251543 . � . 251�'�3 co,���xo......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and � , PRELIIUtINARY ORDER. � . Tbeundersignodhereby propoeest�smslcingofthefc�llowingpabliaimprovemeat by the Citiy of Seint Psul�vis.: Conde�an i ng and tak i.�ncyan easement i n the l and necessar for,,,,,the,,,�, s loees cuts and f i 1 i s_,,, i ncl ud i ng right of removal of late�al suppo�rt from sub ect land or remainder thereof occasioned b excavation: .�...................��.... thereof or coc►struction of slo es in the �radin�a�nd surfacin of ALBERT STREET f�D�axton Ave�ue to Marshal�enue. .; (G-1968} Dsted f�hie.��h..»dsy o�..... December 19 � k ................... _ , Cotwoi�man,. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREA�, A written propossl for t�he meldng of t�he folloa►ing improrement,vis.: Condemnin and takin an easement in the land necess_ ary for the slo„�,est, cuts and fills including r i ght `of cea�ova 1 of 1 atera 1_ su��ort f rom_s„ub�ect„1 and�or rema i nder thereof occas i oned b�excavat ion� thereof or construct i on_of s1 o�es i n the�rad i n� andw surf ac i n� of.ALBERT STREET f rom� D�ton Avenue to Marshal l 'Avenue :�,G-1,�68�..... ...�,....._w.._..._.._.............._. . .....w�... ... .. . ...... h�ving been presented to the Council of the City of 8aint Paul..........�.........._.... �.... therefore, be it R.F�'34LVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: i. To investigate the neo�eitq#or� or deeirabilitq of, the making of eaid impmvemen�. 2. To inveetigats the nsture� extenti and eatimsted ao�t of esid improvemeat� and the total ooet thereof. : � 3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or sketoh of eaid improvemenL. 4. Ta etate whether or aot eaid impro�r�ent i�t aalc�ed for on the peti'on of three or mare oarnere. - b. To repor6 upan a11 ot�he foreg�o�ng msttsrs to#�he Commi�ioner oi I�nauoe. Adopted by the�Counc�............... DEC .1_6µ19��� � c _ Y�oas . �,�%t%��ti'r/ Councilmaa �sir-� DEC 1 b 197�' � . Ca r i so� APProved._ ........._.....�.�..»..... ....».�... ` Spraf , Meredith �e�ee�-- i �ed�p' ..... ............................. ............ 'Ms. Ps�eta�rrr $�� /��G �000 �.ss � . . . � ' ` PUBLISHED D�C 19.�97b� � . ,