D001209C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �iproved Copies to: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER: - City Clerk (Originaq BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. Full-Time Permanent Fringe Benefits Data Processing Hardware ADMINISTR,4TIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grented to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Char[er and based on the request of the Director of the Office of Human Rights to amend the'1996 Budget of the General Fund, the Director of the O�ce of Pinancial Services is authorized W amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT 8� DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: Office of Human Rights GL U01-OU152-0111 GL 001-00152-0439 GL 001- 00152-0857 �� by: Activity CURRENT BUDGET No: .� oa r� oa Date: L{". -� ' APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET 437,823 (1,487) 436,336 155,566 (23) 155,543 6,270 1,510 7,780 599,659 0 599,659 rn (l�-� `�- � � Z Date A r ved by: Financial Services Director by: Department � �. - uevnx�nrerrno�ce�com+ca DAiEA!lL/ATED dJ UU I oLCV`1 x�ar,xsgn� aiai� GREEN SHEET NO. 32594 ^ CONfACtPER50NffiPHONE OI DEPAR1b4Nl'DIRECNA aa CRYCAUNN, BonvieJellinek (266-8896'n M ,,,,� gw „ �z cmnrron.�v � crrcc�wc BEONCAUNCLLAGFNDAHYryATE) p� � BU04ECD➢WLTOR � tlN_ffiMGLSFRVICESDQt � nuvon(oanssuTaxp � Finance-ACCOUnting TOTAL # OF SIGNATCiRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) cnorrrsr��s�o Approval of an��min;rnat;ve fox the Human Rights Deparhnent 1996 budget e�coem.mvow'[IOI+s: wypmK(n) W r.�x �U PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACl'S MIJST ANSR'ER TBE FOLLOWING QUE.SfIONS: r�wricmac,coiRmsstav crvv,sFxxncECOt.vmssroa 1. Has d�is pecsonlfism evec wocked uuder a connacf for this depa�enC? cmconu�unse YES NO 1( srat'r' _ 2. Has this person/fimi ever been a city employce? DLSIWCfCOURT YES NO SUPPORiS NMCH COUNC9.OBIECIIVE� 3. Does this pe:son/Frm possess a skill not oom�ally possessed by any cuarnt ciry employee? YES NO (Esplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheek) WRIATINGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNrtY (NTo, Whar, Wheq Whcre, Why): After fmal adjushnents and accruals were completed, the Human Rights Dept. budget experienced some minor negative variances. The attached adminishaUve order balances the 1996 budget by transfering funds from object codes where there was a surplus to cover object codes where there was a shortfall. VpNTAGESffAPPROVEU This activity will be in conformance with the budget level of control policy. DISADVANI'AGES ff APPRpVBD None lmown. DISADVANiAG£S OF NMAPPROVED , Activities will show a negarive varriance in 1996. nMO�m'roP'rRAnsncnoN Nota lica6le mSrmeveNOesunGaTEU(rneq.eoN� O rvo evrmmcsouxce ncrrnrrwmmea db � FWANCW, WFORMnTfON: (EaRLADV) �{ V � ,