251528 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK �5���I,� .. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �"� ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO CO CIL S UTIO —GENERAL FORM COMMIS�ONE ` ATE RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the request of the Department of Public Works and does hereby consent to the destruction of certain records of the Department of Public Works, as more fully set forth in "Application for Authority to Dispose of Records", a copy of wl�:i�i .is attached . hereto and incorporated hereby reference, and the Comm:i.ssioner of o;�, Public Works is hereby authorizecl. and directed to execute the said ,; Application and transmit the same to the Minnesota State Archives Commission. �(� � �ORM PPR E . Corp ti n o nsel �EG 15 19]n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �}�� 1 5 �'� Butler Caxlson rove�l 19_ Levine _ln Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED D�C 191970 �� 0 . -, .r_ . � - � . . . . _. . .. ARS Form 20 11 frov.G9) ' MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE 117 University Avenue,St. Paul,Minnesota 55101 APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS INSTRUCTIONS: Make original and 3 copies. Complete items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 14a, b, and c. Use reverse side of form to continue records description.If more space is needed, use white bond paper similarily spaced.�Send original and 2 copies to the above address. Retain one copy while your application is being processed. You will receive an approved copy of your application,which will be your authority to dispose of records.The approved copy should be retained permanently. 1. T0: Minnesota State Archives Commission FOR COMM/SSION USE DNLY 2. FROM:_ CitY Of St. Paul (�nartment nf P�i61 i� Wnrkc � ApplicationNo. Agency or Office � Subdivision o►Section 9. Date Received 3. Quantity of Records: cubic feet '37 or linear feet 4. Locationof Records: _Room 234 � Basement Vault, Court House 10. Therecordslistedonthisapplicationarenot needed for post audit purposes. 5. Laws other �han M., S. 138.17 that relate to the destruction or safekeeping of the records:_ M_S. 46�3 6. I certify that the records listed on this application are accurately described,and that Public Examiner Oept. Date they have no further administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of this agency. � � - ' ' 1 L COMMISSION APPROVALS Publlc Examiner Date gency ea or ut onze ignature Oate , � 7. 1 have appraised the records described on this•application for their continuing value Attorney General Date for historical or other research, functional documentation, and the protection of individual rights end the rights of the govemment. State Auditor . Date . - . ,� . � fQCOfT1fT18fld: Director,Minnesota Historical Society Date Destroy items Retain in office of origin items • ' ' ' t2. ur,der che authority of Minnesota Statutes Transferto State Archivesitems� ; � ' • t38.t7, it is hereby ordered that the records Consider for transfer to State Records Center'It6mS ' ,. listed on this application be disposed of as authorized in item 15. State Archivist and Records Administrator Date Commissioner of Administration and Oate ' " Chairman,State Archives Commissio� 13. ADDENDUM � ' " 14. Description of Records- List each record series or type of record as a separate item. FOR cOn7n�l�SS�oN USE ONL Y �. Item No. � b. Name of record,form numbers,content,arrangement,original or duplicate c. Inclusive Dates 15. Authorized Disposition l . Receipts issued to public for cash received for � 1963 �and • contract books, and miscellaneous receipts prior years • (Tr i p 1 i ca te: Of f i ce CoPY)' • ; � . � -: �. . 2. Blasting permits: regulates use of explosives and i925 sh�u � bond requirements • � . � , � , - 1g66 3. Permit for moving building (no: longer issued by 1966.and � . ub 1-i c Works) . pr�ior years 4. Use of Street Permit: Issued by Department of Public 1966 and Works for use of sidewalks, boulevards, roadway, etc. prior years � area. Also issued to railroads and others for long term use. These long term permits will be retai�ed. � �,. ._ . � . � £9/t£/Zl �(ansea�� • a� £9/t/l ��!� ui palisodap yse� ao3 s�dia�aa :s�dia�aa '$Z £9/t£/zl _ . � �� £9/l/t • (a�e�� �dnp� s��ay� yse� �t��ad 'LZ • •sa��iyan y�6ua� 69/t£/Zl -aano pue y�piM-aano ao� panss� ��s�eu�6iap„ �iwaaa o� 69/�/� o��e3aodsue�1 pue ��waad uo��e��odsue�y ao3 uoi�e�i �ddy '9Z •s3uaw�aedaQ �(��� £9/!£/Zl snoiaen o� sa�in�as �o s�so� 'swa�.� 3o uoi�nqi��s�p o; £9/t/t PUe uoi�e�o� �e sMOys :sa�ionu� 3uaw�aedap-aa�ul 'SZ £9/l£/Zl ' °� £9/�/� z Z'8 wa�� o� 6u�uie�aad _ suoi�isinbaa �e�uaw��edaQ •�Z •s��ea�uo� 6ui�s�xa �suie6e s� £9/t£/Zl W1et� ay� a�uis uo��is�nbaa asey�and e anssi �ou saop �� £9/!/l 3uaw�.tedaQ �ey� �da�2z g wa�i se awes . :swie�� ��e��uo� '£Z � •sa��onui �o/pue s�dia�a� £9/l£/Zl �aani �ap pay�e��e y�iM aapao 6uiwai3uo� s�aoM �i �qnd o� £9/�/� � a�e�i �dn�penb �uaw�aedaQ 6u�sey�and : s�ap.►p asey��nd 'ZZ (sa�e�i �dn4� �(���uenb 3 ey� ao3 a6�ey� pue (•sp�( •n�� 3�sern �o ' 89/t£/Zt �3!luenb ' ll !�Pue� 3o uoi�e�o� •sa�inaas a�ueu��uiew °� 89/l/t s�aoM �i �qnd �o �uaw�aedaQ :s�dia�a� lt !�P�el ' lZ uoiiisodsia pazuoyiny •g� se�ep enlsn��u� •o eleo��tlnp�o�eu�8l�o'3ueweBue��e'lua�uoa'a�eqwnu w�oy'p�o�a�+o oweN •y •oN wai� 'v .c7NO 3s/1 •wa��ale�edas e se p�o�a�;o adAi�o sauas p�o�a� y�ea isi� -sp�o�aa ;o uoiidu�sao •y� NOISSIWWO��10� � � �'-. .y . � . . ARS Form 20-11 (rev.691 ' MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE 117 University Avenue,St. Paul,Minnesota 55101 APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS INSTRUCTIONS: Make original and 3 copies. Complete items 2, 3,Q, 5, 6, and 14a, b, and c. Use reverse side of form to continue records desc�iption.If more space is needed, use white bond paper similarily spaced.Send original and 2 aopies to the above address. Retain one copy while your application is being processed. You will receive an approved copy of your application,which will be your authority to dispose of records.The approved copy shoutd be retained permanently. 1. T0: Minnesota State Archives Commission FOR COMMISS/ON USE ONLY 2. FROM: 8. App��cation No. Agency or Office Subdivl�lon or Section 9. Dete RecCived 3. Quantity of Records: cubic feet or linear feet 4. Location of Records- 10. The records listedonthis application are�ot �eeded for post audit purposes. 5. Laws other than M. S. 138.17 that retate to the destruction or safekeeping of the recordr. 6. I certify that the records lisied on this application are accurately described,and that PubHc Examfner Dept. Date they have no further administrative, legal, or fiscal value for the current business of . this agency. 11. COMMISSION APPROVALS:. Public Examiner Date gency ea or ut orae ignature Date 7. 1 have appraised the records described on this application for their continuing value Attorney General oate for historical or other research, functional documentation, and the protection of individual rights and the rights of the govemment. State Auditor Date . -,��QCOmmend: , , - Director;Minnesota Hjstorical Soclety Date Destroy items Retain in office of origin items 12. Under the authority of Minnesota Statutes • Transfer.to State Archives items _ �38.17, it is hereby ordered that the records • listed on this applicatio� be disposed of es ' Consider for transfer to State Records Center items autnorized in item 75. � � State Archivtst and Recortls Administrator Date Commissioner of Adminimation and Date � ' Chairman,State Archives Commiuion 13. ADDENDUM 14. Description of Records- List each record series or type of record as a separate item. FOR COn�fn�tlSSiON USE ONL Y �. Item No. ' b. Name of record,form numbers,content,arrangement,original or duplicata , . c. Inctusive Dates 15. Authorized Disposition. 18: Time Reports: Oaily time reports by foreman to time- 1/1/67 to � keeping. List of employees in order of seniority. 12/31/67 Salary rate, employee number, time and amount is .given _._ . for each employee�. , . • . . . . , . 19. Mileage allowances: Employee's copy, "Nbnthly Car 1/1/67 to Mileage Allowance .Report," name ,and title of employee, 12/1/67 description of car, number_ oF miles traveled, . reimbursement and epprovai, "Dai1,y.Mileage Reports" .. , . . shows origi�s and 'destinatioas. miles traveled: . 20. Overtime Repor'ts: Bi-weekly transmittal to payroll 1/1/63 to department. 12I31/1963 . , ,.ti FOR COMM/SS/ON 14. Description of Records- List each record series or type of record as a separate item. uSE ONLY s. I�em No. b. Name of rxord,form numben,content,arrangement,original or dupticate c. Inclusive Dates 15. Authorized Disposition 21 . Landfill Receipts: Department of Public Works 1/1/68 to Maintenance Services. Locat,ion of landfill , quantity 12/31/68 of r�a;te (cu, yds.) and charge for that quantity (Duplicates) 22. Purchase Orders : Purchasing Oepartment quadruplicate t 1/1/63 to � Public Works confirming order with attached delivery 12/31/63 receipts and/or ,invoices. . . � 23. Contract Claims: Same as item �except that Department !ll{53 to does not issue a, purchase requisition since the claim 12/31/b3 is against existing contracts. �. 24. Departmental Requisitions - Pertaining to ftem 8.2 z 1/1/63 to . 12/31/63 25. Inter-Department lnvoices: ,Shows allocation and 1/1/63 to � distribution of items, costs oF services to various 12/31/63 City tlepartments. 26. Application for Transportation Permit and Transportatio 1/1/69 to � , Permit "Originals" issued for over-width and ov�r- 12/31/69 � length vehicles. . 27. Petty cash checks (duplicate) ' 1/1/63 to � � . _ 12/31/63 � 28. Receipts: Reeeipts For cash deposited in city 1/1/63 to • 1 . treasury . 12/31/63 • ; � . , . � : �u. �,T�,��� �51� .,s � , CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� NO,'� GIFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNGIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ��s�.� COMLIISSION� �A� . BESOLVED, Tbat tla� Caun�cil og tb� City of Snint Paul daos l�raby ap�arovra tbe raquw�t of th+e D�partu�nt of Public Wo�rk� �►al d�s h�rsbq cro�asant to thQ dnrtructfaa o� carte�in rscor�t�r o! tha 3'k�pa�ct�nt of Public Wos�s, a� more irul��r ,�tt forth in "Appi��tti�t !or Authos�it� to Diapoao af Rscosda", a � of which i.s a�t�Cb�d �rt�o �rd in�corporat�d tw�r�by �sf�r4nca, a�d the Coea�niesic� o� Public WQrka is h�acotby authoris�d �rad dir�tr.�t t� ar�u�cvta t1� aaid Applf.r�ti+d� rmd t��t � a�rt to tl� �aso�a Statt As%b��ts C.aa■�tssian. D�C � 5 l� Cp���N Adopted by the Co�m�1 19_ Y� xa'� DEC 15 1970 Butler Carlson Appmv� � 18_ Levine Tn Favor Meredith Spraflca � �dayor A ouinwt � Mr. President, McCarty � �� �