249736 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK �49���6' r� CITY OF ST. PAUL FcoENCa NO. f � _ _ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �� C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE AT� I RESOLVED �� That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 5 poles and 3 anchors on the east side of Childs Rd. In the general area of approx. 2600 Childs Rd. Install one pole and anchor at 83 "B►' St. Install one pole at the South side of "C" St. at the end of "B" St. Install one pole at 1037 Thorne. Install one pole bet. 1139-11�3 Magnolia. Snstall one pole bet. 1623-1629 E. Nevada, with nearssary guys, anchors, and wires. Ptles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Commo.n Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. �(N PROVE � � t, orperati�n Co n I. , ���. 1 7 ��Q COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler ���. � � ��'a Caxlson Approve� 19� Levine ��n Favor Meredith Sprafka yor u A gsingt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty '�U'�CisHFn JUL 2 51970 �� DUI�LICAR TO lR1M1'SR � � ���� r� ".t� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa f . � O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G�IERAL FORM PRESWTED!T 1 COMMI55tONE ATF RBSOLVED � Thst the Narthe 3tates Po�rer Compa�q be given permission to ins 1 5 poles �d 3 anchors on the east side o! Chii e Rd. In ths general a�rea of approx. 2600 �hiide Rd. etall one pole and ana�or at 83 "B" St. Instul.i ane ole st th� South •id� o� "C" St. st � the end of "B" St Instali one pole at 103? T3�orn�. Install one pole et. 1139-11�3 Magnolia. Install ane pole bet. 1623-16 9 S. aeva,da, xith neesessary gu�y�, snchors, snd xire . Folea and xires t be removed when req�ested to do so by the Comnwn ouncil and Cost oP said removal to b� borne by the N rthern Stated Poxer Company. �u� 1 ?� ��o COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counetl , 19— Yeas Nays .IUL 17 1�1Q sutaer Carlson Approved �, 19� �°� Favor Meredith Sprafka ��r t Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��