249758 . OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK 24���8 . - � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RTSt)LVID� That t�;ie Cauncil of the City of Sa3.nt Paul concurs in the action of the Board of Water Coapmissioners by its Resolution Number 2216 � appraved 20 July 1970, and that said aetion is in all things apgrov�d, rata.fied and confirmed. :lUL 2 � 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 9— Yeas Nays `�u�` , Bt�tler Car�son J U L 21 1970 1s— � A ved ere i �J _ .�—In Favor �x SpP�i2 � or A gainst Tedesco Mr. President,�qcs IrlcC�y '�UBLISHED JUL 2 51970 � �L r�-�[� DUPLICAT6 TO PRINTER � � � L��, SjV CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa N�,. �.' �"�°' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �"E COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVID, That '�he Cauncil of the City of Satnt P�,1, concurs in the action of the Board of Water Co�amissioner� by its Resolution Number 2216 , appraved 20 July 1970, and fhat said a�t3.on is 3.n a7,�, th3ngs approrved, ratif3ed and confirmed. �=� � ��, ���� �kr;�.;;�- � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson ;�?� � Approver� 19— l�e��c�i h 1 —�n Favor �� � Mayor Sprafka Tedesco A 8'��st Mr. President,� MeCarty �D� CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ — OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER — DATE ! �� t�HEREAS, The Q�ex�l Manager, Mr. Cliffcard W, Hamblin, recommend� that the Board accept said sett].e�nent, ATa4+T� THFI�EF'O�E� BE �T RESt)LYED� That th� Board conaurs in t�he recoannienda�.ion of td�e Q�eneral PS�na�ea� and autharizes and c�ireata its offl.aers t,o accept a Warranty Deed as apprwed by the Ca�acmation Cc�unsel for td�e aba�ve described prop�rty, and P�y tot Robe;rt Johzi anc3. M�,ybelle Berg, owners of said proP�'�3�'s $1,6rU.Q0 fram Water �iu�el 80(��00, �rhich t,ogefi�her wi th the $9,t700.00 already pa3d into t.he Court, for a sum total nf $10,65�•40 as t,he �'ull purchase price for Paraal 8. � State of Minnesota County of Ramsey � ss. City of Saint Paul I, P. J. Clarke, Assistant�ecr ary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I hav com��thej c�py of a resolution of the said Board as � adopted by the Board on � �� , with the original thereof on file in my office and that said c y'is a t e and co ect copy of said original and the whole thereof. �itn ss the seal � the B a of Water Commissioners of e City of Saint Paul this ,�day of , A.D. � � Ass�gtant Secretary � Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays _ July 20�19?0 xpgg � 7 In favor--- Opposed � � ASST. SECY. O i 1 �✓'� CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ 2216 _ OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ��Fs, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��� �.� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - DATE ��� WHEREA5, The Board af Wat� C�m.tssioners af the City of �ia3nt Paul authorized the extension o�£ its Wat,e�ra�ks Systen and initiated proceeding� in e�ninent domain fb� the aequisition of lands loaated on the We�t Arm af �adnais Lelce in R,amsey Caunty by its resolutions adop�ed September 1�� 1967 and 4etober 18, 1967, r�hich were apprrnred by the City Cauncil (C. F. 235�.9)j and, Tr,?�AF�9.S, The Commissione�s appointed by the �Lst�z�iat Cou,rt in a report filed with tha Clerk of said Gaurt, on the 20th clay of S�p�ember 196$, made the award of $9,00�.40 as �u1]. payment for the tsking o�' Pareel 8, described as follo�ass All those parts of ?�c>ts 2�, 26 and 27, Slock 2, Michand & Miahaud'� rearrangement af I,o�s A� B, Cs D & E of Pacinai.s Lake Yi11.as, includ- ing vacat.ed Wester].y hal�' of P?iiehaud Avenue, which lie �asterly of �e follawing described 1int: Cornrnencing at the aranite Mc�rna.ment at the Nort�hwa�$t corn�r of Sect,ion 31, Ta�mship 30 North, R.ar��e 22 W��t, beir�g the Northwest corns� af said Michaud & Miahaudi s rearrange�asnt of Lots A, B, C, D & � o� Vadr�ais Iake Villas, wit.h the, Weet line of said Seation 31, �aid W�s� line beiag due North, thence Norfi�► 89�40� East along ths Narth line of said S�ction and s�3d rearrangement a di.stance of 133 .�eet to the point af be�i.nn,in� af descr3bed line, theace South 1l�03l�� Ea�t a d3,stance o1' 32�.53 fe�t� thence South 9°47� East � dis�ane� of 388.12 feet, �F.t�enae South 13�17� �a�t a distanae of 357.31 feet, thsnce Sout� 18�0�� East� a di�tance of 161.2l� feet, �hhence Sev.tth 6Q5l��1��� East a distance of 397•56 feet axbd there ter- minating.; and, WHEREAS, 8obe�t Jatni aad l�aybelle Bes��, owners a�' sai.d p�rcel., did appeal frcun the award of the Commissioners, and the Hoard therefore depo�ited the amtca�nt of $9,000.00 in said Caurt an Novenber 1l�� 1968i as chrea#,ed in Board Resolution No. 2127 dat.ed 26 September 1968 and ap�ar�ed by Caunail File No. 21�0389 adopted 27 Septarnber i 968; aad, WHER��AS, A compranise set�►1.emer,.t has been negotiated by the Corporation Counsel praviding that an additional amo�t of $1,500.00, plus �150.00 ft;� appraisal fees, 'oe gaid in addition to the amount alrsac�y deposited in the Caurtq and�