251476 , �5��'�6 c���r�o......................._ PROPOSAi� FOR INi�ROYEMENT . and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � Theundereignedbereby propoeeetbemskingof tbefollowingpnblioimprovement by the City ot SaittL Psul�vis.: � � ��...t�..�l..l�x...�.n. � �..�ar�...L�.... Jessamine Ave. to conform to the ' rade as shown on the rofile on file in the ..............................�....................�.. ......... De art�aent of Public Works (G-1967) . ...L............:........�...................................... ...�..� .., Dated t�hia....�...1'�h,.�.day 19 � . ; Co�w+�ln�au. PRELIMiNARY ORDER. WSER,EA$► A wri�ten propoesl tor t�he making cR tbe�foUoainB�P��,�� .Chan in the rade of the al l�e Qwn BLK. 2�3�AWERBACH 8 HANDS AD�. f� rom Cook Ave to « J ssg ami ne A_vg,;,,,�o� nQ,�rm,,,t�„�,hr�,,g�ad�,,,�,�„sh,,,,,own on the rof i 1 e on f i 1 e i n tb,�,�,,,� De�ar _tment of�Pub1 ic Works G-1 6���..���„��»��. ; ............... .. »......................................«............................ luving been preeented to the Couaa�of the Ctty of 8aint Panl�........... t,h�efore, be it a O RF�OLVED, That the Commiseinner of Pubtio Works be and ie hereby ordered e�nd direoted: � 1. To inve$tigate the ne�dty for,or deairability of, the � , msking o#ea�d improve�nea� " � �t. To investigate t,he ni►ture�extent and oeLima�e+d oo�t of eeud improvement� snd#�e total aaet therewf. o -o . 3. To furnieh a plan,proSle or skef�ah of gaid improvemeat. � � o � O 4. To etate whet�t�er or no�eaid impmv�t m aaked foar on the pet�tioa ot tduee or maro oaraa�e. � �:. b. To repor6 upon adl of the foreg+oing matts�r bo�he Comsmieeioae�r�t PSnaaoe. ° DEC 15 1970 � ; N Adopted by the�Counc�... ........�.....».... ..... ...........w....._. • � � ; — Ysss . . , Counoilman ., . i��G 1 5 �� Ca r i son � APpm .........» .:..�.. ; Spraf ; . - . � Meredit ; � .i � �sdass�-- Ms. Pxmmatanrrr �► �000 �.s� , � . � PuBUSr��n DEC 191970 . .