251500 I . ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK � • CITY OF ST. PAUL HO`EUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE s` ,+TE c �:I�.l! RESOLV�D, That the proper officer� of the city of Saint Faul are hereby a�thorized to paq to Dunkley Surfacing Co�pany, Inc. on g`artial Esti�ate l�o. 7, Contract No. L-7248, City Project No. 69-G-1904A, for the iffiprov�eent of Streets and Sidewalks in the SU�IT-UNIVTsRSITY RBNSWAL AREA, Contract A, said estieate b�ing paid for the period of Nove�ber 1, 1970 to Nov�ber 30, 1970, and such other pirtial estisates on said contract that �ay be presented subsequentlq by said Contractor and approved by the City Engineer, it being the understanding of this Conncil that such partial paynent or payoents on partial estimate or estimates on said Contract in no way are to be construed as an act by the City or �ny of its agents, �ervants or e�ployees eatending the ti�e specified for the conpletion or in any way changing the terms of said Contract, plans or specifications thereof, nor in any way nor by any means shall this resolution �or pay0ent, or pay�sents �ade under authority of this resolution be con�trued as �a waiver of anq of the rights of said City under said Contract, and provided that � � prior to paysent of any of the aforesaid partfal esti�ate or esti.�ates, said Con- tractor by its duly authorized agents or corporate officers, shall file with tha ` City Co,ptroller in a fors approved by the Corporation Counsel an acceptance of the conditions of pay�ent as hereinbefore set forth, and BT IT FURTHS�R RESOLVSD� That in the absence of said acceptance being filed with the City Comptroller, no payment or payments as 8fcresaid shall be mada. FORM PPR E q Corpo i n sel DEG 15 197�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya But�er pE� 15 1J7� Carlson '� 19— Levine V Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor � A gainst Ted��— Mr. President, McCarty ppg��SHED DEC 191970 �� ou�uci►n ro neum�e t��� .. CITY OF ST. PAUL �INqL ND ����.1�V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���� Vi i 11a� irltn re COMMISSIONEJI E• r.i 11 DA 1tL►90LVED, Tbat th� prop�r o�lieers of t1M City of SaiAt Yaul ar� 6�r�b� •uthorised to pay to Dunkley Surfacina Ca�pany. Inc. on tartial Esti�at� Ne. 7, Contract No. L-7Z�� Citr ?ro��at ile. 69-G-1l04A. ter th� hprow�t�t o! StrNts and �id�Nalks in th� SU�lIT•O11IV�1tSi?? RErEWAL 111tEA. Contract A, aaid estiaat� beina paid fos tbe p�riod of Nove�b�r 1, 1970 to po��wb�t 30, 1l70, and ruch ozbie partial eati�at�s oa s�id e�o�tsaet that �sy b� pr�s�nt�d �ubs�qu�ntl� b� said CoAtsaatos a�d approv� �y t1y City Er�gi�r, it baing tiM un�sitandins o!` t1�ia Courcil that auc6 partial pa�ent or pa�ts on partial ��ttast� os eati,ates ori said Contract in nc wy ar� to b� cot�stru�d aa ar act by tYe City or any of its a�nts, s�rrants or �aployus �xt�rdin� tlN tiw� sp�cili�et �os` tb� cw�pletion or is� sny May cbsn�ing tL� t�swa o� said C�c►ntract. pla�ns or specifications th�raof, nor in any �ty nor by �any �sans aiull this r�solutiop or pa�t, or payNnts w�►d• und�r autlwrity of tbia r�aolutioa b� coaatrusd �s a waiv�r of any of th� ri�bt� of said City uader said Coatsaet, as�l pro�id�d that prior to p�yNnt of a�y of th� afor�ssid partial astia�at� or �stisatp� said �or• • trsctor by ita duly autlaristd a��ta or corporat� offic�ss, shall lil� Mitb°th� City Co�ptroll�r i� a fosr approvsd by the Corporation Couns�l st► aea�ptanc� o! th� coaditions of psy�snt ss b�r�irb�for� s�t fortb� snd BE IT l�ttRTAER RESOLVED. That in th� aba�nc� of ssid acceptas+a� b�iAs til�d Mitb t1N City Co�ptroll�r, ro pia�at or ps�r�snts es ator�said s1�a11 b� �d�. i �DEC 15 19� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounM� 19— Yeae Naye �EG 1 5 �'O Butler Carlson � A��*�o� 19— �°�e Tn Favor Meredith � �� �Smr�i�� _ . AedA�Tl1t . �'S'CRC��A� � � . btr. President, McCarty ��