249708 ORIG�AL TO CITY CLERK �49��0� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa NO. OFFIC�E OF THE CITY CLERK FILE ` C RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F• .S I'8f COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Peul are hereby authorized to pay to the F. I�Iorettini Construction Companq on F'artial Estimate No. 6, Contract No. L-7200, for the constrnction of the ST. ANTHO�IY HILL RELIEF SEWER, said estimate being paid for the period of June 3, 1970 to July 8, 1970, aad such other partiel esti�ates on said coatract that may be presented subse- quently by said Contractor and approved by the Citq Engineer, it being the understanding of this Council that such partial paq�aent or paya�ents on partial estiffiate or estimates on said Contract in no waq are to be construed as an act by the City or any of its agents, �ervants or employees eatending the time specified for the completion or in any way changing the ter�s of said Contract, plans or specifications thereof, nor in any way nor by any Qeans stiall this resolution or pay►�ent, or payiaents nade under authority of this resolution be construed as a �aiver of any of the rights of said Cfty under said Contract, ��and provided that prior to pay�ent of any of the aforesaid partial estimate or � �estinates, said contractor by its duly authorized agents or corporate officers, shall f ile with the City Comptroller in a form approved by the Corporation Counsel an acceptance of the conditions of pay�ent as hereinbefore set forth, and BE IT FtTRTHSR RESOLVFD, That in the absence of said acceptance being filed with the Citq Co�ptroller, no payment or paqsents as aforesaid shall be made. �� 1 r► o i�' �';�� A t. p ra n Couns^I JUL 15 197p COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� 1 � �g JQ Carlson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith �n Favor Peterson Sprafka U r Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED JUL 181970 O DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � p . CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nci� NO. � ��' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONER Rebert F. ��rafka DATF RESflLVED� T'hat the proper officers of the City of Saint Panl are hereby 8ut�oriz�d to pay .to Acton CongCruction Company, Inc. on Partial �stimate No. 4, Contract No. L-7256, for the construction of the BROADWAY CLEARWATER SEWER, said estimate being paid for the period of �lpril 2, 1970 to June 30, 1970, end such other partial estimates on sgid contract that may be presented subsequently by said Contractor and epproved by the City Engineer, it being the understanding of this Counci2 thett such partial payment or payments on partial estimate or estimatea on said Contract in no way are to be conetraed as en act by the City or any of its agents, servants or employeea extending the time sgecified for the corapleticrn ar in any way changing the terais of said Contrect, ple�ns or sgecification� thereof, nor in any Way noi by any means shall this resolution or payment, or payments made under authority of this resoluttan be construed as a waiver of any oE the rights of said City under said Contract, and provided thmt priar to payment of any of th� aforesaid partiel estimate or estimates, said Contractor by its duly author- ized agents or corporate o£ficers, Shall file with the City Comptroller in e for�s epproved by the Corporetion Counsel an acceptance of the conditions of gayment �as hereinbefore set forth, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the absence of said ecceptance betn� filed with the Citp Comptroller, r.�o pey�sent or payments as aforesaid sha11 be made. ���. � � ����� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays - � � Carlson ,� �`�'�i�- � �' ?�1� Dalglish �`� { Approved 19— , Meredith _ Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �