251502 � �51�2 � 'ORIOINAL TO CITY CLlRK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO.__l���2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCI SOLUT N ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY w i� � i�n E. Ca r 1 son COMMISSIONE ATE WHEREAS, in connection with the construction of an overhead grade separatlon of W. Seventh Street and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Tracks, the State of Minnesota shall award a contract for construction of improv�nents on T�unk Highway No. 5 �BY-Pass) Erie Street between W, Seventh Street and St. Clair Avenue and, WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul , Chicago, Mitwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company and the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways have entered into an agreement No. 562g0, State Project No. 6201-42 which provides for the payment of $11 ,210.71 as the City of St. Paul 's share of the cost of the Erie Street By-Pass, now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the estimated amount of $11 ,210,71 be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000 �and this same fund to be reimbu�sed from C. 1.6. Fund 9270-001 . M-0320 B R � � � � v 1�' � � � � 0 � F.� 0 W � � ��� �EC 15 19�� COUNCI'LMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19� Yeas Naya ��� �. 5 19'� Butler Caxlson ApP 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �A gainst � Mr. President, McCarty �uB1isH�o DEC 19191Q �� o ���� �u�ucwrs ro NaN� � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� N� __ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co"�M�+,u Nr� WI11 ta� E. Carlso� ��� 1AiEREAS� ia coans�tion with ths c�astruatlon bf an ovaMNad grsds separation of M. 4s�v�nth 3tr�at and th� Chiwgo, Mtivrwlcer, St. 'an1 and Paciftc Railroad Tracks, ths Stste of Miae»sota� shall aNarA a e�ntfaa� fo� constructio� of i�prov�ts on Tr�nk Hi�Mr��r No. � (By-�ass) Hris Str�st bstw�n M. 8w�ath StrNt and St. Ctai� Avenas and, IrHEREAS, tM CitY of St. �aut. Chic.a�o, Mit�uke�, 5t. ►sul a� 1'ac i f t c Ra 11 rwd Ca�pany �d ths Stat� of M i nna�ota, 9apart�qt vf High►�+��rs hsve sAt�red iAto � agra�e�t No. s6290, Stst� ProJ�ct No. d�01�t whteh prv�ridss for the payn�nt of $t1,Z10.71 as the City of St. �aul's sh� of tha aost of tha Erte Street By-�ass. naw ther�tor� bs tt, � RESOLYED, that ths �stiatat�d amount of s11,2/A.71 � ehar�sd to ebe �srwapa�t Iwprov�tnt Revolvin� Fund, Cod� 6000 and this sawt fund to IN r�i�nburs�d fraw C.I.B. Rend 9Z70-001. M-�320 B � DEC i5 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cot�**M� 18_ Yeas Naya Bu.�� pEC 15 1910 Carlson Approve�d 18— Levi.ne Tn Favor Meredith — �� � Sprafka l7 A�at � �� " �edwua—► Mr. Preaident, McCarty ��