03-824COUNCIL FILE #: � 2'{ GREEN SHEET #: �, RESOLUTION �ItNT PAITL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Cominittee Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Duuning Bdosters app�kd for and received a STAR grant to purchase and install a new scoreboazd, 2 new dugouts, new batting cages, and a basketball court at the Dunning Baseball Stadium (Toni Stone Field) site; and 4 Wf3EREAS, the basketball court funding associated with the above referenced project was inadequate at $3,000 and has 5 been left unspent; and � 6 WI3EREAS, Council Member Blakey has graciousley awarded the Dwming Boosters an addirional $13,400 in STAR funding 7 towazds the completion of the Dunning Basketball Court project; and 9 WHEREAS, the Dunning Boosters have requested that Parks and Recrearion manage and unplement this project; and 10 11 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recrearion proposes the creatarion a new project with a budget of $16,400 for the Dunning Basketball 12 Court construction; and 13 14 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recrearion is willing to provide construction management and implementarion services upon the 15 amendment of the 2003 Capital Improvement Budget; and 16 17 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 18 Mayor, and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $16,400 is available for 19 appropriation in the 2003 Capital Improvement Budget, and said 2003 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by Council, 20 is hereby fi�rther amended as follows: 21 22 CIJRRENT AMENDED 23 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 24 CO3 - Capital Projects 2003 25 3MO25 - Dunning Basketball Court 26 7306 - Transfer from Capital Project Fund 27 28 SPENDING PLAN: 29 CO3 - Capital Projects 2003 30 3MO25 - Dunning Basketball Court 0 16,400 16,400 0 16,400 16,400 31 0299 - Other Misc. Services 0 16,400 16,400 32 0 16,400 16,400 33 34 FLTRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council waives the current STAR guideline requuing a private sector dollar match 35 to allow for STAR funding of the Dunning Basketball Court project. G:IFh11QT1JW31Resolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslDUnning Boosters Resolution Il.xls Page: 1 of 2 63-$a�k COUNCIL FILE #: GREEN SHEET #: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN't' PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date: /— j U' ��J Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved b yor: •Date: -[� L J� B�: � ������ Division of Parks and Recreation BY� G,� :. � �., Q�� Approval ec ended by F cial Services Director: By ' k Form Approved by City ��.���.��-;�� ��..���.�,. � $36t�ft4�de P9i.�iv�3 =�;a ..��e:r�_ cr� �p �'/19/�3 ^.'3.,v.� 7€�*i:� �t:^,.:ti r, t:_.�, � � lfC���/ ,�,n.. _ . _ �'�� �.si..a—< _' '_ , . G:IFMIQT1JW31Resolutions, AOS, Green SheetslResoWtionslDunning Boosters Resolut�on Ilxls Page� 2 0(2 � b3� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet .�. DepaRmentloffice/couneil: Date Initiated: �� PR -Paz�andR�tion 16-JUL-03 Green Sheet NO: 3002761 CoMact Person & Phone: DeoartmeM Sent To Person Initial/Date JaSOn Wirka � 0 ar and Recreati n � l � Zsf'64�� Assign 1 arksandRecreafion De artmentDirector � Must Be on Council /�genda by (Date): Numbe� Z 'uanciai Services Office Ftinancisl Servi 5 For Routing 3 i Attorn Order 4 a or•s Of'fice Ma oNAssistaot 5 ouncil i COUntiI 6 ' Clerk Ci Clerk 7 'nancial Services Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations for Signature) ��7rvc_-� � � Action Requested: Pazks and Recrearion requests that the Saint Paul City Council approves the attached budget resolution for a STAR grant to construct a basketballcourt atDunaing Recreation Center Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission � 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curzent ciry employee? Yes No E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Council Member Blakey awazded a STAR grant to the Duwinig Boosters for the construction of a basketball court at Dunning Recrearion Center. � :�'�� �'�'°m'� Advantages IfApproved: � � � � Project will proceed Q�� %? 'r ���� �'` `� �" � . , e , � . e u DiudvanWpes If Approved: None r ���,,<.;�� Disadvantages If Not Approved: Parks will not be reimbursed for costs. Project will not be completed. � L ��� �p�T (� �i Total Amount of - `. `�'� . �� .' . . - - - Trensaction- 16400 CosVRevenue Budgeted: �, . / CeCl1F�t�� �BSe+^zp�l [`Y�a� Fundinp Source: STAR CO3-3MO25 Activity Number. Financial Information: r ���j � 6 ���� - (6cplain) .��