA�FORM PRESENTED BY �TUl.y 21� 1.97� COMMISSIONE AM L�Tt�'1�?S: Proper notice h�,s been re�eived as to change of officer and stockholder in the Cla�rton Club, Inc. � 615 University �ivenue, holders of On Sale Liquor License Tdo. 7812, expiring J2,,nu�.ry 31, 1971� therefore, be it Rr:SOLVi:T: Tha.t t�darren T�iontpetit relinquishing the office of Treasurer a.nd as a stocicholder, the President, Clayton blontpetit �1so assunies the office of Treasurer, and the of�ice of Vice—pr.ess�dent now vacant is assumed by Florence E. Iiontpetit who also becomes a stock?�older, be and the s�ne is hereby �.pproved. On Sale Ziquor Establishrnent Cr.��,ilG� OFi�'ICLR 1�i1D STOCKHOLD:c� (Informally apr�roved b.,; �oiqncil) July 16, 1970 A:-,:n. 1280 JUL 21 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � Butler Ap _��l�_ � 1 ���� 19� Ca.rlson Levine � T� Favor Meredith Sprafka �,�gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �JB[ISHED JUL 2 51970 �� � � � ' CITY 9F SAINT PAUL � ���'? �� • Capital of Minnesota `"J � f �e aHt�nev�t o ub�Gc'c �a et � � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIRE PROTECTION ���$ DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner aEeLZa RALP'H G.MElt$ILL,Deputy Commieeioner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inapector July 16, 1970 �ionorable I�Ta�ror and Gity Council Saint Paul, I�iinnesota Gentlenien �nd rTadam: Currently Clayton Club, Inc., 615 University `venue are holders of On Sale Liq..�or License No, 7�?12, ex�iring Ja,nuary ;1, 1y71. 4��arren N�ontpetit, ireasurer and a stock�older, no longer bein�; associated �,rith the corper�.tion, the followin� ch�n�es t�:e place. `rh.e F'resident, Cla��ton I��ontpetit also assu��es the office of Tre�,surer. The vacant off'ice of Vice-presirent is now filled by Florence �;. T:ontpetit. The stoc�: held b�� t•larren l�iontpetit is now transferred to Florerice E. N.iontpetit, the neTfr cfficer. Attached are copies of ner a�;plication and letter from their �.ttcrney relative to these chan�es. Very tr�aly yotlrs, ��� �� `� ` License Inspector � -�n� ��� �� � �o � �� ` DUDLEY, SMITH,�C�PEiAt�D & BELISLE ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW - W. 1200 FIqfT NATIONAL BANK SUIIDINb � JOSEPH J. DUDLEY ST.PAUL. MINNESOTA SSIOI OF COUNSEL G. WILUAM SMITH SV F. DOFFINO RICMARD W. COPELAND _ 224•4871 . WAYNE T. BELIS�E JAMEB C. GOTTINGHAM JuL I3 19 10 STEPHEN C. LAPADAT Y � h�,1 � 91p�j��� 0''. I.i� �/ � ��c� v<� � '� � Mayor and Council �-^ -�,,��;r �„� � City of Saint Paui �„ �`��'�``,i '� -� Court House � �L`�o�F� �R; Saint Paul, Minnesota ��� $� `° Attn: City License Inspector `�9� ZbZ ' Dear Sir and Councii: This ietter is to advise you that on Juty 6, I970, Warren Montpetit soid and transferred to F'iorence E, Montpetit one hundred twenty five �125) shares of Clayton Ciub, Inc. Since the issuance of this stock to Fiorence E. Montpetit, aU of the stock of Ciayton Ciub, Inc. is owned by Clayton Montpetit and FLorence E, Montpetit in equai amounts. By sharehotders meeting held on Juiy 8, 1970, Ciayton Montpetit and Fiorence E. Montpetit were eiected directors of the corporation, , and the previous. directors were removed. Ciayton and Fiorence are the oniy directors at present. ' By directors meeting heid on Juiy 8, I970, the foiiowing namecl persons were elected to serve as officers of the corporation for a period of one year or untii their suecessors have been eiected: ' Ciayton Montpetit, President and Treasurer Fiorence E. Montpetit, Vice 1'resident Betty J. Montpetit,, Secretary Warren Montpetit is not a stockhoider, director, or officer of this corporation. . V ery truiy yours, ���1�1�1 1���,,� . DUDLEY, SMITH, COPELAND & BELISLE �s � �,; . � �-� . �y ' > �".� i / M �� � � � N '� ��i �� r �:� ' �n , " ,� Richard W. C ope and E', � , �t'L'�,�' � 6�A�'!C 9���h7`��VC/nes . ( ', CITY "bF SAIIJT PAU�,� � DEPARTBI�TT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ' , , LIC$N3E DIVISIC�1` Date July 13 �9 70 l,r ,Applicatian Por Ott Sal� Li.�tto�! � _ � Liaense 2. Nanme of applicant ��'lo�'�e E. Mantp�tit �'" ✓-� _._._ • _. ' 3o Buaineas e�ddreas 61S TJ�1�!�s's�:'Ey Aw. Residenoe 154�4 S. Hoyt Aw. 4. Trade nam�, if any B+flaeont Club �, ~ _`�" __.�...� ' 5. Retail Beer Federa2 Tax Stamp X Retail Liquor Federal Tax Sta�np�. will be used. 6. On �rhat fl� lcsaated F'!�t � Number of rooms used aM 7. Between xY�t crosa streets Dfl� � �tiv, VPhich side of straet tTA�,��sity Ai►s, ..� 8� Are premi se a n�r oc a upie d Y�s �'� b u s ine s s Fbod ds LiQuo� Hc�r 1 ong 15 YN�ri� 9. Are premiaes nuw unoacupied�Hva� Iong vacant Previous use �'�, Are you a ne�r aemer .�Ir�ave you been in a similar buaineas before �Tp � ll�ere 11�Y►en 11• Are you going to operate this business personally NO If not� �ho �vi.11 �perate it Wtlt�tc A„ti, MpAt��,#�,�, CLYt.�Y. Mor►t-snfti� 12, Are you in any other business at the preaent time No 1S. Be�v� thare been any co�nplaints �against your operation of thia type of plast��0 Rhen �he re � 14. Haee you ever hsd any licsense revoked Na Rhat reaso�a and date 15, wre you a oitizen of th� United 3tatea YN Native Y� ��s Na�uralised 16. iR�ere �rere you born $��p�y����r Date of birth Jtut� 4� 192b 17, T am marriedp Pdy (�+aj (husband�a) nams and addreas is i�li►1t�M0C A. 1�t�p�tlt 18, (If ine►rr�ed female) my maiden ns�me is F1ox�t�C� P��vort • 19, How laong have you lived in St„ Paul Y�i „�, � , ..,�._� 20. Asve you ever been arre ated �p `Violation of �rhat arim.inal la�r or ordixiance • _ _ . x 21. Are you a registered voter in the City oP St� Paui Yes 1Qo� (�as�er full� and oarm^pletel�r* �'hese a lications are thorou Ii]. oheoksd aud anq falaifioation �rill be aause for denial. 22, Ni�ber of 3.2 places withi_n. txa blool� � ' �FhM ;' 23. C1u�e�t i.ntoxiaating liquor place. On Sale6pg �r, Off Sale b'1'8 UaiY,� , ?�k. l�earest Church i�Jt. Ag��� Neareat Sohool 3t. AguN 25. Number of bootha �ToA� Tables 40 Chairs 120 Stouls 4G ..�.�....�._.__ ______.---•- 26. �Phe►t 000upation. have you follaaved for the past five year�. (Give namea oP employers and dates so employed.� . As st.�rrd � St, J 'r Ho . ;. 27, , G�ve namia$ an.d addresses af t�o parsons, re,sidents oP St: Paul, �ix�n., who can give . inf ormaticm o amcernin.g yau. Na�rne Gsorg� i�ac Addre s a lyi9 I�as�lxood Nama ��r ��► Address 1Z74 �und � 'gnature of dpplicant State oP 3�inne s ota� �a C ouaty ofl Ramseq ) - _ ��Q ���tlC�' �. /t(6�/�CT/ 'j—�eing first duly enrorn, deposea and �ays upan oe�th that hs has read the foregoing atatement bearing 2u.s signature and lcnawa the aontents thereo�, and that the sa� is true of his a�vn �o�wledge axoept a� to those �tters therein atated upon 3.nf'ormation and belief and as to thoae mattex$ �s believes them to be true. � SigrLature of .A�pplicarat Subacribed and sa+rorn to bef'ore �a this � day of 1�� Notery Pub1i�, aamaey Couaty, Mix�neaota ROBERT J. CHERMr1K, , ��7 CO�11S81�31 @Xp3.2'98 Notary Public, Ramsey Go��nty, Minn. . � � otnm�ssio� pires ep: 21, l�f� ' (Idot�s Theae s�ateinent. forma are isi duplioste.� Both-QOpies muet ba fully �illed out, notarised, and returned to the License Division.) ' AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT . � ' ,, FOgt . • RET�IL BEER OR LIQU�R LICENBE Res ��Sale j�i,qt� Lioense Name of applicant Floa'fnO� �. Mp�tp�tit �, 6,n� Bu�iness addreaa 615 vaiv�rsity Avl�r►us, 9t. PauS, Misn. dre �ou the sole aa�.er of this buainesa?�. If nat, is it a pa rtnership? 0 orporst ion.4 Y�i , other� Others interested in buainesa, include thoae by loan. of money, proparty or otherwrisea Name C3sytan �tp��tit Addreas <j84� l+�ont Av� H�►r Ha1t iat�t swait M.�►1 a.nk 205 Auro�es M►. If a corporation, give ita name Cl�ytOn Club� Ino. .... Are qou interesrted in any way in any other 8e�ai1 Beer or Liquor busines�4 gp 11a eule aamer? PartnerY Stoekholder4 Otherrrise? (Through loan of money, etcs. F�cplaizi) Addre a s oF a uch bua ine as and nature of i.nte re st in saa� � ignature o� applicant State of Minneaota) )ss Caunty of �msey ) �`d�E/vC� �, /�G'/�T�ET�Tbeing Pirat duly sworn, deposes and says upan c�s►th tha� he has read the foregoing affidagit bear3�n.g his signature and l�owe the contenta thereof; that the sams ia true of his own Irnawledge, eaaept as to those mattera therein statad upon informstion and belief and as to thoae mattera he be- lieves them to be trus. � C Si�nature of a pplicant Subscr'bed and aworn. t bePore m,� this � day of 19�U �.�r�i,�` �� No ry Publi Ramsey County, Yinneaota �g�� CNERMAK, My eomuni.seio2l expiree���,�nty.Minn. ��m�swn fxpirea SsPt 21, 197R , ' � �� •' � ` STATE OF MINI�'ESOTA � SS C(7UNTY OF �S�Y ) � �, being fir�t duly sworn, doth depose y an�d say that S he makes thia affidavit in connection �ith appliaation for "�Sale" liquor license (" Sa1s" malt beverage licjense) a.n the City of � _ STATE OF MINNE50TA Saint Pa,ul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the a x�l ha s re side d there in f or / � yea rs, montha, and ia �' . STATE navv and has been for the tima abo�ve m�ntioned a bo�aa fide resident oP �aid Q� a nd t ha t 5 he n ow re s ide s a� N0. �.� � �+� �iG /G�•+�,. � � Xi�C�Xl�d3Q�, Bdinne s ota. � � �� � �i Subsaribed and sworn to before me this day of 19� C�� � .� Notary Public Ramsey County, Minnesota l+Iy commiseion expires RO��RT�•�H��K•M�. �py Commissiaa E�es SePt a�. 29� � ` ` Y C 0 P 7 Juiy 16, 1970 Hon. D�an I�kredith Gomar. of Pablic Safety P�blic Safety Bnilding Dear 8ir: Attentice�: l�tr. 1�a3.e1 MeLe►ughlia The City Council today informally approved change of oPPicer and stockholder in Clayton Club, Tnc.� 615 University Ave.� h�lders o� On Sale Liquor License No. 7812, expiring Jan. 31, 1971. Will you plea�e prepare the customary resolution covering this a�,tter Y Yery truly yours, City Cl,e rk ng