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`OR161NAL TC 'ERK ��v��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ' -�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOL1fED, Tnat the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul is hereb� authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City, qrant contract between the Citv and the U.S. Denartment of Labor pertaininq to the C000erative Area �Yianpo�rer Planning System (CAMPS), whereb,y the City is awarded the sum of $48,750, as more particularl,y set forth in the said Grant Contract, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein bv reference. eQ�. c� A .� F�e� ��<Q � JIUL 15 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays But�er :�1�L 1 � 1910 ls� Caxlson A rove� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka l� or Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty pust�sHEU ,�L 181970 � � � � . � �a � : � � . �/� � � . - u.s, llLY�1K7��"�2:NT or- �voa � � . � GRANT N0. 5-03-M • NOTICE Or GRANT AWARD: Under authority of the Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 (42 l�.S.C. 2571) � � COOPEdA'I'IVF AKEl1 MANPO`r1ER PLA(JNING SYSTEM (CAN�PS) GRANT TO GOVFRKOR � NAYOR � GR.ANT P�IOD: Fro�June 28,1970 through June 27� 1971 � 1 � � PROPOSAI. TITLE: Qraut for CAt�ff'S ManpoWex Plann�ng S-ta.Pf, ' Ma,yor ofSt. Paul, Minnesota G�NTEE:�ity of St. Paizl, M-ismesota PROGRAl, DTREGTOR: (a) (-��) � ' AI''PROVID FsLlDGL r"OR TiiE t�.r�l�F'',� PE�OD:�' _ _.r 11�ITT�1L P�T2��I' (See ConcLition �). . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 16,250- ; . ; . 2nd P����T . . lo be }�id . IlATE . . . . . . . . . . . �` 8,125- � 3rd P�i,�.��T . . . To be �ici . DAT�� . . . . . . . . . . . $ �,125- , �tI2 X'k�`:+�al' . . i� be paid,. DA.��) . o . . . . . . . . . � 8,125- ; �ZI�"L PA�:;�� . �o be p�zid . (I�'E) . . . . . . . . . . o � 8,12K- � TQ�'�7� �w�1:� Oa' �z5 �'�k.tyT . . . . . . . . . . . $ �8,7 0- � � Det�ilcci bud�ret ic cet i'axf,h in �. zoved C�r^.ntee �ro oaa�.. " Progress Report to be Submitted (See Condition :L2 ) (a) Program Director and staff .December 28, i970 . "' � members will be desi�nated June 26, 1971 , later. . � CO\�ITTO\S: �his Grsnt is made in aupport of the project descr�bed in the proposal wnich is part of this Grant and is incorporated as Attachment 3 , and is made subjecC . ta �he Condi.ti.ons 1 Ct��ough 24 sEC £asCh in ACG�ctlmeu� 2. �� Personal qualifications a:£ staf� to be submitted as soon as they are employed. ' . � GranCee accepts this Grant and the U. S. Department of Labor � � conditions,�c�" 'ts approv�l. . • ; � ���� �� ` > ' � BY. ..�� °���'�<.-,��. BY: _-�_�,t��� �:�t.��,c.�__.____ . .._:::. �-�--=------- _ , 'ITTLE: ,r �`� • TITLE; Repional Manpower Adr�inistrator • DATE: ����. p Q � � DAT'E: June ??, 19�,0 -- , -�,� ��__�-�....�..� , . � . T . -� � : . � - _ . ' � a . � . Attachment 1 to � ' IdOTICE Or Gr2Ai1T AWARD ' (CA.NIPS) Statement of Ba.sic Grant A�reemant The r�mount of mon�;� (i�entified �n the cover sheet of this grant as �'TOTAI. A.MOUtdT OF THIS ��.ANT") is bein� provided the grantee su'.ject �o the following basic conditions: - � 1. The grantee shall use the mo.zey to employ certain necessary, qua??fied personnel and tne cost of �.ssociated material a.nd services in conjunction with the employr,len�; of personnel for the establishment and � ope�atiorl of a CAr�u S Secretariat. � ' , 2. Any money �iv�en to the grantee under the terms of this grant _ must be retusned to the Goverrvnent in the event that: .� (a) S�.ch money is used for purposes other than those set out in 1 above, or (b) Sach money is left over aftsr t?ie acti.vity in 1 above has been achieved. ' 3. Tn addition to i;he above terms of F3asic Grant Agreem�nt th?re is attach�•1 h�r:to �.s Attachment 2 ce-ri;ain limitai;ions on the grantez imposed aN a condi�;ion of the grantee' s accepting this grant. .. ; .. ' � �ttachment 2 to . , NOTIG`E OF GRAPFJ.' AGtAF� ' , (CADtPS) � . � MANPOW�R ADMINISTItATTON (P1A) Department of Labor Washington, D, C, 20210 ' CONbITIONS GOVERNING GRANTS rOR TH� CAMPS SECR�TARTAT PROGRAM In addition to the Statement of Basic Grane Agreement, this grant is subject to the conditions listed belota: 1�. DEFINITIONS, As used in this grant Lhe following terms shall have r:ze meaning set forth below: ao "Graritee" means the organization or agency named in this grai�t. � as the recipient of the grant awar.d. b. "Crant Officer" means th�it person, who �ahi.le acting �J1��11T1 the �� scope of his authority, Ey�ecutes this grant document on beha).f of the Government. . � 2. SUBCO�'TRACTING. Al1 purchases, cantracts, or sub-grants in excess of five hundred ($500.00), entered into by the grantee and usin.g funds granted hereunder shall require the prior written approval of the Grant Officer. 3. E�..TMiOUNT OF GRt1I�To. The amount of the Federal grant shall not exceed the smaller of (.l) the ciollar amount sho�an on the cover sheet or (2) the amounL of cash exPenditures made by the Grantee £or project purposes . For this purpose, the amount of cash expendiLures shall include only expenses which are r_easonable and allocable �o tlie btidget' of the Grantee. It doc:s noL- incl.ude the salaries of employees who are paid by other a�;encies unless the other abency is reimbt�rsed l�}- tlie (�ranLee, " 4, PAYi�(i�NTS 1�;T)LR TIIr GP.ANT. Payments t�nder the grant will t��� nlsd� initially ,and subsequently in accordance wi.t-h tl�e schedule set fortti on t}le cover sheet o So PRORATING EXPF.NSLS. F.�cpenses which are attributable only in pari: to this projecL- shall be pror_ated on a reasonable and consistent Uasis to detei��iine the amount cha��eabl.e �o the activities supported b}* this . grant. i � � . � : . � , . - , ,. 2 - ' 6. PRE AIvTA POST GRANT COSTS. Costs incurred by the grantee prior to the effective date of this grant shall not be allocable to this � granto Obli�ations outstanding a;, of the termination date may be liquidated (paid out} after the erid of the grant period. Such . obligations shall involve only specific comTnitments for which a neea existed in the grant period and ��hich are supported by approved contracts, pur.chase ordexs or requisitions, invoices, or bills, or other evidence of la.ability consis�ent with the Grantee's purchasing prc�cedures, and for which the goods or services. muse have beeu received or ren3ered within the grant geriod. AlI obligations incurred in a given grant period shall be Iiquidated within three calend�.r months after the tenninatioi� date of th�^..t grant period. 7e UNOBI,IGATF,D F'iTNDS. Funds remai.ning unspent at Y.he end of a grant period car.not be transferred to ar�other grunt and shall be returned to Ghe DeparL-meri� when the final financial report for grant peri.od is suUmitted. 8. TliAV}�T E};PENSES. If the granL-ee is a public agency or an educational ins�itution, expenses charged for travel shall not er.ceed those alloc��able under the custcrnary practice of the grantee or of the . • Governnent of which the agency is a parto 9e ACCOtii�TIt•tiG 'r'OP. PROPi,R1Y. Upon complction of the project, the gY��nYee will malce a ��epor� to Manpower Administration iteniizing all nonconst�a�able property purchases taith grar.t funds, Manpo��rer Admin- i.stration at that ti.me �oi11 determine the disposition to be made of such property. 10o TERI�1INriTION. The Grant Officer ma}� Ler.minate this grant in �ahole or in part for cause. Cause shall include the folloFaing; (1) ineffective or improper use of these grant funds and (2) f_ailure by the grantee to cotnply with L-he te�-ms of this granto In the event of termination of this grant, the grantee shall attempt to cancel its autstanding commitments hereunder covering the procureinecit of materials, supplies, equipment3 and mi.scelZaneous ir_eans. Also the grantee shall refund to Manpower Admin- � ist:ration any unexpended Srant fi�nds eycept: that the termination shall not affect any cos�s ini:urred by tt�e grantee prior to receiving notice of the tem.�it.ationo . 11. INT�REST E��IL•'D 0`; F'EDEI2AL FIJi�S. AI1 interest earned on Federal grant funds s•}ial.l bc repor�ed on tlle fiizancial repare for the grant period and s'�aJ.1 be returned b}� checl; pa�*able to the Uo S. Tressury. / . . � ' , . ' • . �.._ i ' ` � _ 3 _ � 12o PROG,°.ESS REPOI:TS A*� I�;SPECTIONS. Grantee k�ill submit five copies of a progress report at the end of the 6th and 12th months following the awa:d of the grant �n� will arrange for on site inspections by the Grant Ofiicer or Manpower Administration at his request. The reports wi11 cover the work done under Lhe grant, including recommendations resulting frou� experience under this grant. The Government may dupli- cate, use, and disclose ir. any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and have others so do, all data in reports delivered under this granto 13. RECORDS A�� P.CCUL1'TSe The grantee shall maintain such records and . . accounts; including property, personnel, and financial records, as are deemed necessary to assure a proper accounting for all project fun�3s. ' „ These records will be made available for audit purposes to the Man��o�aer Administration or the Comptroller General of the United States or <iny authorized representative,, and will be retained for three years after the expiration of this grant. . � 14> MLTI�?ICT_PAL OP. STATE 2�RIT OR CIVIL S�P,VIC� SYSTEM. Grantee shall select C�,�i}?S Secr�tariat personnel throu�h the rlui�icipal or State merit ' j �or civil service syst?m, It is understood that the �ra�ztee may selecL ; the head of the manpo�aer planning (CAMPS Secretariat) staff autside of the merit or civil ser_vice system� 15 e COVF,IvA.�\T <1GAiNS'i' CJ:�;7'INGr?v'T TE;'sS. The grantee �aarrants t}Iat no person or selling ag,ency or other organizaLion has been employed or retainer3 � to solicit or secure this grant upon an agreement or tznderstanding f.or. a ' ? coTrsnission, percenta�e, brokerage, or contingent fee, For breach or violation of this warrant the Government shaI_1 have the rig}it tc an�.u� ti�is grant without liability or, in iLs discretion, to deduct: from the a�aard, or othe-rwise recover, th� full amount of sucli COTIlI�1SS10115 peLcentage, brokerage or contingent fee� . lGe DISCRI?�fI.�ATIO\ 7'P,Oh7:3ITI:D. This grant is subject to Title VI of the Civil Rig}-�ts �ct and the Regulat_ions issued thereunder which are f.ound at 29 CFR 31. Grantee assures that no person sha11, on tlle grounds of race, col��r, or national or.igin, be excJ.uded Lrom participaLion in, be denied � the proceeds of, or be subject t� c;iscrimination under Lhe pioject supported by this ;;rant in any of tne ways set forth in Section 31.3 of the 1Zegulations re£erred to aboveo Por breach �r violation of this assurance, the Government shal'1 1�ave the ri�;ht c:o termi�iate this ;�rant, or, take apPrc�pri.ate judicial action for its enf�rcement0 1'he �;rante� �.ill furnish such compliance. information and other reports as may be Ic'C�Ullr'iI by the Governmento ' . � . � . . . . _ _ . .�._._. i . • ` ` ti � -� �.�i ^ , � . 170 0'L'IIEK C.OV1:►.ZN'�i1,N'1' [�UNDS. I'I�e grsnCee repr�escnrs that no funds otl�er than these awarded ur�der this f;rant tiave been received fr.om the Federal Government in payment for any a£ the activities wnicti are a part of this project. Tf any such iunds are hereafter received, tihe grantee agrees to disclose the Lact and returri t.hem to the Governmento 18. DISCT�Ii•'IER OF T.lA13II.ITY. T'r�e gr_antee shall hold and save the Government, its officers, agents, and ev�ployees, }�armless from liability o£ any nature or kind, including costs anc expenses, for or on account � of any or all suits or damages of any charact-er wt2atsoever rest�lting ' froc� injuries or damages sus�aiLied by any persons or property resulting � . in whole or in rart, fron t�ie negligerit perfonnance or omission of any emp�oyee, agent ar representative of the g*_-anLeeo � 19� U�STIONt�?AIRT �PF'ROVAT,� I�= the gra�zLee is to secure data tlirough � . the use of a plan or report forrn the grantee shall O�t3111 the Grant . � Officer's approval of such forri pri.or to the grantee's use of such for� in collecti:�g inforrnati_on concer.zir..g �denL-ical da�a fx�m tert (10} or rnore persons ot}�er Lhan Governr:ient emPlo�*ees o 20, PEI?i'CR?�.ANC� GUIn,?.I.I:�;ES. Tlie gran�ee, in the per.tormauce of this grant, shalJ_ compl.y �aith a11 alipl.icable Iacas and regulations. To the . ma,>im�m py-�:ctical exLent, L-tie granL-ee s17311 sC�y abreast of current G�,�IPS policy and be gUided in the perf_ormance oL the grant activities by such pol.icies. 'i 21. L�ASr-PtiRCHASE AG32Eis:�:���I��'T. The granL-ee shall not, while using Federa�i fiinds in the per�ormance af this gra.nt, lease either real or personal property under tern�s providing, among other ti�ings., fc�r the option t:o apply rent in whol.e or �in part to;��ard the purchase of the proper�y being leased without F>rior written cons�nt of the Grant Ofi'icer. Al1 accumulated "credits" of r.ent L-owar.d purchase under. such agreements shall be in and for the accouxit of tlie Federal Government, rioreover, the grantec agrees to have the substance of: this clause iuserted in an}- subcontract or equival.�.nt instruraer.t entercd into in performance of the . granto 220 2'OLIT'LCAL ACTII�ITY� No funds provided hereunder sha].l be used for ' a:1y part-isan politica2 activity or L•o furth.�r the elecL-ian or defeat of any candidaL'e for publi.c of.f-ice, and no pait of the admi�aistral-a.on of the pro�ra�� authori.zed by this �rant shall be i_nt-ermingled with or closely affiliated with anq p<nrL-isan pol�.tic�l activity. In addition, iL- should be noted that emplvyees of public bodies and comsnunity acl;ioi� agenc9_es may be subject� to lintitations on rl.c:ix po2i.ticaZ activities under the Natch Act (5 U.SoC. 1502(a), 1£3 11.S.Go 595). � . . � . - • � . . .. . .___ __i... 1 . ' ` � _ S _ , " 2:�. GRANTEE'S PROPOSAI., A proposal submirted by the grantee may or may ' not (see cover sheet for number and identity of attachments Lhat are part of this grar.t� be a par.t of the grant. In the event that the grantee's proposal is attactied and, further, that there is any conflict bet�:een suct� proposal and the Conditions Governing Grants for the G-�2�1PS Secretariat Program (CA:'�f°S) then, such a contlict shall be re:>olved � in favor o£ the Conditions Governing Grants for the CAMPS Secretariat Progr:�m. :Yloreover, any inconsistencies Uet�veen a grantee's proposal and the statement of basic grant agreement of the cover sheet of this grant shall be subject to the Grant Officer's determination. � � 24o ACCEPTAiILITY OF T};E DIhECTORo Grantee agrees that the Froject Director will be responsible for providing overall guidance and d.irection for the work . to be perfoi-rned under this grant. The Grantee will provide the Manpower Admini_straLion as early as practical with the name and qualifications of tihe pzrson to be appoi;.lted as �'roject Director, The Manpower Administr.ation reserves the right to withhold approval of any person as Project Direcor .ti�hose appointment would be inconsistent with the objecLives o£ the project or. . k�ould `limit performance under this contract. In the event that L'he Manpo�oer Administration wishes to disapprove tt�e appointment of any person the ManFower Ad�niiiistration will r.otify the grantee of 9_ts objection. The grantee shall � insure the full-time availability for grant activit-ies of the services of . the person na_med in the notice ot grant as "Director," Grantee agrees to infox-m the Government �mmedia�ely whenever it appears im�ossi.ble for the director . to continue to work .full-time on the project as pl�nneclo Under such ` circumstances the gr.ant may be ter�ninatcd unless �. substitute is approved . by the grant officer. ' � ��Pt I.XC^,iiC�:y I'i�:: ��. .. • t�:Kl•�r��;.:�� r I.«,::�'�i;(� �:�.��ir Griu.�+T S1.X't�i }'.ittL, IL;:�`.;:i�1' CCJ:a:�.'� }��N.`iG'�`i� J3;�� 2, i�f70 I . . ; � t�'.YC�.:> � 134 �.i� p�:,cn� ��y..�c, t;k:u �-:�:.yo�^ta n�."i'�.c� i� •k:��.r�.� t:(1 GC���1.:�;�c.La �..� r;°iEC�i��c1y a'�w��.�..��1�`VW �ti��a.��.V�� �i����Wr�Y�1� rJANI�a�<ii`Y.N♦ �C�.i.V V��1A����V�C 11CwV �LiAjY�vwd P6�.%�al fN M-l�4fl ' Oi 12.',:i:�,:3 �Oa L.CC'��i:L�;�..L�ii U�' i;Il��..f`�.1:F.CC3e :,�r^.X�y �;:i�.��tCt.' i'.`.L �°;°�.0 0`.:�,L� ::4..'::.".:`J.:�::�'ti� . r.-..�,•h{•4 <3r�, v j I � n�,,� 4 ? ,,} � r�.�.�.:t5+.�{.�( �• 1 e.� .� ,�. N �..,� t"1^r� +�.� 1lY �%�i...�•..�.1+'v� �.,..� tiUr.���V.��4tVtX�w. iJ ��UJ� 4-.�:4 '�.1.4:14..1 Ci�':a1•.nu.��lli i.. �.'ss.l�� .E.Z�..w {.:.v w�V.� ? t 1 N A ry ��M�S .p1 • '/S M1t� � i.i 1 �Y '1.� f`� ^�' �V I�.I'.` �,7�..,.G:1�J l.a C`.U..i��. ve.C.,,`3 c,i:.� ���a.v.L.Gs 1.71VU�1r t.l� �e� Ce0 v�•1G�7�;;i .�,:c"t�2��...•Iii2' �i"��;x' `u.3 e �zcr:.�::e �; Lho �cci� �.`.«,��� �,}�n G.°�'�.c� cs,� uh� I:4.;�or a�' `c��o City c�� �,::�:� r:.ul ir� �.�iJ `�C°i=-^.a S3i�oiw`Ct�i:'C3 �GI` �.}:C1 L�.�� cti?i:;� �t>C���:i ':.i�i�:3 (�,1.� �a'��CvG.s �� �YOi`�:;:::.°.:..':av' �.�i i'' �i(.`•L'.�..la :r:i:� 4L�':S7 �� � 7~� ��t �Jt� Z.'�.�:C:.i..%1 w .�i'.:`:'r n.�ra Z �T W�7 � Z�;,ic:.l �.. .�.,.: �i ,� �rr�.a�. :;.k:.;-�-.,����r �..�;.r..�.�a,,. , t iil}.L'.:w.t��.G:2� c':.:� �i::.^...ix':�:3s"3 4i �1.��{S i�i..�"'�.urj \���i•r,,V� fii:^ a: ` � "`�� '�.."«y t'� t+c:yG�:° �.�... ,:� O� CC�:..-a.1.VJ.LLi.�.U.a �I: 'Lt'i:'.:Z.0 �'J c:iU�(3 �.O C".��,�'rLt7,.'S''i.C: taCi�:..�i �7�.u,%'�:.I:� CYZ F� C.�CJ�.�I�,4Ji°"�:Yl�.Ci� k><a:��.�. 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II'L�"u.CrC.td:t3 "�' C:::;;:��.Cd',S�.X;<;i C:a.�.�:.���i::G'.%i?.'.:`.`.-':lvag .�..<:.�'i42"y t::QV�;Ii:.��{i!°t�.y i:i.:t G�.i:`�:3' " �:.~��:r.c�.,_s �.�� Grt,r.:�i:,���c:� sa.;�EyaCiiii�:a �.n �..�.:s u;���. �';� w',1.?.l. 4c�VC�On C.:'v'C��.C�t� ��3��:.�v:.:,:^�3.r:s v:��h ulic;�;�� ���u�.�:�. 'i''t:r� ;,��.:: �;.Ni��.rn Y�c:�1� b� � h�.;;i.w�.c�vo2p c�.�r�-�c�.�. }���a;��,��.c�rt '�c� ucx;r��x �::�„ r.���a r�M` '. I' '�t } �} ,r� y w ♦�( /� �1c't4 {! rf (. .�p�d 1 !�ry{ �p-� lJr��`j. r, 1.�" w ♦� f1 �� '�py� V- ,1��•.Y •�i�I� �»J.4�f�VIt� AL/�\4YM1��M U��vV iYL4�i �1� �MV4.R�(L J.Kt`/�41/LNbI �{Ci1��y 4��L4.4l�V� �V6 .^ii:i:u,•".� �i'..3�,'Qi4V1" ��.1`�..r.�}L�,„,rr,• . � • t. I J_, i � . � . . Tho city wiLl assurc� �ho ass3.stancc of i,ha Citsr �'i.�senrch �uroau in prov;i din� statisti.cs 4.nd projections for a.r�y pla:�nin,�*, �h4t raaJ be recuired. There � would bo udclitional tac�nic�.7. und :;up�ori:,in� servic�s fror► 'che Ci�cy I.ou::in�; Authority, �;h�ch n�.nt�3rxs co�br�h�nsiva da�a on loc2.1. cor�ca.'cion�. �'�ddi'tionally, whatev�r le�al �ci^�rices ti•rould bo r.ece;,�ar,y could be p'rovi.d�:d b� �Che ox:Sice oP �he Ci�y Corpora�ion Coun:;el. inc Ci�y Purch�:sis�g A�ent VTi]1. be ins�r�:c�ed to scr.d invitaticns •�o bid on Yorr�al and info�..a1 co;�trac�s, a� wall as dir�ct pu're..uses �ro� re�rosentatives of �a.r.ority �roups doin� businoss in tho City of Suint Paua.. - In adclition to aLl the abo�re, there t=ri21 ba diroct assistanca and paz�icipation � by tY.a :aayor and all menbez�s of his s�aff. I ' . � . . . , � , . � � � . . � � , . - � . � � � M 2 W � w r, ' � " � . . . • � PROPOS�D fiUD:=�T Perscn�l Services ' Sa1ar�.es . � First Posi�ion 17,000 • . �� Secor.d Posita.on . � 1G.,CYJO Thix�. Position , . �2�� , . Total. �a],�:ries 3�,200 � . � . ; . . � Persor.nel Beno�its a� the , _ provisional ra�o o� �� 0 d � � i I � Total Poxso:lal. Sorv3.c�s cos'�� . � ��,z�o N��ersonal Servz.ces ' . . Truvol . . .. ���� : _ : Office Sunpl.ies 1�70 . . . � , O�fice Eqiu.p:�en� F� : . . . , T�urni�urs . �QDO , . Rent � ;�200 � . . Co�-�unics�,ions . . 1;�0 . . . heprosuciior.s Co:.ts � � � 2� �. � � ' � Tota1 T�anpersonal , , � , , , . . , Servicss Costs , • . : . , . 0� ^1 o�al Araount of tho Gxan�t �� ' � , . � • . 1,rs,7�p . Y., . � . , .4...... i . • ' ` ' . � ' , . • . . � � .. • • ` .. , . ' � ' . ' � ' . . � " . - ' . . • , ' � � � . . . � . . • • . � � � • ' � . , .� � . . • . . . . . • ' ' . I - � . , . . . . � � � ' �1�P'F:�tOxx ro. �i r r-r;-t . . • � . � �: • . • . ' , , , ' . • . . ..........._. . ,` � ' : �. � � ' • • i . : . � � ' ' � . � ,, . �:"• I. . .'t •. . : � . , . (.cnr�r.� �ror��n2) .- � � � . '� . 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' ' . , . . . .I . . . il. . ' . . il: � . ' . . t '�t. ••�. �:�;: ,,, ' ., � �• •. • . , • • �r . � �. :,.� , . , , ... ., - �, � _ . {� �;� •. . . � . , . ;�,,� , • � : . . . '; : . - . :� • � . . ' NEGOTIATF.0 �� • . . . . • ; ' � ' , � . . • . . . . . � .. , �.. �� Person.�l Sex-vicec � . � � . .. � �. ' � $31 ,000- . : � .......�o...r. '' ,, • Salarie� and wa.ges directly attribu�ble to the gz�ant.� ' • $ 31,000- �� � , � �' .� . (Lis t poaitiona separately by �ob title and r�Al,Ary oP � : �� . � � � ', � �` • e�ch pasition covered by this grant. �11-ti�ne anc� •. � t :1 � � � �other positfons should be sepa.rfztely id'enti�'fed.� �� � . , �' ..�, , - �Senior Staff Assistant:, . . . : , � � . � � - �• „ � . . Staff Assistant . . � � � • �' . . , . . . . ' .. , ' : : ; . . . :• � . • • : . . ' . � . ; � . ' .�. . ' ` � : '• �stimated expenditures for Clerical/Typing asaistnnce.��.:;;�:�:;.$ � 7,200- • � �• , � �'. . . . . � , -. - • . ��'�• . . . � . .=} i; . , , . : . . .. .. ' . , . . ,� : t�ereonne]. benefits at the proviaional rat� of� ��. ::� ,� 3,050= ' . . . : t "i.�. . .o..�.�.,s.... .� - . . , , ,-. `'r�t�.nl. S'��rn�nc�l. ficxvi.con Conto . . � � ,� '�� � 70�25�� � ,• � � . '. ,�:� r .. � ..._......__.. _ _ �. . Trn��cl • � , �, � �• 2 150- l ' . . � . . y, ' ,_. - L'ocAl ar�c out-of-a�;ate tx�avel direct �� � • • ' _ ' � '� . ly a�tribUi:ab].e. "' .. ��. ��.��.....,. t ,. . ', �o the gr�nt (not �o exceed s�andard Gove;.��n� " � . ' ; .� . . � ' . : ;, - , : l�ni�a�iona) . (Limit �o e�play�ea p�id from .,, ' s : �� . � _ ; : . : ._.� .: . . grsr�t f'unda) . . y. ��$ 2s�5p_ . .., _ , . .. � {i . . , . . � . . ��ro����t ���Ci�it��� , . � ' S,�So_ : . . ' .� . . � ' 1 j � y ;' . . . ' �r�m�.�rsraor '•. �)�'P:Ice exp�n�able supplies . � , . -.$ �_i70- � . ' • . � � . . . . . ��� - • . �� [ , 'OPf�ce equipment and �urniture.` � � � . �` ,'.�. $ 1 ,OC?0- � • , . . . .., , . � . . . �� :;. c�en�, i.i:cludir�g AYI �'�acilities ut�Xized i.n �.h.o � ... � . . � . , ' _ ,. '•, ^ ; per�cz�r.�nce of' the grant. . : . � $. 2�OJ- ' . � : - . •- . � . . . . .j_ . �� lit3.li�ze�, Maintemm�ce, axac3 Cust�ad?�A7. Servica. " ' . : .,t ,''• �.�, . . , . • . .� ;� . Co�ar:icatio�s, includfng pontage, tele�han� t�.na '� � �.• z ::• . c�?e��pn chargea. . ` •: � �8�- � _ ' � , •. ... . � ` �. � . • . -�--d---�--- , • � . . �Clthe2^ D1T'eC� COt3t6 " , � �, ��.� . � � 200- . . _. . . . . � � ' • • . � Reproductiian coat� .; . . . . E: . ,�� . 200- , ' . . . � , . � • � ���. � � .Tr.�uxance.and bondin�, � . , - � �. . � ., • . , � -�. � � , , _ , .�.��....._. . � ' �'ot�1 Non Peraonal Sex�rice Coata . . � . . . .; .. . $ 00- � �'- , . . - . � . . . . , . . �'J1�T1�..� 1�f�YJP;� Q� � �',1�.T�'� ' � � ., ti I�B,7�0- . , � ' . . � . , , . . . . , . . . . . , , , � . . � � . . .�� . � . ,' . ' . '' . ' . ' . . ' ' . . �.. ' � �, . ' � . , 1 , . . ; . ,. . ' ' ' , , .� . ... .. � _�--- . _. , ._ ..__:. :�,_„r,��'. _ . . .. _ . - --�• - •.. - • • •�•,- ____.-•-••-; __.._._�'' ,``� � t� � �t �. . , i � `_ 1 . '', � ; . �i i ' '