249759 249�59 Counoll File No.................�.., PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMIIVARY ORDER. Z'6eundereignedhereby propoeeethemalcingaf thefollowingpublicimpmvement by t6e City ot 8eint Paul,vis.: Open, widen _andye�tend the alley in BLK. 15, E. R. BRYANT'S SUB. OF BLKS. 15 and 16, ........... __.................................. ...........................................................»... STINSON'S FRANCES ST ADD .......................�............`....�_.....`..-- ..._„_,,,._,,,,,_..�_.µ___�.. . TO ST. PAUL, RAMS EY C0. , M i NN, by condemn t ng and tak i ng the North._20_feet of.the_east. 20..feet ofM.Lot�1µ �...'�..�.•.•...-."" •-•--�............� .. . .�„�n.sa i d B 1 k._.i s�.........................................._.... D�tsd f,hie....�...................._............»...................................,,,...-�..�..�.............._.................................____......... ....day oq.........JuI.Y.................. ., g �p -. ................ . , ......... ........ "_�..�... . :� Coun man,..__.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAB, A �vritten propoesl for the making of the following impmvement, vis,: Open, widen.and extend the alle in BLK. 15 E. R BRYANT'S SUB. OF BLKS. 15 and 16, ......................................................»--...............x.... ...:............:.... --..........__... ........................................... ...........................___ T I NS ON'S FRAN CES S_T .ADD.�TO_ST��PAUL t RAMS EY C0. co d ....................... � : ... --.. .....r...M i NN:..bY.... �.,emn i n� and .tak i ng the.,North,.20_.fegt.of the,eas�,�Q f���__qf._,�p�.. �Z j�.��ld � �� ••-� -•-� ..� k.....15�................................................ hsving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..........--•----•....... ...........................................N..........�_ t6erefore, be it ....................................................__.... 1�FJ90LVED, That the Commieeioner of Publio Works be and ta hereby ordered and dIreo�ed; 1. To inveetigate the neceesity for, or desirability of,.the making o#eaid improvemeat. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated oost of asid improvement� and the totsl ooet ther�t. 3. To turnieb s plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. , 4. To stste whether or ao�eaid improvement ie aeked for on 8he petition of tbree ar more ownere. b. To report upoa a11 of the foregoing mattere to the �nmm;eeioner of�nanve. Adopted by the Conno�..._.....................�.. J U L 21 1970 Ysss Counc i lman B�t i er J U L 2 �. 197Q Ca r 1 son Apprnved............w........_ ............. _».. ............................._ Levine Meredith � Sprafks Tedes co ......................�..,..... Mr. President McCarty •�-�- •--- � �. "'� �000 �,ss �,.� .. � � , '�UBLISHED �UL 2� 1970