251581 ORi61NAL TO CITY CL6RK �51�.�1 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Lzc:�- sE coiv�2�m�� UNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � December 17, 1970 COMMISSIONE ATF n�;SOLsT.�i;: That applic�tion for �unday-Or_-Sa,le Lic�uor I,icense, a�plied for b� the iollowing ap�lica.nt who is a bolder of Gn On Sale Liquor Zicense a.t the �,ddress silown, be and the sa,me is he=eby granted u.nd in compli�:nce with C. F. No. 235531, 0-rdir�nce No. 13755, which amends Chapter No. 308,00 of the St. Paul Legislative Code a�d Ordin�-.nces. h�ikate, Inc. 475 Wabasha St. �,pp. 68q4 New ��r Loc. Informa,-ly ap��roved by Council Decenber l, 1970 DEC 17 1910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naye ��� � � ��� Butler Caxlson � 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith yor Sprafka � � A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED DEC 191970 �� r ? CITY OF �'AINT`PAUL � � ' Capital of Minnesota � S�/�/ i �e a�t�ne�ct o u��CC'c �a et /' � � ADMINISTftATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIftE PROTECTION ���� DEAN MER.EDITH,Commissioner HEALTH RALPS G.MERHILL,Deputy Commiasloner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inspector December 1� 1970 Hono-rable NIayor and City Counc�i.l tiaint Paul, Ninr.esota Gentlemen a.nd IYiadam: Curre_ tly P��ikate, Inc, are holders of On Sa.le Licuor and miscellaneous licen::es at 477 t�;��asha Street which is on the ti��est side of the street between Ninth and Excha,n�e Street�. `rhey have so been licensed at this address since October 1968. Applic<+tion is made at this time �or Sunday-On-Sale LiGUOr L.cense in conn�ction witl� the present licenses ti�ey hold. �- T:lis is their initial a,���Zic�:.tion for this license. Very truly yours, ,�� ��.� . � License Inspector � Z � E -+j � #fo # i, ��J �'' s"`�F � t O � t � w • AFFIDAVIT FOR SUNI�AY LI�;UOR LICENSE APPLICATIQN �aam� Reaidencse address /� � / /0�,� 1'.rj � Lioenaee 1�dd re a a of B ua ine a s •� �,� (�(/ I her�eby apply far a Spacial 3unday Liquor lioenae. I have a Restaurant m�Se�i�� (carosa out ane) li.oense with aee�ti;n.g oapacsity for � o v people� 3igned � state oP M3.nneaota) )S$ C otmty of Ram�ey ) � ✓J �� . - , � '. �_ �it���-C�ti being .Pirat du].y �rorn, depoaes an e�ys upo tha he has rea the f oreguing aflfidavit bearing his aignature a o�rs the oontents thereofa that the same ie true o�' h�e awn ]rn.o�le e exoept a� �o those matters there� stated up�n infdrmation and belief an.8 aa to those mattera he bal.ievea thein �o be truee Sign�ture of a oant Sub�cribe and sworn to befo�e me thi�C�� ��day oP 7Z��-,-�.��_� lg� �` �`, i' t . /L�-�.r�k.L%��% ; Notary b � msey Cotan.tq, osota My co�aniss�.e�i. ex�ires /� -��f 19� DOROTHY J. Mtl, Notar;� Public, R�:r.;s�y Cou;::y, h7inn. Niy Cammission Expires Oct. 25, 197� \ � r �C. �.� �.�� �r. Desn l�eredith C+r�mer� of Pablic Sate�ty Pab21c Sattty &ti.lding D�r �ir; Atte�n�io�ns Mr. Daniel t+k��,aughlin � Cit�r Co�n�il �GodeSr 3»!c►r�e►Ily approv�d tti�e appli�atfc� of Mikst�, I�c. far Snnd+�y�-S�tl.e I.iqnor Lica�t� in �o�mecticaa xith their licam��4s a� �t`� Wabaiebs St. �fill you pl�ua prepare t� cuatr�ar�r ruolutior �c�vo�ring this �pett+erT Yiry tr�tly yoa�r.� Cit�r Clsrk �8