251506 ORI�NAL TO'CITY CL6RK r ���� CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIC�:.SE CO��iITT� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY December 1.5� �.97� COMMISSIONE ArF R"r�OLV�D: That applications for Christmas Tree Licenses made by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. St. Faul Scouts Drum & Bu��le Corps. Parents l�uxiliary (Pkg Lot� �iidway Shoppin� Center App, 5416 Renewal Ralph J. Redd.ing 1086 W. 7th St. " 5�19 " Lemuel J. Dettin�er 1�55 Montreal Ave. " 5845 " East Side Branch, Y. r2. C.A. 1075 Arcade St. " 5846 " Henry T��. Horich 697 S. Clevelan.d Ave. " 5847 " William & Emil Dey 1215 N. Dale St. u g p n Muriel Rosenbloom 369 N, Dale St. n 5871 �t Holm & Oison,Inc. 159 Duke St. " 5972 " Carl G. Swanson 905 E; Ma,ryland Ave. " 5973 " St. Anthony Pz.rk American Legion Post No. 34 2212 Como Ave. " 5982 " Carl T. Grill 377 W. Maryland Ave. " 5984 " William J. Laurer 461 Front Ave, " 6048 " Fred Keller 450 �ont Ave. " 6083 " Donald Bateman 520 W�iite Bear �.ve. " 6135 " rTidway Y's �ens Club l�iidway Branch &1 NI. C. A. 1761 University !�ve. " 6156 �' (15) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson vp� 19— Levine Tn F&VOr Meredith Sprafka ayo A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� ORI6iNAL TO CITY CL6RK � �rl��s CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. LICE;�:sE cor��rrT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DeceMber 15,1970 COMMISSIONER DATF �age No. 2 (Christmas Trees) Ryan Landscape Supply Co, 235 E. Maryland Ave, App. 6232 Renewal Council No. 4374, Knights of Columbus � White Bear Ave. at Sims Ave. App. 6250 " Mary Novack 106 Douglas St. " 6289 " Y�s Men's Ci�ub, Y. AT. C. A, C�0 PGxk Nurseries 1200 St. Clair �ve. " 6293 " � Elmer Pfalz & Geroge Thor!pson 1608 Rice St. " 6302 " L. T. 4dilli�.ms 1593 w. Minnehaha Ave. " 6319 " Stanley Federowski, Jr. 9�.3 �, I+'Iararyland Ave. " 6321 " Louis F. Horeish 914 Randolph �ve. " 6348 " 'i' Craig Olson 1046 Grand Ave. " 6404 NEw Henry R. Hanson 1331 �scade St. " 6447 N�W �� 1532 White Bear �.ve. " 6q.48 Renewal " 450 N. Lexington 11ve. " 6449 " " 143 N. S nel ling nve. " 6450 " Clifton S. G ustafson 408 S. Snelling .�ve. " 6453 � Universal Tree Sales, Inc. 1955�9 Ford Pky. " 6460 NEw Montgomery �4�+'ard & Co. 1400 University Ave. " ` 6503 Renewal (16���CILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlson r� 19— Levine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka yor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty �� ORIO�NAL'TO CITY CL6RK ����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO. zzc.�sE cor�z�r�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR��T�� December 15, 1970 COMMISSIONER �ATE PAG�, N0. 3 (Christmas Trees) St. Pascal's Mens �lub 510 White Beax :ye. App, 6511 Renewal LeRoy Wilson 391 '�!. Mar��land �Ve. " 6512 " Hensy R. Hanson 63 47. Geor�e Ave. " 6513 " �� 1233 Payne Ave. �� 6514 �� Ralph Boecker 119� Ja.ckson St. " 6518 " �► 1515 Rice St. " 6519 NL�1 Niinnesota kuto Lease, Inc. 1440 fl. rTinnehaha Ave. " 6520 NEHf Charles Hjelle 859 Front �ve, " 6523 NEw �dashinEton High School F. T. A. 1040 Marion St. " 6524 1tEW Charles Hendrickson 780 Rice St« " 6539 Renewal Conrad N. Leurer 499 Ja,ckson St. " 6540 NEW 4lest End Sportsma.ns Club 1217 W. 7th St. " 6545 � Dennis Konsti Florida St. �Frc�ntd,ge Rd,�" 6547 Renewal Dennis P. Flemino 773 University Ave. " 6774 NEw James Stillman & Duke La,rson 845 S. Robert St. " 6753 � (15) All (46) S ec. 2 Tota�. 48 DEC 1 � 1�J.7i� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler ��� � 5 ��9 Caxlson App e� 19— Levine � —�n Favor Meredith Sprafka '� yor � A gainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED ��C 191970 ��