249703 ORIGINAL TO CtTY CL6RK 2�9 ��.j CITY OF ST. PAUL FLE NCIL N0. �'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF IiESOLVED, That the Council h�r�by approves the award of th� Gontract Conmittee for Purnishing all labor, tools, equipm�e�.t, materials and supplies ..�- necessary for remaving existing roof, furnishing and insta].13ng a new built- up-tarred felt, pitch and �ravel roofing and other related construction including insulation on Saint Paul Water Depart�ent's Water Treatment Plant, 1900 Rice Street, Saint Paul, �Iinnesota, for the Kater Depart�ent, sub�ect to a completion. date of 9� calendar days, to BS�TAI� ROOFING C�II'A�IY� IKC. for tY�e coatract price of (To�al 7�um� Suffi) $2�,$80.00 and for rehabilits�tin� existing roo�s on a,d3o9.ning bu3ldings (Price per square foo� $0.90; Price per A3.r Vent Insta7lation $35.00) ia accordance ir3.th the plarts and specifi- eations and Forms�Z B3.d #4176 of sa3d �er�rald �oc�fing Com�an,y, Inc., such bid being the lo�s� and said Berw�ld Roof3.r� Gc�[pany, Iac. bein� a responsible bidder and the Corporatioa Counsel be and hereby is direc�,ed to draft th� � proper form o�' eontraet therePor, aud the proper City officials hereby axe anthorized to execute said ccmtraet on beha7.�' of the City of Sa,int Paul. F.B. ;�41.76 - � .� . ��' . . J U L 15 19�0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Naya Butler J U L � 5 19ZQ Caxlson Approv� 19— Levine n Favor Meredith 1 Sprafka U or A gaingt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty 7/1/7o/stanton/af' 'PUBLISHED JUL 181970 ��