249742 �ORIGINM* TO CITY CLBRK 249���� \ . CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO CIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DAT WHEREAS, the taxp s of the City of Saint �'au � alreadq burdene b a heavy property tax; and WHEREAS , the property tax levied upon the citizen� of Saint Paul is divided approximately 1/3 for city purposes, 1/3 for s�hool purposes , and 1/3 for couaty purposes , includi.ng the cost of publie welfare ; and 4�HEREAS, the proposed budgets of the Co�nty Welfare Board and the Independent School District �625 would require an increase ir� the tax levy on property in the City of Saint Paul of between 40 and 50 mi.11s ; and WHEREAS, any such proposed increase in the property tax would impose an undue bur�den upon a large segment of the citizens of Saix�t Paul; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Couneil of the City of Saint Paul that it is the inte�t of this Council that it shall seek r�o increase in the property tax upon the citizens of Saint Paul for the operation of City Government for the y�ar of 1971; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council shall hold to a� absalute minimum any inc�+ease in th� County Welfare Budget requiring an increase in the property tax for 1971; and ;qtr BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Couneil does her+eby c�il upon the Board of Independent School District �625 to closelq ��rutinize the proposed budget and particularly the proposed increase in the tax le�y required to finance said budg�t and that said Council does h�reby ask that the Board of Independent School Di�trict �625 defer arty items i� said Budget �quiring ari iner�ase in the property tax upoA t�ie �itizens of Saint Paul that are not absolutel essential for the ed�cation of the s.chool children and that the oard of Indepen ent School Distriet #625 seek from the forthcoming s�ssion of the Minnesota State Legislatt�re a change in the formu].a of distribution of State Aid to edt�cation together .with such legislation as is requir�d to enable the financing of ed�cation �n t�� Citq of ��int Paul without relying totally upon the property tax; and •BE IT FURTHER RESOLdED that a copy of this resolution be innmediately deli�ered to the Board of Independent School District #625 for it� � .consideration at a meeting of said Boa�d this date . �U L 21 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But�er �� 21 1��Q Caxlson Approve� 19— Levine �ln Favor Meredith Sprafka � y r A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McC PUBLISHED JUL 2 5 1970 1 ,,�a � � -o��,��,��,� �49�4� � � ITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� NO. .� OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /RE56NTED tY COMMISSIONE /►K WHEREAS, the taxpayers of ths ity of Saint Paul ar� already burdened by a heavy property tax; and ' WHEREAS , th� pro erty tax levi d upon the citizens of Sa�3.nt Pau1 is t�ivided approximately 1/� for city p�zrposes, 1/3 for school purposes , and 1/� for county purposes , including the �co�t of publie welfat+e; and WHEREAS, the proposed budg�ts f the County Welfare Board and the Independent School District �62 would require an increase in the tax� levy on property in the City o Saint Paul of betwsan 40 and 50 mille; and I WHEREAS, any such proposed ine ase in the property tax s�ould impose �tn undue burden upon a large segme t of the citizens of Safnt Paul; NOW, THEREFbRE, BE IT RESOLVED y the City Council of the City of S�tint Paul that it is the inten of this Council that it shall seek no increase in the property tax up n the eitizens of Saint Paul for the operation of City Government fo the year of 1971; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council shall hold to an absolute minimum any increase in the Co ty Welfare Budget requiring an increa�e in the property tax for 1971; d BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Couneil doas hereby eall upon the Board of Indep�ndent School Dis ict �625 to closely aerutinize the � proposed budget end particularl the proposed increa��e in the tax levy required to finance s aid budget d that said Counail does hereby ask that the Board of Independent S ool Dfstriat �625 defer any 3.tems in said Budget requiring an in�creas in the property tax upon the oitizens of Saint Paul that are not absol tel essential for the eduaation of the school ehildren and that the oa o Indepen ent Sehool District �625 aeek from the forthcoming sessio of the Minnesota State Legislature a ehange in the formula of distrib tfon of State Aid to education together �+ith such legislation �s is requ red to enable the financing of education in the City of Saint Paul withou relying�totally upon the prmperty tax; end BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a co y of this resolution be imr�ediately delivered to the Board of Indepe dent School District �625 for its consideration at a meeting of sa d Board this date. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cotmc3�U L 2 1 �ZQ 19— I Yeas Nays ; Butler J U L Carlson I!' ApprovAd 2 1 ��O 19— ��e �In Favor Meredith I Sprafka O ( N�sYor 'nat Tedesco _ Mr. President, McCarty � i I �� I I i � � � g-� � INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 626 � , �� ' ���.�� OrlYinal W Superintendent o!3chools BOARD OF EDUCATION FILfi D NO. ST. PAUL PUBLIC SCHO�LS RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM DATF WH$RTAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul passed a Resolution on July 21, 1970, calling upon the B�a.rd of Independent School District No. 625 to closely scru- tinize the proposed budget for the city public schools, particularly the proposed increase in the tax levy required to finance said budget; and, WF�RSAS, the primary legal responsibility for the education of the school children of Saint Paul is placed upon the Board of Independent School District No. 625; and, WHSREAS, in the course of exercising its duty to the school children, parents, and other interested citizens of the City of Saint Paul, the Board of Education and admin- istration of the Independent Schaol District No. 625 have conducted numerous staff and public meetings throughout the City of Saint Paul so as to ascertain the needs for services for school children and the aspirations of the citizenry of Saint Paul; and, WHERIsAS, the overwhelming opinion derived from all such meetings has been a deep and fervent desire for improvements on every level of the educational system of the City of Saint Paul; and, WI�:R.SAS, the Resolution addressed to the Board of Independent School .District No. 625, dated July 21, 1970, was spread across the minutes of the July 21, 1970 meeting AYE NAY of the Board; --� CHAIRMAN — -�� VICE CHRM. — -� CLERK — � TREASURER — AUG 4 1970 -� MEMBER — Ado ted 19._ � MEMBER ---- — MEMBER ��'�''� � � CHAIRMAN Board of Education �• . ss�s �� LERK, Board of Education 4 f w . ✓ - 2 - NOW, TFIBREFOR1s, BE IT RESOLVSD, by the Board of Independent School District No. 625, that an increase in the tax levy for school purposes is essential for a minimum program of education, welfare, and safety for the school children of Saint Paul; BS IT FURTI�R RESOLVBD, that the Board of Independent School District No. 625 will vigorously pursue legislative proposals or litigation to provide more ade- quate and equitable means to finance public education in the City of Saint Paul; 8S IT FURTHBR RSSOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be delivered to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, with an expression of appreciation to the City Council from the Board of Independent School District No. 625.