251577 . OR101NAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �" � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONE iii CSri �rE Deceaber 15. 197� tiHBRBAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-7254 for the constructio� of the ST. ANTHONY HILL RELIEF SB61ER (Carroll-Grotto}, Citq Froject No. 69-5-0971C, Dunkley Surfacing Co�panq, Inc., Contractor, the �pecif ied date of coapleti0n is Julq 15, 197�, and tiriHHffit&1S� The Contractor has prosecnted the wurk diligentlq but due to con- ditions beqond his control the Contractor was not able to co�pl�te the contract bq aid dat� of completicn, therefore be it �✓��'( � h RBSOLVED, T at the proper City Officials be and they are hereby suthorized and directed to esecc�te an asendment to said contract ext�nding the time of co�a- pletion to September 20, 1970, provided twwever, that thi� resolution shall have no forc� or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor�s bond consent thereto and file such consent in vriting wfth the City Coaptroller, and be it F[1BTHBR RESOLVBD, That the Citq of Saint Faul herebq waivess �11 clai� for liquidated dasages and that no engineering and inspection costs on this project will be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. Pp �o �.dRM �5� o�por' �o °" � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�1rC 1 � 19�d 19— Yeas Naya Butler Caxlson C 1 7 �'� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � or � A gA1118t Mr. President, McCarty rEfBLIS�IED ��C 1 � ���' �� 'F . o�.�,�,n�.R,� :251��1'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�� NO • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI� RESOLUTtON—GENERAL FORM ����D°Y Villir.t. Catlsse n r� �e��r 1S ��'10 COMMISS�ONER A � W9EItEAS, in t1N �tt�r ot Co�troil�r'a Coatract L•72�► tor t1a aoast�leti�a a! tir fT. AIITNO1tY B�LL RELIS!' SSiRR tCasTell•Grstto). Citp lro��at Ib. 6f��0l71C, Dmikl�� �riaeint Ce�awy, Isa.. GOat�raator, tw s�ifial dat� �i oe�pl�tiiw is July 1S, 1l70. �d , WlMtEAS. Th� CoaEr�lQtar ia,s psost�R�d t� wrk iilinetly lwt �t� te #en- �itieaa b�rai �is coatrvi ti� Co�etr�atos w� uot abi� t� e�q►i�t� tl�t �oan�tet by .•ia �►e. ot.�o.�i.esor, t1ur�Kora b� it , . 1t�OLVLD, ?tiat tiw Ds+ep�Y City Otticial� N sad tiNy as� iNr�by auClMS�sw a�i �is�at�d te �wait� an a�t te saii �ntraat �tt��iins tiw ti�u ���a�- pl�tien to S�pt�s ZO, il70, prsvid�l 1bw��r, tLat t►i� s+eaelutiea al�all'hav� ia fora �r �fi�at unl�ss �!a sur�ti�s on tlw Contraatas's boad oons�nt tlrt�reto a�d,til• soa4 oo►ns�nt in Msiti�s �rith tM City Ce�ptrell�r. a�i b� it 1�TO�R RESCLVE�, Ttiat t6� City o! Saiut Taul b�t�a6� Mtir�s all alat� !or liqaidat.�d draps aud t6at ro u�inNrin� ani irup�ction aosts on tl�i� �+ro��at vill � chsrpd to tb� Contnator letc s�� a�t��i�d p�si�o1. �EC 17 1�iA COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�m�� 19— Yeaa N�ya But�er ��C 17 1970 Carlson Approv� 18— �°�e Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka (� �r _ Amauinat � MT. PTP.81f1Pdlty �CC81'ty °��