03-82�RiC��AL Presented By: Referred to: COUNCIL FILE #: O3 - � a GREEN SHEET #: 204856 C:ommittee llate: I WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its resolution 02-1053 authorized Pazks and Recreation to enter into a grant 2 ag�eement with the Minnesota DNR for a Local Trail Grant in the amount of $90,000 to aid in the construcrion of the North 3 Lexington Pazkway PedestrianBicycle Tunnel; and 5 WHEREAS, this graat will contribute towazds the matching funds required for the Federal TEA-21 grant associated with this 6 project; and 8 WIIEREAS, it is ffie desire of Pazks and Recreation W set up a financing and spending plan for said DNR �ant; and 10 NOW Tf�REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the 11 Mayor, and the posirive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $9Q000 is available for 12 appropriation in the 2001 Capital Improvement Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by 13 Council, is hereby fiuther amended as follows: 14 IS FINANCINGPLAN: 16 COl-PazksCapitalProjects 17 3SO41 - Como Bikeway Project 18 3408 - State Natural �Resource Funds 19 20 SPENDING PLAN: 21 COl - Parks Capibl Projects 22 3SO41 - Como Bikeway Project 23 0894 - Construction - General 24 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI3ANGES SUDGET 0 9Q000 9Q000 0 90,000 9Q000 1,204,800 90,000 1,294,800 1,204,800 90,000 1,294,800 Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation By: f� ��� � Adopted by Council: Date: `� ,�. S �}p�� Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary Approved by �✓I�"yor: Date: � ( RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA oC� 3 �1 �v��Y�i � rst�.aea� �� t=�3. `/9/0 3 -.,_;�ur� ra.�'�r,inren ���a�F / G.tiFNRQTW W3\Resofutions, AOS, C�reen Sheefslfteso)ufionsSComo' R ' l f 7 ,_ ��°� � ..�--,-.- -'--G__.._'_' �_"_'___ _' Approval Reco end 'nancial Ser}�ces D'uector. % BY� �..-- Form Approved by City for i fM�� C DEPARTMENDOFFICE/COUNC�L DATEINIMTED GREEN SHEET NUMBER: 204856 /_ S. V Y Parks and Recceation inrzoo3 COMACTPERSONANDPHONE ' � � IN ATE � , INITIAL/DATE ��+N 1 DFPARTMENiDIRECTOR � 5 CRYCOUNQL � � Jason �rka 266�417 NUMBER 3 CENATlORNEY cmrc�wc FOR RWTING MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DRT�: «yDEiy 2 FINANCIALSEfMCESDlR. 6 O.F.S.-ACCOISPiTING 4 MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM) 7 O7HER: Pa�ks and Reaeation ASAP — TOTAL NUMBER OF S�GNATURE PAGES: CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE ACiIONREQUESTEU: Approval of attached budget resolution arnending the budget of the North Lexington PedestriaN Bicycte Tunnel project budget RECAMMENDAi1ONS: (ApP�iA)orReject(I� PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUE5710NS: PL4NNMGCOMMISSION CMLSERVICECOMMISSION 7. HaSNepersoNfi�meverwwketluntlermntractforMistlepaMient? A CIB COMMIT�EE OTHEF2: ❑ Yes ❑ No A STAFF 07HER: 2. Has ihe personfi�m everDeen a dry employee? _DISTRICTCOUNCIL _OTHER: � �Y� �ry ' 3. DcesMeperson/firtnposseSSasltillnoinomialPOSSESSEDbyaartentcityemployee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain all yes answers on sepamte s�aet and attacn ro green sneek INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (Who, VJhat, When, Where, YVhy): A DNR Local Treil Connecfions grant for $90,000 has been received to aid in the construction of the North Lexington PedestriaN Bicycle Tunnel. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Additional funds will be available for the prqeet. � �a`�S� °epi,F:i ".�i.�`�=�,r � r �af yeJ J�';? �a r ��� DISADVAMAGESIFAPPROVED. � ' None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT PPPROVEO: Project will not be completed. � :� TOTAIAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: $90,000 COSLREVENUEBUDGETED(CheckOne)'- `�da a?�^Yes QNo FUNDiNGSOURCE: � SL2fQDNR ACTMTYNUMBER: C01-3SO41 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (IXPW N) G:IFM1AIQ711W3Vtesolutions, AO"s, 6ieen SheefslGieen Shee151Gmen SheetTemplatexls Page: 7 of7