249738 ,.� . � ORIGINAL�NO CITY CLCRK ��J /JU ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �`ENCiI NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C N L RESOLU ON-GENERAL FORM � �. coMM SS ONE Robert F. Sprafka`,, c ^ �rF � WHEREAS, By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the yeax 1959, Chapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959� the City of Saint Paul, m�ay pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Constrtiction when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner, WHERF�S, It has been determined that the Pollowing described parcels o� property be relieved of the following amount: Description �� West 90 ft. of Lot 97, Howard Pk. $150.71 Lot 98, Howaxd Park $213•�9 Lot 115, Howaxd Park $213•�9 Lot 80, Hc�rard Park $213•�9 Lot l, Blk. l, I,overingts Add. to Union Park $213.09 I,ot 26, Blk. l, Loveri.ng's Add. to Union Pa.rk $213.09 ��, � Lot l, Blk. 2, Loveri.ng's Add. to Union Park $189.65 0 Lot 24, Blk. 2, Lovering's Add. to Union Park $213.Oy v Lot 1, Blk. 3, Lovering's Add. to Union Park $212.25 O � � Lot 23, Blk. 3, Lovering's Add. to Union Park $213•�9 a Lot 1 and North 20 ft. of Lot 2, Blk. 4, Loveringts ¢ Add. to IInion Paxk $198.42 � � Sub. to Cvmo Ave. Part SW'ly of a line 75 f`t. from � and pa.r. to NE'ly line of Lots 9, 10 & 11, Blk. �+, � St. Anthony Park North $207.13 ��v COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19— Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � h � OR161 A470 CITY CLRRK ��� �.�)(l ` ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL yv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Sprafka pA� COMMISSIONEQ Description ��t Sub. to seirer easement and ex. part West and Svu.th of following line; Beg. at intersection of S,[L of Lot 18, and a line 12 f`t. East of and par. with W�L thereof; thence North on said par. line to a point measnred thereon, 10 ft. south f`rom NF'ly line of said Lot 18; thence West pa.r. with S�L of Lots 17 and 18 to the West line of said Lot 17 and 18, Blk. 37, st. Anthor�y park $123•29 Lot 5, Blk. 26, St. Anthor�r park No. $ 73.60 Lot 8, Blk. 26, St. Anthar�y park No. $ 3$•9�+ Lot 12, Blk. 23, St. Aritho�y Park No. � (l�.9p WFFIERREAS, The Total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is $2,751.32, naw therefore be it, _ RE►SOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to ps.y from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Cod.e 6000 the amount of $2,751.32, a portion of the assessable costs oP Sidewalk Construction under the 1969 Sidewalk Contract 69-M-�+?9, Levy No. 5, District No. l, L-7156, i,n the a�ount of $2,751.32, said Peraanent ?�rprovement Revolving Fund to be rei.mbursed from the City's Share of I,ocal Improvement Aid Fnrid, 0920-461 (1970) ����i': � ,1. 17 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun 19— Yeaa Naye ��� 1 � ��� Butler Carlson A proved 19_ Levine � n Favor Meredith Sprafka � yor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. Preaident, McCarty �UBLISNED ��(, 2 51970 �� D�1CAT[�TO►RINT=R , C OF ST. PAUL couNp� NO ���� OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK `�`� � COUNCIL R LUTION—GENERAI. FORM CO�MM�I�ON �O�'� r• /��re I ii�1s, Dd► a�Lorit�r o th� i.an oi ll�aa�a tor th� 7� 1959, �i� �oo� a.t. ai7 a,�a� srs.a �► c.r. uo. i9�6, �r�++►•d �a► a, 1959, the cst�r or aaia� Pa�l aqr pqr • po�ton or 4� as�aaskl.i oo�a o! Si�lt Coostr�tio� �eh Qos4s waccNd tlu �tits �o 'th� psop� a�a�, � �=AB, TE � b�u tln� �u �olla�iat �nori�d �ar�tls ot prop�r�► 1� r�l,is�nd of fv�llerit� a�aaat s � D�aar3�iaa A� Mut 90 1'C. o! Lc�► 97, p�c• � ' iat 98, �r�ws'a �arY � �2i3•89 Lo� 113, Sv�a�rd Parlt ; �.A9 Lo� 80, Ho�as�d larl� �213.�g Ld� 1, D1t. 1, Yar�sie�'s . to Onion �ark �213.0g 1�0� 2b, D1t. 1, I�►�sit�'s . to Ohio� IMt'lt �213.09 bo� 1, �11c. 2, I�o�resia`'s to tA�ion rask #189.63 Lo� 2�1, Dl][. 2, Iro�rtrl.n�'s . �o tlbialt Parlt #213.09 Lot 1, Hlt. 3, Lo�si�s'a to t�ioa �as� �12.25 Lo� 23, �1t• 3, I,on►ei'in6�s . to tT�ioa Pazlt �2].3.�9 Lo� 1 sad xa�kh 20 !'�. o! Lo�t 2, 81t. �, 1.o�r+�rie�'s c /18Q. 1�o tnnioa Par� #].9a.�'t 8uti. ta� Ca■a A�re. P�uct 8ii'3y a lias ?S !'C. lra� aad par. �o 116']�r lin� or Lo� 9, 10 b 11, lllc. 1�►, 8t. Ant�osq Parlt Ao�rth �.13 � i � I I COUNCII.MEN Adopted bp the Co»r� 19_ Yeaa Nays Butler ( Caxlson a4PP�oed- 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka r t Tedeaco Mr. Preaident, McCarty i ��� � � . , +� i A DUPLICATi TO NlIN7�1! `_L,s� �� _ ITY OF ST. PAUL couNa� "' j �'� OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK `�`� N� COUNCIL R OWTION--GENERAL FORM C.�OMM�1�ON a�� • A� �' I � 1� � �t i 8�. �O /�II�1' Mi�l�L1'rr ii� . �,t''ti W��i �i'IQ $��1 o� loslania� liw= 3�. at a�s�ativn o� B�IL o� 1at 18, and a 1l�r 12 !6. o! � par. �rith iI/b �ayoff t�c� �h saiad p�r. liw to a point aNSOt'�d �ha+�c�n, 10 . rv�lh lraa 1s']y line o! saia Lot 3r8; t1r�e �st pat. ritL 8/L e� Lo�s 1� a�ad l� �o t.ht ii line o! �sid ?.aC 17 and 1�8, alt. 37, st. liar�c �123.t9 I�vt S, sit. 26, 8t. A�tho�pr ]� l�o. � 73.60 I.oti 8, �1t. 26, St. Ant�avr lto. # 3a.94 Lc�t 12, D3lt. 23, �t. Antb�oey► Parl� �o. = 6�1.90 T��, T!u To�al o! asa�sa�ll� aost� t.h� CitY � P4' is �',7g1•32, a�ar th�rtt�s i�, R�8Q.1�ID� lh�t t.ht sim�er ot Pq11ic No��t b� aad � is �► ant�oa�is� to py !s'a� th� �p�ro�r�at Srrc�►lvi�.?w�d, COA� 6000 ti�e �oont 0! �P,T31.3i • po�tl,on o!' 1� srsbsatils co�tt ot Sid�allt Cooatsqat3,o�t mr�+�tr th� 1969 i�ralt Caa�ract 69-11-4T9, Lr�ry �To� 5, Di�rict xo. 1, L-?156: in t dama� o� �,7S1•3P, atid � D�rar�■r�at B�r+alri�g lwad t 1� rri�Otrssd t��a t.h� Cilt'� �� o! I+ow►1 ��rw�a� �id ?�tM, 1 (19'lC�) I ' JUL 17 197D COUNCII.MEN � Adopted by the Counc�L 18— Y� Na� .�UL i 7 1970 Butler Carlson Approv� 19_ Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka � �r 'nst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty •��